Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Big X0 to Me


It doesn't feel like my birthday but it is.

I would be spending it meaningfully later.

Early in the morning, I would be accompanying my mother to the hospital for a check-up. My cute mum has even forgotten that it would be my birthday till I reminded her. She declared that everything would be on her later when we go out. This is a nice change and I wonder what we would be doing after the check-up.

Then from evening till night, I would teach my classes. I doubt I would get angry with these teenagers.

For the past 8 years or rather, for as long as I started working, my birthday would always fall on my off day. If it doesn't, I would apply for a birthday leave and either go out or simply slack at home till the appointed meet up timing with friends or date with the hubby. As I was in the teaching line (still am, albeit part-time), there is a tendency that kids would make me angry and I simply refused to get angry on my birthday. Call me pampered and prissy; I like to do it this way.

So there you go, a rather nondescript birthday considering it is my big X0 but I'm contented.

This is a scheduled post.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm sure you'll do something nice and lovely today! :D I'm so excited for you! ^__^

  2. happy birthday cousin!

    haiyo! X0 still too obvious! lol! ;p

    have a good one later! ^_^

  3. awww hope you had a great birthday!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!! It isn't the 25th here yet, so technically I'm sending b-day wished early--a first for me. =)

    And about the big X0, my brain tells me it's the big X9!!! Have I finally gotten so forgetful that I'm wrong about numbers??? I'm sorry my friend. I hope you have a beautiful birth-day and weekend!

  5. Happy Birthday Jo! Too bad you don't live in the US because I'd let you come by and select a bag to go with your birthday outfit for a night out on the town.

  6. Happy birthday dear!!! I would definitely believe you if you say your in your 20s!!! i hope you have a wonderful day dear!!!

  7. Happy Birthday Jo and welcome to the wonderful world of sweet X0 -. we all know the secret code :). Let's celebtrate the wisdoms that we have accumulated over the years and forget the number. Cheers to a wonderful year.

    Hope you're having a wonderful day. <3

  9. Happy Birthday! :)
    And I'm sure your birthday celebrations later on will DEFINITELY feel like it is your birthday! xo

  10. This blog is a good way to inspire others, keep it that way.

  11. happy birthday hun!!! hope you have a lovely day and a relaxing day off =]

  12. Happy, Happy Belated Birthday, Jo!! I hope you had lovely time and didn't get angry hehehehe
    I wish you health, happiness and love all year round

    Btw, have I ever told you that you share the same bday as my bf? haha random fact for you

  13. Abby,
    Thank you, dear!


    Lol... It's ok, cuz. It's meant to be obvious yet concealed.


    Pop Champagne,
    Thank you, dear!


    Ooh... I'm curious to know why you think it's X9. You have my email add right? Remember the number? Oh I know! You failed your Math. lol


    That's so sweet of you!


    You are so sweet! Thank you.


    Yes yes, you know the secret code (which is not too secretive) too. We will definitely amass more wisdom every day.


    You are still around?! What a lovely surprise!
    I haven't seen you on blogosphere for a loooong time!


    Thank you, dear!


    Maria May,
    Thank you, dear!


    Thank you! =)


    Thank you, dear!


    Thanx for asking. I didn't get angry with my students but the whole day before work was simply a test of my patience what with being at the hospital with my mum for 7 hours.

    Oooh... Happy belated birthday to him. Now you would always remember my birth date. lol... People who are born on 25 May are special. There was this drama serial which had onf of the main characters being born on that date and he's supposed to have Lady Luck perpetually shining on him. I don't that on me but I'll still like to think it's unique.

  14. Happy Belated Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful one with your loved ones ^^

  15. btw you look so young still :P not a day older than 21 ;)

  16. LOL, I remember the number, but didn't know that's what it meant. I guess to me you'll always be X9. =)

  17. Nic Nic,
    Thank you, dear!



  18. aww happy belated birthday babe!!! i'm sure you are going to or perhaps did something fabulous for your birthday already? is your hubby home now or is he away?? you'll have to make sure he takes you out for your birthday :)!!!

  19. Lisa,
    Your comment went wonky. It was on my email but not on blogger to be approved and all of a sudden, it came back!

    Hubby is in town and yep, we had a lovely meal the next day. =)


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