Sunday, July 28, 2013

Instagram Snapshots ~*June 2013*~

Before July comes to an end, I'd better post June's Instagram Snapshots. So at least something, I can argue with my Gemini twin that I'm not too behind time. ;P

Aside: I really hate the limited bandwidth that Photobucket had set monthly. I hate it when my photos uploaded on that Photobucket account can't be viewed till the next reset. I don't understand. I don't even update my blog with photos as regularly as other bloggers using Photobucket. My file size isn't as big too. Why is it that my bandwidth keeps exceeding? Sigh... Gotta host with my blogger account with a storage space that is almost bursting. As if I'm not already having trouble with accidentally replacing my blog template and working on the eyesore. Argh...

 photo blogseparatorflowersmall.gif

~1 June 2013~
One week ago, I was enjoying my staycation, relaxing on Fullerton Hotel's bed with plush pillows. Fast forward one week, I'm lying on my own comfortable bed and feeling so exhausted from the hectic work week. Hello big small eyes.

~2 June 2013~
Even at 50% discount, this is my most expensive pair of shoes to date-- a very simple Lanvin ballerina flats. I have problematic feet and toe nails and hence I'm willing to splurge on comfort shoes. This pair of Lanvin feels like velvet and butter on my feet.

~2 June 2013~
Sunday sketch time. Pun on the term "smokin hot gal". I reference this illustration from somewhere else but I can't remember the source. I have a problem with drawing people; they are usually out of proportion.

~4 June 2013~
Thanx for the belated birthday treat at Saveur. The food was yummy and the company was great. Sorry I wasn't in the most tip top condition to chat too much just now. Nonetheless, it was a lovely evening.

~4 June 2013~
I love receiving little notes from friends and colleagues. Now that I'm in such a huge organization, there are friends assigned to different work locations scattered all around Singapore. And it is nice when they are at the building where I am stationed and drop by the office to say "hi". My gal pal's 小妹 aka "little sister" (not very "little" but will always be "little" in our eyes) dropped by my office when I was actually at her building at that time. Sweet note. At this age and era, still got people draw Little Bobdog! So cute!

~5 June 2013~
My loving godson offered me a whole apple and I told him that I have weak teeth and don't usually bite my apple. I stopped him when he wanted to slice it for me with a knife. Next, he started biting pieces of apple for me. So so so sweet!!! Love him!

~7 June 2013~
Ice cream waffle on the left cost $14.50. Sorbet smoothie on the right cost $11.90!!! Colleagues were hungry and shared the ice cream on the left. I was thirsty... and today marks the record of my most expensive drink ever from Ben & Jerry's.

~7 June 2013~
Guess what this is. It's an animal that made me lose a wager to my colleague such that she could call me "bimbo" for the rest of the day.

~8 June 2013~
Meeting my beautifully crazy bimbo sisters for dinner later. Wonder if we would be as crazy as this since there might be wine and bubblies later.

~8 June 2013~
Wining and dining with besties at Wine Connection. Love them! @xtinaong @gerrachong @czanneo

~9 June 2013~
Great food, great wine, great company, great gal pals! (aside: Hmm, does anyone dislike that Instagram photos have to be square? It cuts @czanneo and me out.) @gerrachong @xtinaong

~9 June 2013~
Great rose moscato and sweet white wine at Wine Connection. Cold cut to start our dinner.

~9 June 2013~
Salmon ravioli. Chilli and pork pizza. Steak. Lasagne. The medium done steak came slightly medium rare which is what I like. 2 of us like our steaks medium rare. 3 of us like it medium done. But in the end, the steak with its great sides wedges and mushrooms satisfied us the most, not so much the ravioli, pizza and lasagne.

~9 June 2013~
Smile to curls. Sobz to front camera with grainy low res and big small eyes. Even thick eyeliner and faux lashes can't correct them. I'm like spamming my Instagram today.

~9 June 2013~
Straight or curls? Let down or tied up? The hubz like me with straight hair and ponytail best. Is there some mystery behind guys and ponytails that I dunno of? *recalls the ponytail scene from the Taiwan movie "You Are the Apple of My Eye" (那些年,我們一起追的女孩)

~9 June 2013~
No bangs, pouffy (curry pok) fringe and side ponytail for an event. Left: Just styled. Right: End of the day. I can never do my own pouffy fringe. Seeing the stylist at work with loads of mousse and 2 different hair spray, it was no wonder why I had to shampoo and condition twice. The hassle certainly doesn't make it to my list of daily no-fuss styling.

~9 June 2013~
1 pint huge ass Hoegaarden.

~9 June 2013~
My very 1st attempt at pouffy (currypok) fringe. This time I tied up my 2nd day curls to the side to complete my look. For someone who is a noob at hairstyling and not having enough volume for bangs, I'm pretty satisfied with the final result. Do you prefer me with or without bangs?

~10 June 2013~
One of my favourite hawker food -- 牛肉粿条 (beef kway teow). Simply love those with salted vege and peanuts on top. Difficult to find hawker centres with good beef noodles or even with any.

~11 June 2013~
But Honey, I thought I said we are going to have a light dinner-supper? There is still Maggie Goreng on the way!

~11 June 2013~
1 plate Maggie Goreng after 1 kosong, 1 egg, 1 egg cheese prata. When I said light dinner-supper, I really meant that we share a plate of Maggie Goreng and ONE prata. Hubz is really a pig but this is the style of non-red Maggie Goreng that we prefer.

~12 June 2013~
Just the appetizers taking up half the table space. Clam and Cozze Vongole, Minestrone soup with garlic toast at Ice Edge II

~12 June 2013~
Ice Edge II has really good Clam & Cozze Vongole. Love the soup! So light yet flavourful.

~13 June 2013~
Ba Zhang craving fixed at my family home. Home-made by Mum's friend.

~13 June 2013~
@kappo77 sis came home with 20-piece chicken McNuggets and 5 sauces. She asked me to take a picture and tag her and I remarked, "For what? I'm not eating them and it's not part of my life to chronicle this." Next moment, she force fed me with nuggets dipped with Wasabi and then Honey Mustard... 😒

~14 June 2013~
Caught an overexposed angle and I became noseless and mouthless without the need for photo editor or filters. I kinda like this distorted features kinda accidental shot.

~15 June 2013~
This little kitty is helping its canine friends and urging all to be aware of the Yulin, Guangxi "Dog Meat Festival". Let's put an end to this bloody celebration by pressuring the relevant authorities and Chinese Govt to take action. It is possible. In 2011, officials cancelled the annual festival following protests by thousands of animal rights advocates. It was a wonderful move by the Chinese government. Come 2013, let's hope we can garner enough people to petition against this. I knew of this cause via @michsymmonsgold and @saynotodogmeat, In addition, I just took the pledge here:

~15 June 2013~
Healthy fruit juice to prep the tummy for unhealthy Wagyu medium rare steak later. Love the unstirred 3 layer look of my apple watermelon. There's 3 layer tea in Singapore. Presenting 3 layer fruit juice.

~15 June 2013~
Ashton's medium rare wagyu steak price increase of $3 but still the cheapest and most delicious wagyu steak in town. Sides of Mac n cheese, mash potato, garden vege.

~16 June 2013~
Happy Father's Day to my Daddy! Just to add one more adjective to that bow tie--LAME! My dad is really super lame and that always makes us laugh.

~16 June 2013~
Wheet! Taiwan fruit beer selling super cheap at Giant. I think we've gotten all the flavours? Yummy yummy. I is a happie gal. @xtinaong, I give you credit for your bimbotic statement made last week. 这就是你所谓的有水果的酒吧!

~16 June 2013~
I hate how I turn lobster red easily with alcohol. Worse still, with only 3.5% alcohol content in the Taiwan fruit beer. Oops! Instagram filters filtered most redness away.

~17 June 2013~
I usually see many Decepticons on the road but it was the first time I saw an illuminated one.

~19 June 2013~
My bro-in-law's meow meow loves to cover her face and sleep. Act cute.

~20 June 2013~
Left: My sis @kezel 's ear cap kitty is a male cat coz it has highly visible balls. Right: Remember my cute hanging kitty ear cap? My sis asked, "Does your cat have balls?" I replied, "Of coz not! Why would they include such details when it's facing in?" My sis plugged out the kitty from my hand phone and horrors and horrors!!! It has balls too!!!

~20 June 2013~
Throw back Thursday. Acrylic painting I did a while back. Title of painting: Somewhere Only We know. Inspired by Keane's song of the same title but at a totally different place... Somewhere only I know. Feel free to give me your interpretation of this painting. I would love to hear your inputs!

~21 June 2013~
The haze condition in my beloved country Singapore as at 9am with NEA reporting a reading of 258. Today's the worst and it looks like a PSI of way above 400 instead of 258. FYI Singapore has reached our record high of above 300 the past 2 days which is classified as "hazardous" and never seen before in Singapore. This looks and smells a lot worse than 300+. I feel my lungs collapsing. I hope our neighboring country settles this transboundary haze issue in the most prudent manner. I uploaded this photo for my overseas friends. Photo not taken by me. In the mean time, keep calm and inhale haze.

~21 June 2013~
Me and my N95 mask specially requested by @xtinaong to complete the "me and my mask" series of photos. The transboundary haze had reached an all level high in Singapore today at PSI 401 (which many of us know was an underreporting) There are quite some jokes behind the story of me and my mask that's quite difficult to relate in typing. I'm only glad I made my colleagues' day with all the laughter derived from my predicament.

~22 June 2013~
Bimbos Edition of Me and My Mask: 1. The Oops Too Big 2. The Ninja Bank Robber 3. The Kym Ng Look-Alike When Masked 4. The Hello Kitty Killer Stare 5. The Painted Smile @tifducky @xtinaong @gerrachong @czanneo

~22 June 2013~
Twin baggies. Red mine. Black @czanneo. A dash of coincidence and a sprinkle of too-common.

~22 June 2013~
My long time blogger friend has been requesting for me a non-Cantonese Singaporean to pronounce Tsim Sha Tsui. (Aside: Probably in a bid to embarrass me) So here goes! @brutal_turtle you have to give me credit for dedicating my 1st Instagram video try out to you!

~23 June 2013~
Bimbo moments. When and where can I find my Holy Grail waterproof and smudgeproof eyeliner again? The one which I've been using for years has changed formula and smudged big time on me every single day. I'm so tempted to go for eyeliner tattoo now.

~24 June 2013~
Birthday gift from lovely colleagues -- Valentina Acqua Floreale Valentino for Women. I love the bottle so much. As for the scent, it starts off citrusy and slowly mellows into a powdery floral fragrance. It has a soft lingering elegant and feminine scent on the skin and paper strip though I don't quite like how the scent changes when it touches the cloth.

~24 June 2013~
Dear loyal, comfortable slippers. You have served me well in Phuket riding through the salty waves, in Bangkok on uneven tarmac roads and along the gravelled streets of Singapore. It's time we say goodbye.

~26 June 2013~
This happens to me quite often. How about you?

~26 June 2013~
底裙, inner skirts, modern style petticoats... Whatever you call them, they sure make short skirts and dresses look very decent, especially those with lovely lace peeking out. Why am I not fated to get my white/cream/ivory colored one???

~27 June 2013~
My gelish nails one month later. Still quite pretty but my nails are getting too long and icky. Time to remove them this weekend. I wished all of them grew out the way they did on my right ring finger and pinkie. Then I wouldn't feel the urge to peel the detached edges off bit by bit.

~29 June 2013~
Taken some time back. Hubby calls this the notti, cheeky face.

~30 June 2013~
Went out with one of the worst headache ever. Popped a Panadol Extra after bearing with it for 7h and I came back feeling like Supergirl! Snagged this original Super Heroes Tee at a discount. They ran outta the signature blue one but this green is good too.

~30 June 2013~
Another superheroes themed top from yesterday. Batgirl T-shirt from the Dark Knight Rises series. Psst... Batman and Ironman are my favorite super heroes coz the former is dark and mysterious while the latter is charming and humorous. Best of all, they are humans.

~30 June 2013~

Sunday doodling -- tattoo style doodling. Got carried away and added too much details. Now if only I could get the hub's approval to transfer this to my back. Hears a vehement "NO!".


  1. I agree with hubby about the tattoo. :)

    You make me wish I was on Instagram, amazing pictures--but the notti, cheeky face doesn't look like you. It looks like some other pretty Mrs.

    1. No!!! You men are all the same. Hmmph!

      Yes, I wish you were on Instagram too. You have a smart phone right? I remember your iPhone was stolen before.

  2. That cheeky Turtle made you talk on camera! And I'm not even complaining, you sound super cute ^^ Loved the photos, especially the food pics (I'm practically drooling). You look so good in all of your photos! How do you do that?!
    RYC: I'm typing this from my new phone! I'm so proud I got the hang of it so quickly ^^ Although it was really difficult to put it down last night, I might've maybe fallen asleep a little bit too late ><

    1. Thanx for your sweet words, Bibi. Yes, Turtle has always been very curious about how people pronounce that Hong Kong street in Cantonese. He is evil! He wants people to trip over the tongue.

      Wahahahaha... You are officially HOOKED onto your smartphone. I hope you download all the interesting apps and consider coming on board Instagram. Gosh, when I wasn't on it, I didn't understand why everyone was telling me to come on board. Now I do!

  3. Hi Jo!!!

    Okay before I forget! My main content layout width is 1200x, in the template designer it's the "entire blog" one =) Just in cause your wondering my left width is 240x and my right is 200x. I had to adjust my columns individually so they would look even and not mash into my photos hahaha I think the minimalist look is very popular today, so far yours looks really pretty! I can't wait to see it compelted =D I'm not planning on adding anything to mines, I'm bad with html etc. hahaha

    At first I was really confused about this post as I read too fast and assumed it was a JULY post and not a JUNE post and I was thinking to myself, gosh I swear I've seen these photos a while before hahaha

    Your godson is so sweet! I should ask my bf if he can bite my apples for me but then again I sort of think it'd be gross, it's only cute when a little kid does it hahahaha Speaking of fruits my bf's mom cuts everything for him, it's amazing, I've never seen him eat a whole apple at home before. She even takes out the seeds in grapes for him!!! OMG! Like royalty! -.- and he says I'm spoiled -.-!!!

    I'm going to guess the animal is a sea otter? Gosh I hope I'm right or else it's the bimbo title for me too =P

    You look super pretty in your photo with the curls! (june 9) oh I never thought about the humidity in your area but it must be true! Do you use hair spray? That actually happens to my hair too but during the winter! hahahaha I think you look great with your pouffy fringe, I have to clip up my bangs everyday now since I'm growing them out =S I guess it clears up my forehead lol

    What's a prata? lol omg that clam and cozze vongole looks soooo delicious, I'm a sucker for clam dishes. Omg wasabi flavor sauce!!! We don't have that here omggg but ewww I don't like wasabi hahaha I actually got to try the curry one before and I thought the combination was too weird for me, I personally love pure honey or thai sauce =D What about you? Oh and they sell chicken nuggets really cheap in the states so my bf always indulges and makes me feed him while he's driving -.- so far I haven't spilled any sauce on myself yet.

    Omg the kitty balls hahahahaha!!! I guess it's really details that count =P I love that photo of your friends and your masks, so creative! Kekeke

    OMG now I know how you sound like!!! So cute!!! I honestly did not imagine your voice to sound like that, I thought it would sound more deep and very mature because you look so mature in your photos! Not mature as in too old though lol Anyways your pronouncing is pretty good, mines is probably worse hahaha

    P.S How did you get the bandwidth thing fixed?

    1. It is so much easier replying to comments once I changed the comments section to threaded, esp yours, Sam. Your comments are always so long (and pleasant to read) and it is so easy to refer and reply with this format.

      My whole blog width is 1200px too and I set the right sidebar from 330px to 280px. I'm thinking of having 2 sidebars to balance out though. I'm still in the process of experimenting. Oh my, I didn't know that it is so much easier to customize blogger now. I used to have to read up on html coding just to change the codes to alter width, fonts and colours of text and padding. Now, it's all via the click of buttons and experimenting while at it. It isn't as difficult as I've expected. I was having so much fun playing around the whole of Saturday.

      Wow! Yup yup, it is cute coz the biting of apple is from a cute kid. I was really touched by his gesture. Your bf sounds like a king... You know, kings are always fed grapes. Haha... with the seeds removed.

      It is a Giant River Otter! Ok I lost the bet not coz I didn't know it was an otter. I just thought we wouldn't be able to see it. The joke came from the fact that I visited the River Safari with my family before my department's outing. We stood and waited and could not find the giant sea otter anywhere. Furthermore, I heard from many friends that they did not manage to catch it during their visits too making me believe that there isn't an otter in the enclosure. I was most excited about this exhibit as I read that Giant Otters could grow up to 1.7m. I told my colleagues confidently that if they could catch the otter that day, they are free to call me a "bimbo". Well, the notti otter came out! And so I lost the bet.

      You are growing your bangs out? I thought you look sweeter with your bangs down but ultimately it's your preference. =)

      Roti Prata is an Indian fried flour-based pancake that is cooked over a flat grill. It is usually served with a vegetable or meat based curry and is sold all over Singapore in food centres. It is much oilier than our western pancakes but they can be so delicious.

      I love anything wasabi. Hehehe... but it taste very weird with nuggets. I still like curry and honey mustard with my nuggets. I like Thai sauce with their fried chicken. (Not sure if Canda has fried chicken in Mac). Aww... It's so sweet of you to feed your bf nuggets. I just had nuggets for supper last night and Vongole and Cozze for dinner just now. History is repeating itself.

      Lol... You are the first person to say that I look mature. It's ok coz I really am much older. I realized I'm one of the older bloggers around in the so called young ladies blogging community. Let's just say I can no longer call myself a "twenty-something blogger" anymore. ;)

      Wait, do you speak Mandarin or Cantonese too?

      I did not fix the Photobucket bandwidth issue. I have to wait it out till 2 weeks later for the reset. For this post, I used blogger to host the picture. I will use my other Photobucket account to host my next few updates coz I think it is silly to pay for an upgrade of bandwidth for the affected account.

  4. Wowowow, what a busy few weeks of June you had! I don't know where ot begin... hmm, your selfies are gorgeous, and I do love your hair poofs, Jo. And I know what you mean about splurging on comfort shoes--I don't think I've bought a pair of shoes under $100 in the past three years... I mean, I haven't bought many, but it's nicer to have some that last and are comfy and super unique opposed to some that will wear out in a year! Hehe, we are alike in that. :)

    "constantly making exciting discoveries"--um, yes! I am fascinated by the tiniest of things. I am happy when I find a neat beetle crawling across the ground, or if I decide to go into a new neighborhood on my bike ride, or notice something about a sign... even smiles from strangers and the like put a hop in my step!

    1. Yes, I totally agree with you that paying for comfortable shoes is prudent. I wont buy designer shoes coz they are pretty but rather for the comfort. Hehe... I've got some non-designer comfort shoes under $100. Shoes in Singapore could cost as little as SGD$20 but those tend to bite and spoil easily.

      You sound just like me in your 2nd part. Not many people are able to understand this and would even think it weird so I would just smile to myself when little random things happen.

  5. Oh my, Jo! Your Lanvin flats... I can only dream! I hate flats on me because I have some seriously weird feet (hurts like crazy when I wear flats around), but I'd buy these in a second! If I had the money, that is.
    Thank you so much for sharing! *__* Love all your photos.

    Visit me? ^-^ Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

    1. I think I know what you mean. I have rather flat feet and flats would pose some problems for me too. I think the arch of your feet is a little flat too. The insides of the Lanvin flats is padded and hence I was surprised it felt so comfortable. The only thing would be the edges bit me.

      Thank you for dropping by and leaving me a comment, June. I always love to be engaged with my readers and I will check out your blog soon! =D

  6. Comfortable shoes are hard to find these days. It takes me ages to find shoes. Usually the heels wear down and then are no good or something else is wrong and they don't fit right. It can be expensive. The doodle for the tattoo is perfect, love that. I hope you ave a great week xx

    1. I've got a problem with finding good shoes too, Kizzy. I hate my feet. And there can never be that perfect pair out there. Thank you for your sweet words and have a lovely weekend!

  7. Jo, I always enjoy looking at your instagram pics. Your sketches are always fabulous! Love the smokin girl one. And I would love to hang with you when you guys go out to eat. EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING always looks so good. Love that batgirl tshirt and that Valentino perfume bottle is exquisite. I love a pretty perfume bottle.

    1. Ooh, I would love to hang out with you when you go eat too. You always check out the best places with droolicious food. We should just so hang out and pig out with each other . Hehehe...

      Thank you, dear. It's lovely to hear that you enjoy looking at my Instagram pics. =)

  8. Whoa, that is an expensive waffle! But I would probably splurge on it too. Seriously. That's like heaven on a plate right there. I like having waffles with ice cream whenever my mom is gone so she can't tell me it's not a real breakfast. You look cute as hell with all of those hairstyles. Oh my gosh, I'm growing mine out; I'll be able to wear a ponytail again! I hope mine looks half as good as yours. Anyway, you eat a lot of awesome food, and it seems like you had a great month. Following you on Bloglovin' now!

    May the Force be with you.

    1. Haha... that's the thing that should be done when mothers are not around. When I was young, I did lots of sneaky things with my food when my mum was away. Thank you for all your lovely words and I hope your hair grows out beautifully. The in between stages can be such a drag eh?

      And lastly, thank you for dropping by, Emily. I love to connect with new people and from your comment, I could definitely tell that it's the same for you too! I would be checking out your blog real soon!

      PS: Your sign off line is cute!

  9. I think your hair looks good straight or curly! and love those heels you got there they look super comfy and go with everything!

    1. Thanx, I'm glad I could be versatile with my hair. You meant the flats right? Hehe...

  10. Oh realy cute your pics your flats are really cute. I love it your hair is so beautiful.
    All the food looks delicous!

    1. Aww... Thank you for your sweet words, dear. =)

  11. love your sketch and painting Jo!! :")

  12. I swear your life events in one month are far more interesting than the events I go through in a year LOL ._.''

    So many kitties *_*
    I love that butterfly tattoo sketch! I for one, would totally support you transferring that sketch onto your back ;)

    Vanessa | Citron and Guavaberry ʘ‿ʘ | Makeup & Silly things

    1. Thanx for dropping by and commenting, Vanessa. I like it when there's 2-way communication. It makes blogging a lot more meaningful, don't you think so? Hahaha... I have many from the female clan supporting the tattooing but SIGH... the hubz just doesn't like it. While I think it's art, he thinks it's vandalism.

  13. Haha, you're welcome! c:

    Pft, it's your body--you get to decide what do do with it, heh XD


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)