Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pin Pin Pin on Pinterest

My 2nd sis had been BUGGING (and I mean BUGGING in caps) me to sign up for a Pinterest account.

She knows I would definitely love it since I'm always sharing inspirational photos on Facebook.

I know I would definitely love it too ever since I saw many of my US blogger friends using it. And I know that once I have an account, I would be pinning my way from sunrise till sunset.

So when I managed to get past my obstinacy of upgrading good old Facebook to timeline, I started pinning my way... not from sunrise to sunset but for the past few hours.

Here is something interesting which I shared on my craft board:

~How To Make Fairies In A Jar~

[Credit: FirenzeLotus22 on deviantART]

1. Cut a glow stick and shake the contents into a jar. Add diamond glitter
2. Seal the top with a lid
3. Shake hard

I'm gonna try this trick when I get my hands on some light sticks and glitter dust. Let me know how yours turn out if you are trying this too.

Any of you blogger friends and readers on Pinterest too? Click on the button below to view all my boards and if you like them (or me... lol), feel free to follow!

Follow Me on Pinterest

~Fleur Fairie's Announcement~

In conjunction with the Great Singapore Sale, Fleur Faerie is offering a store-wide 20% discount.
Simply enter the code FFGSS20 upon checking out.

Here are some items for summer love!

For international buyers, please contact us at shop@fleurfaerie.com before placing your orders.

Happy shopping!

PS: Thank you all for your birthday wishes. It's been a busy weekend and I'll catch up with all of you soon!


  1. you look gorgeous in those dress!!

    I can't believe that bowl is DIY!? it looks so cool!!

    I just requested an invitation from pininterest haha we'll see how that goes :P

  2. I've visited pinterest once or twice to check out the Smithsonian page, but I don't have an account yet. The puppy is a great choice to promote the sale--he's very cute...and the pretty girl is a good choice too. =)

  3. That is beautiful, I like it! May make one too :) I do have a pininterest, I always forget I have one really, haha!! Hope your week is going well so far & of course you can pin the pics you wish too :) xx

  4. Nic Nic,
    I hope you don't get as addicted as I am. As I'm doing my work, I kept thinking of stuff to pin. lol

    Remember to let me know when your request is approved ok?


    I wonder... I just wonder how would your board look like if you should get one. Please let me know if you do! Have you clicked on mine yet?

    You trying to butter the girl up right? lol


    I've pinned 2 of your sea theme pictures onto my whimsical board. Oh, and I saw your notification. Thanx for following!

  5. ohh gorgeous i absolutely love those dresses that you modeled they are so pretty!!

  6. happy belated birthday! all the dresses are so lovely esp the polka dot ones!

    xx heidi
    life full of loves

  7. Your dresses are gorgeous I am going to have to check out the sale. I have not yet signed up for pinterest....but I am thinking about it.

  8. Lisa,
    Thank you, dear!


    Thank you, dear!


    You should so totally sign up for Pinterest! I think it's one of the most fun wan to express yourself ever.

  9. I considered joking that I have to be nice because I might want to borrow money someday. But no jokes (and no butter), just honesty. =)

  10. Ahh so many social media platforms >.< Is pinterest similar to Instagram? I don't have either a pinterest or instagram account, at least not yet :)

    I love the shop photos btw! Do I see a future in the modeling industry for you Jo? :D

  11. Rick,
    I'll believe you on honesty then coz you can't and needn't have to borrow money from me. lol =D


    Pinterest is more of pinning pictures from almost everywhere except if the site had copyright issues. It is highly addictive (see my board for example of addictive) to pin beautiful stuff. Instagram is more of like uploading your own photos edited by instagram.

    Haha... nope no modelling. Just for a sideline for fun. =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)