Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

It is a few more hours to Valentine's Day so here's wishing all of you a Happy Valentine's Day.

Well, Valentine's Day isn't just for couples. It is a day to show your love to your family and friends and even to strangers. Spread the love, give a little love like what I shared on my blog the other time.

As for those who have yet to prepare anything, are you running out of time to hand-make some craft or bake some cookies? Why not whip up something simple? I've collated some really simple Valentine's Day ideas coz me being so lazy, I can't even bother to read till the end of the ingredients list for some Valentine's recipe that I found on the Internet.

So lazy people let's unite and read on!

~*Love Toast Bread*~


You need:
- bread
- heart-shaped cookie cutter
- egg

♥ Press the cookie cutter down onto the bread.
♥ Place the bread onto a lightly greased frying pan on low heat.
♥ Crack the egg into the hole.
♥ Cook the egg according to the doneness you like.
♥ Serve with sides like ham, bacon, fresh garden vegetables.

Be creative with your love toast bread and have fun!

~*Sunny Love Up Eggs*~


You need:
- egg
- heart-shaped egg mold

You don't even need me to tell you how to fry a sunny side up egg, do you?

~*Heart Boiled Eggs*~


You need:
- egg
- milk carton or any juice carton (cut open, washed well and dried)
- chopsticks
- rubber bands

♥ Cut milk carton and fold it in half lengthwise.
♥ Make a hard boiled egg.
♥ While the egg is still warm, peel the egg and put the egg on the milk carton.
♥ Place a chopstick on the center of the egg and tie rubber bands on the both ends.
♥ Leave it to cool for about 1 hour.
♥ Take the chopstick off and cut the egg into half.
♥ Now you have heart boiled eggs for your egg salad or as a finger food.
♥ Serve with a dash of creativity.

If you are not a textual person, this video would help a lot!

~*Strawberry Nutella Crackers*~


You need:
- sweet crackers (those airy kind)
- strawberries
- nutella (or any chocolate sauce)
- mini heart-shaped cookie cutter

♥ Cut strawberries lengthwise to resemble a heart.
♥ Using the smallest heart-shaped cookie cutter, press into crackers and peel off the flakes within the heart.
♥ Cut strawberries to fit.
♥ Drizzle nutella into the hole and press strawberry in.

Note: This is my own directions from what I see in the picture. I sure hope it works coz I've not tried it before.

~*Heart-Shaped Butter on Muffins*~


You need:
- muffins
- butter
- mini heart-shaped cookie cutter

Noooo!!! I'm not gonna give directions on how to make a muffin. This is for the laziest people around who  would just pop by the store to buy some raspberry or cranberry muffins and cut heart-shaped butter out from cookie cutters. Such a cheat right?

~*No Bake Pots De Creme*~

This is the only one that requires more steps and for the full directions, please click here.

It is supposed to be simple as it doesn't require baking. However upon reading the directions, lazy me simply gave up though I would still love to share this with my more hardworking readers who could whip up a feast in the kitchen.



  1. thank you so much for lovely and meaningful comment :) !! i was quite happy that you took time to establish a kind of conversation instead of simply commenting!

    gold coast has great beaches, but i guess they aren't the best beaches on earth. i'm still thrilled to see the gold barrier reef one day from which i have such huge expectations.

    yes, of course i would love to keep in touch!! im following you now, so i can stay updated about ur blog actions ;D

  2. Sorry for note visiting lately. >.<

    I love all these heart shaped foods. I think the egg in toast is my favorite... I think I might want to try something with strawberries and chocolate.

  3. happy valentine's day jo! have a sweet one doll! i am LOVING these valentine inspired food creations. i literally want to try them ALL!

  4. ohmygosh i loveeee love!! so many cute ways to make valentines eggs :p if i wasn't living out of a hotel right now i would soooo have made these for my husband.. the egg toast is so adorable!

    happy valentines hon :) i hope you have a wonderful valentines with your husband and loved ones :p

  5. Amen sister!!! The focus of Valentine's Day should be the same as it was in elementary school--a valentine for every classmate (even the booger eater who sat in the corner), but especially friends.

    I've been planning to write this in a post.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Happy V-day to you and thanks a lot for all these amazing recipes!! They are all adorable and look delicious too. I'm not entirely sure if they would still look as good if I attempted to make them though... hehe :P

  7. Thank you all for your lovely comments.



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