Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Snake Year


Happy Lunar New Year to all my Chinese readers! 新年快樂!




And to all my Singaporean Chinese readers, enjoy these 4 days of visiting, feasting and spending time with your loved ones. To my non-Chinese Singaporean readers, enjoy the break! Yeah, we lost 2 days due to the weekend but still, 4 days away from work is worth popping the champagne bottle.

Have fun!


  1. Happy Lunar New Year!

    Beware the Snake.

  2. happy chinese new year from a cantonese girl from germany :D !!

    I randomly stumbled across your blog by clicking through comments *haha* just finished reading the "about me" of your blog and love your writing style and the way u described urself!!

    your blog is also an awesome insight into the singaporean life :DD seems so leisure! i wish i could visit sometime soon!!

    xx connie

  3. aki & becky,

    Thanx. I haven't seen you around here for quite some time. Will drop by your blog soon. =)



    Hehehe... The Snake year has got such mixed forecasts of good and bad. It isn't a bad year for me (born in the year of the dog).



    It is really lovely to see a newcomer here who is Chinese/ Cantonese. I'm a Chinese/ Hokkien.

    Thank you for your compliments. I love it when people tell me they like my writing. I'm gonna drop by your blog soon!

  4. happy chinese new year! that cartoon is just too cute.


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