Tuesday, June 05, 2012

HS & U's Wedding

[Backdated entry from last year]

~*HS and U's ROM Luncheon at Peony Jade*~

My dear friend HS got married last November.

Her solemnization took place a day before the actual wedding banquet. The luncheon was held at Peony Jade Restaurant, a charming little gem of a place which was attended by families and close friends.


The F4s minus WY who could not take leave from work.


HS and U were so cute. They knew how to spontaneously act cute.


When all the guests had arrived, the solemnization commenced.



With both sets of parents and the Justice of Peace... HS really has got very nice parents!


"We are married!"


~*HS and U's Wedding Banquet at Pan Pacific*~

Early next morning, we went to hs's house for jie mei (sisters aka bridesmaids) duties .

HS and U wanted to keep it simple and scrapped away all the fetching-of-bride sabo games. That was the first time ever that I felt so relaxed as a jie mei. I'm usually the evil one executing all the sabo games for weddings but for that day, my main duty was to be HS's personal assistant, helping her with the train, dabbing her perspiration and helping with touch ups.

HS looked ravishing in her gown. I love her skirt!


These jie mei wedding corsages/ bracelets were hand-made by HS herself.


Even though Ems, WY and I knew HS for years, it was the first time we interacted with her parents and they are such lovely folks. We bonded with them over breakfast. They are really very hospitable and caring towards us, treating us like their daughters too.

I had a instant liking for HS's dad when he personally came out of the house to direct me on where to park. Prior to not being able to find parking space, I was lost in HS's neighbourhood and thus her dad was concerned. It is not always that I know of anybody's dad who would come out of the house to render aid for his daughter's friends and I think that her dad is really very sweet.




HS's "legendary" younger brother! Why legendary? Coz we often hear about him but we had never seen him  till her solemnization ceremony the day before. He is sooooooo cute. Despite the fact that Ems, WY and I are all married or attached and a few years older than him, we were gushing over how cute and gentlemanly he is.

They are a really loving sibling pair.


Even though HS and U did not want any sabo gatetcrashing games, notti us asked HS for the green light to play some simple games for photography purposes. Even HS's dad instructed us to go ahead with the game explaining that he could not let his daughter be too easily fetched by her hubby.

When the groom and his band of brothers arrived, they were shocked to find themselves locked out of the house.

"I thought the itinerary says no sabo games?" they asked in bewilderment as they looked at U and at us.

Too bad, boys!

We played a simple "Simon Says" game and got them to do cute actions for picture snapping before we unlocked the door.

I don't have any pictures of whatever that happened in the house from my camera but I know that HS's photographer friend and the brothers snapped a lot of pictures along the way.

After that, we adjourned to Pierce reservoir for some outdoor photo taking.

[Note: All the photos taken at the reservoir are from HS's photographer friend aka Kungfu Panda and have not been edited by me except for putting in the borders. Thank you, Kungfu Panda for the photos!]

You could easily tell that the theme that day was pink. There were supposed to be 4 xiong di and 4 jie mei but at the last minute, one of HS friend could not get time off from work.



The handsome boys


The handsome boys tried to act cool.


The pretty babes


The pretty babes needn't try to act cool.


U was such a gentleman when he told his brothers to take good care of us in the car when we next proceeded to his family home for tea ceremony. He then asked after us and thanked us for our help thus far. It was a short distance but his words sort of melted our hearts. The 3 of us bonded with 2 of the xiong di in the car and shared so much laughter that our cheeks and jaws kind of ached.

HS and U have got really lovely families and friends. It was the first time ever that I felt so much love and happiness from everyone. The groom has a very closely-knit family and we could observe all these when we reached his place for the tea ceremony. Once again I do not have any pictures of the indoor shots, only loads of beautiful memories.

After the day's event was over, ems went back to work. WY and I showered and freshened up ourselves at my home afterwhich we headed down to Pan Pacific hotel for the wedding dinner.

The bridal suite


HS's mum had her make-up done while HS dad looked artistically out of the window.


While WY and the groom's uncle was busy rehearsing their lines as emcees, I familiarized myself with the flow of events and then off I went to snap more pictures of HS's make up process. I loved how her make up artist did her make up. It made HS looked so gorgeous without being over the top.


Soon, it was time for reception duties where I was acquainted with another of HS's jie mei (the one who could not get leave from work in the day). HS's bro joined us too. I've done lots of reception duties before but never once had a guy sitting beside me at the reception table.

It seems almost a given that reception duties are done mainly by the couple's sisters, female cousins and female friends. Hence, I was rather tickled when HS's brother volunteered to sit there. I realised how important he was when he spoke fleuntly in Cantonese to many of his relatives and gave them directions on their seating. I would not have been able to converse with the older folks with Mandarin alone.


I kept on "disturbing" and teasing him nonstop when I expressed my puzzlement at his qualities, inner and outer beauty, gentlemanly mannerism etc and yet not being able to find a girlfriend. I quizzed him on all the qualities he was looking out for in a girl and offered to help him.

Any Singaporean girls (born in the year 1986 and after) reading my blog? There is an aspiring doctor here with many good qualities and a great personality looking for a girl who is able to understand and bear with his crazy working hours. Feel free to throw your hats into the imaginary ring. =D

There was a photo-taking booth with props for the guests to entertain themselves during the cocktail reception before the wedding.


1st and 2nd march-in


The delicious food




On the left: night corsage made by U's sisters
On the right: day corsage made by HS


Table shot


HS's wedding was one of the most memorable wedding I've ever attended and Ems and WY agreed wholeheartedly too. Upon reflecting on the day's happenings, we felt extremely happy for our dear friend HS who looked the happiest we had ever seen her during those 2 days.  Even though I've only had 1 hour sleep the previous night and was almost falling asleep during dinner, I loved the proceeding of the entire day and all the new people we crossed paths with that day.

To HS:
This must be one of the best times of being a jie mei! I love your family so much and your new family and I'm so glad to share this part of the journey in your life. I don't cry at weddings but I was sincerely closed to moving to tears so here's me creating some virtual tears of happiness for you! I wish you and your hubby eternal bliss.


  1. These pictures are beyong wonderful. Everyone looks so happy!


  2. HS is a lovely girl and her family seems very sweet. I wish the newlyweds a lifetime of happiness together.

  3. what a beautiful bride. That's a lot of food for a wedding, i want to go to her wedding and eat lol

  4. I love wedding photos Jo. From these beautiful photos, it seemed the day was long but filled with joy and happiness. The bride is gorgeous and her wedding gowns are stunning. You look beautiful in your dresses too. I miss attending wedding for sure. Wanna get married all over again..haha.

  5. Yea! Wedding!! :D Looks so fairy tale-ish, ah... Me want... someday. Have to be two to get married.

    Anywho, your friend is such a gorgeous lady! Wishing her all the best with her hubby! :)

    I love how there was not just one type of dress for the bridesmaids (at least, that's what I think jie mei means?)/type of suit for the groomsmen. You guys could all wear things you liked best, while still being colour-coordinated. Cute, cute, cute...

  6. Aww this looks like it was a very beautiful event. The bride and groom look great and I love the skirt of her wedding dress! I really like the little games they play when the groom comes to pick up the bride - I definitely want those to be a part of my own wedding when I finally get married hehe :P

    And lol @ you trying to play matchmaker for her younger brother!

  7. Sam,
    Thanx for leaving some love here. I love seeing newcomers!


    Thank you. I'll convey your wishes to HS. Oh, I haven't told her that you thought she looked like one of the DC newscaster from a few posts back.


    I thank you on my good friend's behalf. And Yes, the food wasn't too bad!


    I thank you on my good friend's behalf. Maybe I should just ask her to click into the comments section. lol

    I miss getting married too, the whole process of preparation and the day itself!


    "Have to be two to get married."
    You are so funny! Oh and I'll convey your wishes to my good friend.

    Yup, "jie mei" is Mandarin for "sisters" also known as bridesmaids. Depending on the couple, clothes could be tailored made such that everyone's the same or themed with some freedom for the sisters and brothers to choose what they want to wear in accordance to the theme.


    I thank you on my good friend's behalf. Do Chinese in Western countries also implement those fetching of bride games? I think it's really fun to play those though I know of some Westernized people who think that such games to embarrass the groom is totally uncalled for during weddings. I feel that as long as the games are not overboard and that the groom is sporting, it is fine.

  8. WOW!!! Your friend is such a beautiful bride and love her wedding dress!!!


  9. Amazing celebration, everyone looks amazing!! xx

  10. i love ur blog, great wonderful pictures, it feels like reading a novel. we can follow each other if u like darl.

  11. Congratulations to your friend and her husband! It's a really nice wedding ceremony and reception. Her bridal gown was gorgeous.

  12. Weddings are just a beautiful and happy event, her dressing is amazing!! I have just been to my cousins wedding this weekend past! And I was so moved by it.


  13. wow, the venue looks beautiful and look at all the good food!!! looks like such a nice wedding, fairy tale :D

    and yes feel free to pin my pictures that would be awesome, thanks so much hun!

  14. what a beautiful wedding, your friend is such a breautiful bride!! Best wishes to them <3

  15. OH NO! My photos aren't showing...I don't know how to fix that! :( maybe try refreshing next time? photos not loading is never a good thing.

    This post is beautiful!! I love weddings. The bride looks stunning, I love her dress. AND THE FOOD! Looks amazing....I love a good Asian banquet.

    So excited we found each other :)

    Couture Caddy

  16. hey jo, how was the food at peony jade? am thinking of holding my solemnisation there but i havent tried their food before! thanks :)

  17. omg..perfect gown!simply elegant..i want a gown like that too for my wedding someday!!=)

  18. What a beautiful wedding and wedding dress. I love the picture of HS's dad looking out the window.

  19. wow... that looks like a super lovely wedding. and the food looks great... oh and you look great of course! but gahhh i love her wedding dress!


  20. Ang Lam,
    Thank you for leaving a note here. I love to see newcomers around. I’ll convey your message to my dear friend.


    Thank you. =)


    Clara Turbay,


    kim bim,
    Aww... Thank you. I love to see newcomers around.


    Bravoe Runway,
    Thank you, I’ll convey your message to my dear friend.


    Thank you for leaving a note here. I love to see newcomers around. I’ll convey your message to my dear friend. What a coincidence! I’m going to attend my cousin’s wedding later today.


    Pop Champagne,
    Thank you, I’ll convey your message to my dear friend.


    Nic Nic,
    Thank you, I’ll convey your message to my dear friend.


    Jacquii Lie,
    Thank you, I’ll convey your message to my dear friend. I still can’t see the pictures. I’m not so sure why. How did you find me btw? =)


    Congrats on your impending solemnization. =) The food is quite good and I like the elegant chinois decor of the place.


    You will get to wear your dream gown when the time comes! =)


    Yes, I like that too!


    Thank you. And yes, I love the train of her gown a lot too.

  21. aww loved looking at these wedding pictures!! all of her dresses were so gorgeous especially that big white one.. the bottom of her dress looked like real white flowers!! so pretty!

    haha not all the lashes in the picture were for me... about half of them were for a girlfriend :) but no i don't really reuse them.. i probably reuse them like twice and toss them.. i'm kind of a germaphobe.. and i get weirded out about things near my eye and have touched my hands ect. ect.!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)