Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Drawing from a Treasured Friend

You know, it's been 5 days and I haven't received any birthday gifts.

[Edited to add: I forgot. I received a Watson's gift card as an advanced birthday present earlier this month.]

Don't start chiding the poor hubby for not giving me anything, for he had combined Valentine's Day, anniversary, birthday gifts etc altogether during our Europe trip last December. Actually he didn't say that but I would treat it as that for I had really burnt a hole in his pocket then.

I've received cute birthday wishes in the form of texts and photos from friends. A good friend even sent a video through text of her singing me a birthday song. My bestie also sang me a specially-tweaked-by-her birthday song over the phone. It is all these intangible "presents" that I really treasure.

Another intangible present that completely made me go "awwwwwwww" came in the form of a drawing in the popular mobile app game, Draw Something. A friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous drew me in the form of a human angel.

Brief background story:
Adept at anime drawing, said friend decided to draw something which is representative of me. She has been touched by the help I rendered to my good friend Cyn and my god daughter, Charmaine during the latter's cancer days. She has also been following up on the stories and updates through the media and Charmaine's blog as well.

She has gotten to "know" me a lot more from my blog and Facebook and maintained contact. Even though we have known each other for almost ten years, we weren't those kind of close friends who would meet up. Nevertheless, we have all along gotten very well and we would always have endless things to chat and laugh about whenever we meet.

She told me that she likes me for being kind, giving my all in helping people I love and spreading positivity around, just like a human angel on earth.

I think she has been really kind in her words coz I'm merely doing what I would do no matter what the situation is. I'm not always an angel and I do react badly at times (especially when provoked first). However, I would always make sure I learn something from every situation and not to continue sinking into the devil's path.

That said, I'm really touched by her drawing.

She even photoshopped and gave me a full version of the drawing without the word as the word and letters portion takes up quite a lot of space.

I had to sit down and watch her whole drawing process for about 15 minutes as I could not bear to type in the last letter to skip the whole process to the end. While watching, I snapped loads of printscreens and made an anigif file of the screenshots combined.

I love watching the anigif with any of these 3 pieces of music playing in the background:
1. Gavin Friday -- Angel (OST Romeo & Juliet 1996)
2. Yiruma -- River Flows in You
3. Enrique Iglesias, Juan Luis Guerra -- Cuando Me Enamoro


  1. Precious drawing. I love gifts like that! Ones you'll remember always :) Hope your week is going well doll! xx

  2. A human angel is very appropriate. Your kindness shows through in everything you do, including regular, everyday blog comments.

  3. I'll take a trip to Europe over gifts any day =) Those are precious drawings, Jo. Happy belated BD!

  4. Aww what a nice gift!

    Happy Belated Birthday!! :)

    You are gorgeous btw! May all your dreams come true and you have a wonderful year ahead of you with your hubby. <3

  5. wow that drawing is amazing! It's a really sweet gesture, but she is right - you're such a kind person :)

  6. So cute! Happy belated to you, darling! :D

  7. OMG This is adorable!! Your friend is an iDraw artist!!
    -Happy birthday!

    Please check me out at A Preponderance of Fashion

  8. wow that's pretty awesome! man I want an iphone just for the apps lol

  9. Thanx all for your sweet notes and wishes. I enjoyed reading them. =D

  10. that is a cute drawing. Id draw you but it would be offensive to public viewing =D

    it's finally full blown summer in canada!! We are having a weird cold week but last week was around 28 celsius. all sorts of baby geese walking around which means it's time for turtle to visit the zoo~

    i havent heard from you in quite a bit. I hope youre staying busy and happy. (yup I did read your long reply on your post).


  11. Happy belated birthday Jo! Your friend is so sweet - you really are like an angel though. Even though I've never met you in person I can tell that you have a kind heart :)

  12. *Squeals Joleneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!*

    Yikes O-M-GEEEEEE! I'm so touched to see a post on my drawing! And so glad you like it! Noticed you changed your profile picture on Fb too!

    That's so sweet!

  13. what an amazing draw something, it should be on the "best of" page that always pops up. I love how your post shows the stages. I wish I could draw like that on that app...shading and all! Following you on GFC and bloglovin :)

    Couture Caddy

    ps. Happy belated birthday!

  14. Turtle,
    LOL! When you said "offensive", I imagine something kinky but I know you meant not-so-beautiful stick figures and unsuitable for public viewing.

    Haven't heard from me? From where? Oh yes, I don't think I would create a twitter account anytime soon. I have instagram and pinterest though. You? Or you could just update your blog more and come here more often for "live" updates. lol.


    Thank you for your sweet words, dear. You are an angel yourself too. It's evident from all our exchanges.


    Wahahahahaha... This is the first time I address an anonymous person knowing full well who she is.

    Yes yes... I thought that such beautiful drawing should really see the light even if you wanna remain anonymous. I'm really touched by your drawing and it's only natural that I change my profile picture. I'm still in loop (you know where) for your anime drawings and latest art works.


    Jacquii Lie,
    That's really sweet. Hmm... maybe I should really submit my friend's drawing in. I went to google "the best of draw something" and I feel that my friend deserve a place there!

    I love to see newcomers here and thanx for following. I would check out your blog real soon.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)