Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Is ignorance bliss?

The phrase or proverb 'where ignorance is bliss tis' folly to be wise' was coined by Thomas Gray. It means if knowing something makes you unhappy or brings about a negative outcome, it is better not to know it.

Most of the times, I practise the "ignorance is bliss but I prefer to be wise" mantra on myself.

What's your take on this?


Edited to add on 8 August 2013:

Thank you for all your insightful comments. I read and found myself nodding vigorously at certain parts. I won't be replying to all of your comments individually since most of what I say would be repeated. 

Other than the belief for myself that I've stated above, I totally agree that there are situations in which one or the other would work better and we have to discern when and how best to apply to the different situations. Intricacies are involved and it is better to tread carefully.

I also particularly like shamuboo's insight. I have to agree with every line of his and that only mature people are able to see and practise that. Here it is:

"It is completely true that ignorance is bliss, but bliss is not a condition to strive for. Happiness, the more mature, wiser cousin of bliss, comes from allowing yourself to see hard truths and the feeling you get from processing them, after the struggle, after the pain. That sense of self-accomplishment and growth is addictive in the best way possible."


  1. Hmm good question. I think of course I would love to be happy all the time... but I think I'd rather know the truth about things, than live in ignorance. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  2. I think you have to know which one to do at different times. BOTH can be helpful! HAHAHAHA

  3. Ignorance can be bliss, but I reject it for myself. I want to be self-aware and aware of what's going on around me.

    The ignorant are always the last to know they are ignorant...they may never know.

  4. I tend to agree...sometimes I hear about things that I wish I never did.

  5. It is completely true that ignorance is bliss, but bliss is not a condition to strive for. Happiness, the more mature, wiser cousin of bliss, comes from allowing yourself to see hard truths and the feeling you get from processing them, after the struggle, after the pain. That sense of self-accomplishment and growth is addictive in the best way possible.

  6. hello there beautiful :) thank you for dropping by at my blog and also leaving some comment. I really appreciate it alot <3 I hope you can keep in touch, you seem to be a very sweet and nice person. :D
    anyway, for me about that i'd say ignorance is stupidity lol i dunno... it's just my personal opinion. anyway's Have a nice day!



    1. I too, appreciate the 2-way communication. Thank you for stopping by my blog, dropping me a comment and for your sweet words too. Yes, let's do keep in touch! =)

  7. Better to know about something than to hide it. I mean, eventually it would come up to bite you in the butt so I'm with you on preferring to be wise, hee hee. :) And I'm pretty sure that once it was in the open, things could be settled much more quickly, tensions would initially be high but would most likely come down much quicker than if you waited a really long time to have to learn about something.

  8. Sure ignorance is bliss, but I would rather know. If it is better in the long run to know, you might as well accept reality!


  9. I am so glad you stopped by my blog. Thanks for all of your thoughtful comments :) I do a lot of commenting and catching up on the weekends too, so I totally understand. I am really enjoying your blog too and will be sure to check back!

    As I like to say "there are two sides to every dime" I think there is a good and bad side to being ignorant. Sure it can be blissful- but other times it is better to be wise as Marlen said. I think there are certain times when I would rather be ignorant and other times when I would like to be wise- I think it's good to keep a balance of knowing without becoming obsessive about all the details- because sometimes knowing everything can be overwhelming, haha! Tough one..

    have a great week and talk to you soon! <3
    ~Alyssa www.butterfliesonmars.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you for coming here too. I really appreciate the 2-way communication and would be dropping by your blog more often too.

      I'm totally with you on this: "I think it's good to keep a balance of knowing without becoming obsessive about all the details- because sometimes knowing everything can be overwhelming". There are situations in which one or the other would work better and we have to discern when and how best to apply to the different situations. Intricacies are involved and it is better to tread carefully.

  10. I think both can help, but it depends on the situation and you must know when one is the best :)) xx

  11. I would rather know it even if it makes me feel really really bad , not knowing it might make me look like a fool to others,that's what I feel.


    1. I love to see new comers here. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment. =)

  12. I think it is the matter of how we handle what we know. We can just ignore after the fact or deal with it. We cant just close our eyes and cover our ears because those facts will still be there, it is just a matter of time.

    Life becomes a lot more complicated as we get older, doesnt it? The more we go through, the stronger/wiser of a person we become.


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