Sunday, June 10, 2012

Xtina's Fantabulous 4 Days Wedding Grandeur: Day 1

Xtina's wedding took place over 4 separate days in October and November last year in this order: Day 1-- church wedding, Day 2-- bachelorette's party, Day 3-- fetching of bride and tea ceremony, Day 4-- wedding dinner banquet.

Her wedding affected us (the bridesmaids and bimbo sisters gang) when we had to apply for leave and time offs to attend every event. When we were jotting down all these important dates in our calendar, we kept wondering at her for not arranging the fetching of bride and tea ceremony together with the dinner banquet on the same day as per most weddings in Singapore. (If you are wondering, it is due to coinciding with auspicious lunar dates.) Hence, the bimbo sisters poked fun at her for having a 4 days wedding grandeur.

This also explains the title up there with courtesy from another dear old friend, Tiff who named the series of Xtina's wedding album on Facebook some what in a similar fashion.

Xtina is one of my oldest and dearest friend. We have known each other since we were in Primary 2 and that makes it about 21 years of friendship. She is someone with a kind heart and those who have been reading my blog would know about her courage to shave her head bald for the children's cancer charity Hair for Hope in July 2010. Back then, she had counted the months and knew that she would definitely have grown enough hair for her wedding.

You would see the blushing bride in her crowning glory on her wedding day.

~*Day 1: Xtina and Lester's Church Wedding*~

Before xtina walked down the aisle, Tiff, Zanne and I popped by her room. There were already many other friends in the room too.


The Bimbo Sisters (Tiff, Jo, Zanne, Gera) reunited once more as a full gang for Xtina's wedding. As primary school friends, we have known one another for 19 to 22 years.


We made sure we chose the aisle seats so as to be able to throw the rose petals and also to snap photos.


Xtina's hubby, Lester waited patiently for her at the altar.


Soon, Xtina and her father walked down the aisle.


And finally, they are husband and wife!



You could tell how they are so similar to each other in cute ways. (I peace, you peace.)


Xtina gamely posing for my camera while I could not help thinking that Lester looks a lot like the younger and more handsome version of the Hong Kong veteran star Lau Ching-Wan 劉青雲.



This was put together by Xtina's talented friends.


What's a wedding of a good friend without individual shots with the bride?


The Bimbo Sisters Full Throttle


Ok we welcomed a Himbo into our Bimbo gang.


After the church wedding, we had to walk upslope along a road and then up a little hill as the carpark in NUS compound was the only parking space nearest to Xtina's church that I could find. With dainty little heels and fluttery dresses and skirts, we trudged up the hill.

I don't care if Tiff looks unglam here, I think this is a funny shot of her mock crying and pointing to that sole car up the hill.


Gera had an appointment so the rest of the bimbos, together with MQ (another primary school friend of ours) adjourned to Antoinette for tea.


We really enjoyed our tea.


I love the Parisian decor.


Here was what we shared. I love the chocolate dessert a lot!


We also shared our bimbocity, lameness and loads of laughter with MQ who for the first time, hung out with us. We had to keep making sure that she wasn't scared by us. lol

The bill box is so gorgeous. I want it to put my jewellery!


As all of us had nothing on after that, we decided to check out the many quirky shops in the shop houses at Arab Street (Haji Lane).


Street graffiti and the 2 bimbos


I was really thrilled by this retro fridge in one of the shops. It was in working condition!


I love the illustrations on the wall of this shop.


All these shop houses have got really steep steps. They were really skirt-and-heels-unfriendly.


We ended the day with Chinese food for dinner.


Here's what I wore:
♥ Lace fairy blouse
♥ River Island tiered skirt
♥ No label scarf as sash

♥ No label bracelet watch
Ling Jewellery Roman wedding band
♥ Green Petals pearl ribbon ring
♥ Fleurfaerie mini rosette flower hair tie
♥ Fleurfaerie borne on angels’ wing rings



Stay tune for the next post where you could take a peek into some devilish fun at Xtina's bachelorette's party! I need to undergo the bride's QC process before she gives the green light for certain photos to be up on my PG-rated blog.


  1. WOW 4 days? That is amazing, in the US the event is only a day. Everyone looked beautiful and looked like they were having so much fun! Thank you for sharing the photos.

  2. It's just wonderful that the Bimbo Sisters have remained friends for so long. It's so rare!

    But OMGosh!!! Four days??? Grooms in the US would disappear after 2.5 days. Xtina must be a special girl (like someone else I know).

    Speaking of people I know (or at least have seen), Tiff reminds me of the girl in the Transporter movie....a little. Perhaps my new hobby will be trying to find famous look-a-likes for all of your friends. =)

  3. Such cute pics!! looks like it was quite the wedding!

  4. Your title is surely a perfect description. Boy -four day wedding, way to celebrate. In a way i think it was probably a better choice rather than cramming everything in one day. Given that Asian weddings can be quite complicated. Might be better to spread out but guests may find it difficult to attend every day. I remember waking up at 4AM on my big day to get makeup done and we finally hit the bed at almost midnight after a reception. Looong and exhausting day.

    Your friend looked gorgeous in her gown and you look lovely in such feminine outfit.

  5. hope nobody from the wedding reads this, but other than the bride Jolene dressed the best :O what a lovely skirt that was!! I must purchase that for my girlfriend. I have only two friends I've known as long as you knew bimbo sisters. Watching them grow up is something I'll never forget.

    Being a guy, the most important thing I looked at when they light the candles was what camera the photographer was using -_- sowee.

    The pic of tiff pointing at a car made me smile a lot ahahahahaha. That was cute.

  6. Bessie,
    Haha... yep 4 days. Some couples choose to have their solemnization and the wedding banquet on the same day too. I did mine on the same day. There are some who do them on separate days largely due to auspicious dates.


    Your comment is so hilarious that I simply had to snap a picture of it and send them to the bimbo group chat. They found it very funny too.

    That actress in The Transporter is Shu Qi and Tiff gets that quite a bit though all of us can't see why. There were 2 people who said I hold resemblance to her too and I don't get it.

    It's a nice hobby of yours. I would love to find look-alikes for my friends through you. You haven't found a look-alike for me. lol


    Thank you for leaving a note here. I love to see newcomers around.


    I don't remember your profile picture being like this. I had to click to see if I've gotten the right nelah but your profile page isn't available.

    Did you go through the traditional thai-chinese wedding? I slept only an hour before my wedding day and we hit the bed at 4am after the banquet.


    Hey you are appearing more often! Me likey! Can you appear more often?

    Haha... You are biased! My friends seldom click into the comments sections to read unless someone comments about them and I told them to. I can't guarantee though that they didn't click in so you are in for trouble, Turtle! But gee, thanx!

    It is nice to have old friends and to reminisce about the good old times while living in the current and looking forward to the future.

    Tiff is a naturally cute and funny gal!

  7. oops my comments are a little backwards!!! the bride and the wedding looked beautiful!

  8. Nic Nic,
    I realised but it's perfectly ok! =D

  9. YOu look so so pretty Jo.


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