Monday, February 04, 2013

Jac's Birthday Celebration at The Coastal Settlement

"The Coastal Settlement - a casual dining restaurant, cafe and bar, provides you the one of its kind village home-like environment, with a view of Mother Nature’s plantation of greens and a peek of the sea. Take a break and extricate yourself from your hectic metropolitan lifestyle and allow yourself to enter an aura of relaxation in a halcyon atmosphere. Come, relive the old days gone by with your family and friends, there will be much to talk about..."


It was my second time to The Coastal Settlement in the day and even though I love the rustic charm of the place by the day, I would really love to go there at night for I often hear from my friends that it is really lovely by the night as well.


Last Sunday, we were there to celebrate Jac's birthday. Well, actually her boyfriend's birthday was in January too so we celebrated both their birthdays together.


We could help ourselves with the packets of biscuits.


The packet contained our childhood "flower biscuits" and a cheese cracker. When we were young, most of us would eat the sugared flower parts and toss the biscuits away. For me, I would always eat the biscuit part first and lay all the flowers in a row grouped according to their colours as I pretended to be a florist. Super lame now that I'm saying this at such an age.


Things you no longer see around except as props.


Old school music player. I don't even see this when I was young. This must have dated back way before.


These are moulds for making traditional kueh. These are still pretty much in use as we still have those kuehs around.


Who doesn't love a classic Vespa? Speaking of Vespa, my bro-in-law just bought a classic red vespa after selling his mint blue one a year ago. Now I'm kicking myself for stopping my riding lessons.


It was already afternoon but we were still in time for brunch as brunch is served till 4pm. TCS does know how to cater for lazy people.


While waiting for everyone to arrive, we shared some side dishes all of which were delicious.

Portobello Fries lightly crumbed with truffle mayonnaise dip... Yummy! Crisp on the outside and juicy on the inside.


Calamari with a unique passion fruit mayonnaise dip.


Truffle Fries... Makes me wonder how I could eat other types of fries after being addicted to truffle fries.


Some chicken which I didn't get to eat.


Mac n Cheese. This is the best Mac n Cheese I've ever eaten. There are three different types of cheese and I could taste gourmet cheese in there.


For mains, more than half of us ordered the Steak and Eggs with our eggs done scrambled style. I've never seen beef steak and eggs on the same plate before but that didn't really deter us from ordering it. It was one of the best medium rare steak ever! I'm never a fan of fats in meat but the fats in this steak simply melts in your mouth.


The rest had the Smiling Eggs Benedict.


Daddy, Mummy and Belle.


Happy family photo bomb by kh. Belle was watching her Elmo show on the iPad which was dragged away from her to get her to look at the camera but to no avail.


The hubby is usually good with kids but somehow, the chemistry between him and Belle just doesn't match. Belle never ever smiles with him around and she even cries.


In fact, Belle is so shy that she seldom smiles or laughs when with us as a big group. She has the cutest smile ever but it is just very difficult to make her smile.


After Daddy monkeyed around for a few minutes, Belle finally let out a toothy grin for my camera.


I wanted an individual shot of Jully but kh didn't let it happen, leading to having his ear pulled by her.


Jerm wore a super funny Black Bear + White Bear = Fight = Merged into Panda T shirt. Panda is all the rage in Singapore now with the arrival of Jia Jia and Kai Kai -- the panda pair in our zoo.


The birthday couple and their accidental couple T shirts. They claimed they did not agree to wear the same colour.


Couple not. SL's cousin-in-law from Canada joined us for the brunch before he flew off that day.


The newly wedded couple for the day. I can't help marvelling at how they look like twins with their eyes, nose and smile and especially when they have their glasses on.


The flat hair couple. I dunno why both our hair looked super flat that day.


Jully asked me to pull kh's ear while she pulled the other side for the next photo. These 2 ah, always at loggerheads since their schooling days. Can't be helped as kh is one of the most annoying person ever. He could pit against The Annoying Orange.



After our meal, it was time for dessert in the form of Jac and Jon's birthday cake.


The lovely couple. Happy birthday Jon and Jac!


Make a wish, give a kiss, cut the cake. May your love continue to blossom!


A parting shot...


And another with the attractive vintage props behind as background.


Outfit of the day:
♥ Denim Dress from Cowboy Series
♥ Salvatore Ferragamo bag


Btw I wore the denim dress on purpose as I bought Belle a Zara Baby denim dress. When daddy WL and mummy B took out the dress, they went, "So cuuuuuuuuute!!!" I bought it in a bigger size so that Belle could wear it when she is bigger since kids grow out of their clothes very quickly but guess what? The dress could actually fit Belle now. Daddy WL watsapp me these pictures and it was my turn to exclaim, "So cuuuuuuuuute!!!" WL said that if Belle wears the dress during any of our outing, he would make sure he let me know so that I could wear the demin dress too.


It is so rare to see Belle smiling like this. Flor could not make it for the brunch that day though she visited the Chan family that night. WL could not help but send this picture to provoke kh. The secret weapon to carry Belle and make her laugh? ELMO!


The hectic week concluded with a lovely brunch with friends, lots of catch up snooze and the start of spring-cleaning for the Chinese New Year.

See all of you during CNY!


  1. Wow everyone seems to be having a great time! Lol at the couples ending up look similar to each other. Personally I don't think your hair look flat but your SO on the other hand...hahaha Omg and the newly wedded couple, their kid is going to look exactly like both of them lol My younger sister also disliked strangers and rarely smiled when she was young too, in fact she probably cried more than smile in public, we still tease her about it to this day =P

    P.S I hope you feel better!

    PP.S My bf would eat three of those mac and cheese, he loooooves backed cheesy goods!

  2. CUTEST BABY EVER! *squeezes chubby cheeks* Poor kh, being rejected by the little one. She'll come to like him in time, I'm sure :) He just didn't have Elmo goodies on him, that's the problem.

    This place really is cute! I have a thing for vintage gadgetry, they just give a place such a calming homely feel. Actually, I know of a place in Antwerp that has a cute vintage theme as well, maybe I should blog about it the next time I go there...

  3. The cake looks divine! Happy Birthday to them. ^O^

    I love the picture of the food; making me hungry! I've only had pre-made mac and cheese lOl! Terrible, I know. I really should try it properly. ~~

    Oh Jo I do that! To eat the biscuit first and leave the gems last to eat. It's a habit of mine since I was little.

  4. omgosh this brunch place is so amazing!! it's so kitchy and cute i love it!! omgosh i must be weird.. because i would specifically eat the bisquit part and throw the flower part away because i thought it tasted too sugary hahaha. i'm a freak hahaha!

    omgosh everything looks so ridiculous good i'm obsessed w/ anything mac and cheese and 3 cheese sounds sooo yummy!!!

    aww everyone looks so happy and like they are having such a happy birthday celebration.. i love these photos :)!

  5. So precious. Looks like a great time!! Hope you feel better. Precious photos x

  6. Wow, everything in that place is really neat--and really old (except for the food and the people). Too bad you didn't get to try th echicken, it looked especially tasty.

    My wif ewould like you if you worked with her. She would not like you if you worked with me. That's just how she's always been.

  7. Looks like you had such a wonderful time. The food looks great and I too love all the vintage props in the restaurant. I love the flower biscuits too - though I used to eat the "flower" part first and leave the boring biscuit bit to last.

  8. Love the rustic restaurant. Also belle so cute.

  9. This place looks amazing!
    The decor is lovely c:
    Happy birthday to the
    happy couple as well!
    The baby is adooorable!


  10. That looks such such a fun place to have a birthday celebration and the food looks amazing too.

    I'm totally trying to get all my cleaning done before CNY too!

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my iPad Clutch Giveaway!

  11. Wow this restaurant is simply amazing! The food looks great and they really outdid themselves on the decor. It's really like taking a stroll down memory lane :)

    Enjoyed this post very much, so many happy photos :D

  12. I really enjoy looking at rusted things, too! haha It's so much fun :D
    The vespa…. I want! I wonder if I can ride one of those hehe


  13. suki pooki,

    I kept laughing at your comment dear. It is too funny especially when you mentioned about my hubby’s hair and the newlyweds’ future kids. I have a sneaking suspicion your bf would love that restaurant’s Mac n Cheese since there is a mixture of gourmet cheese in it.



    That’s so cute! I was reading your comment out loud to my hubby and he agreed wholeheartedly about the Elmo.

    Yes, do blog about that vintage place in Antwerp. I would love to read and see pictures about it.


    london's beauty,

    Pre-made Mac n Cheese is just as tasty right? I heard it is so easy to make but I’ve never ever made myself.

    High 5! You are the only person I know so far who ate the biscuits first. Many of them would laugh at me for eating the biscuits first with the concept of saving the best for last coz most people throw the biscuits away.



    High 5! Another person I know so far who ate the biscuits first. Now that I’m older, I really prefer the biscuits to the sugared part. I especially love it if the biscuits have gone soft due to air exposure. That’s also just as weird eh?



    Thank you!



    Hahaha… The people are getting older but not as old as those typewriters and vespa. Really the chicken looks nice? I felt that the photo did not do justice to it. Hubby said it was not bad. Hahaha… I hope your wife doesn’t see what you type. There are people who are simply like that.

    PS: I was very busy at work the week before CNY and I hadn’t approved the comments at that time. I’m taking so long to get back to the comments now that I’m on leave after CNY to recharge. CNY was busy too but I’m glad I caught up on lots of lost sleep.



    Hehe… It’s so nice to read that more and more of you know about the flower/gem biscuits. You are the same as many other “kids” too. I sure hope you didn’t throw the boring biscuits away.



    Thank you. =)


    Ice Pandora,

    Hehe… Thank you. You look like you are writing a poem.



    It is the 4th day of CNY by the time I reply to all my comments. I hope you had an enjoyable CNY!



    Ah, I love seeing newcomers here. Thanx for leaving a mark.
    [Snooped around your blog a little and coming back to reply]
    OMG! You are from Singapore! My local readers don’t usually leave me comments with their blogger id. Most just leave me comments on my tagboard which I have since removed due to the recent influx of spam and ads. I will pop by your blog soon to “snoop” around proper.



    I love vespa too!


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