Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Xtina's Fantabulous 4 Days Wedding Grandeur: Day 2

~*Day 2: Xtina's Hen's Night*~

Xtina's bachelorette's party took place at Lantern Bar, a stylish rooftop bar at The Fullerton Bay Hotel.

Lantern Bar is voted one of the most popular “after work” drinks venues in Singapore (so much so that bookings for tables are recommended). I heard that it is quite an atas place with very expensive finger food and drinks. Fortunately for us, our friend DJ Sanakan Damian was spinning that night and invited us to hold Xtina's hen's night there. Hence, we totally skipped the reservation process.

The lift opened with a beautiful view of the pool. The city night scape view from the bar was magnificent and the whole place was dazzling with lights. The environment of the bar was posh but not intimidating. The place was like United Colours of Benetton -- there were many foreigners there.


Presenting masterminds Number 1, 2 and 3 respectively for the evil deeds that night:
Tiff, Jo, Gera


The black and red theme was purely coincidental though these two colours always ring "devilish" in my mind.


We made Xtina clip on a huge flower on her head to show that she was the main star that night.


It was full house and we waited around at the standing tables while snacking on finger foods for most of us had not taken our dinner yet. The food was great but be prepared to fork out more buck for them at such an atas place.


Even though Xtina's jie mei (sisters aka bridesmaids) constitute friends from various phases in her life, we all happen to be acquainted with one another and so had lots to chat about while waiting for a better table to accommodate the whole lot of us. Xtina's youngest sis joined us too. In retrospect, it must have been the most shocking day of her life.

With Damian's help, we finally managed to snag a huge table for our entourage. Some of the jie mei lured Xtina away to the ladies and made sure she stayed in there for a long time while the rest of us hurriedly got down to business.

Out popped the cake which I had custom made. Once we opened the box, there were lots of squeals from our own group as well as from the other patrons.


If you are below 18 years of age, please hit the x-button and don't come back. If you insist on scrolling, don't go running to your mummy saying that my blog is unsuitable for the young.

For the rest of you, please continue to scroll down.

Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?

Presenting our cake for the bride-to-be -- a Pumping Pole of Penile Power!


Our group screamed as the erected Wiggedy Wang had fallen horizontally! The other patrons screamed coz they thought it was fun seeing a Wiggedy Wang cake complete with edible "hair" and cum.

Guess who came up with these words? No, not me. It was Tiff.


After marvelling at and fixing the cake, we wasted no time in preparing Xtina's white polo tee for her to collect kisses with.



Xtina obviously loved the tee a lot.


Tiffy helped Xtina to put the tee on and arranged her hair such that she looked like the most gorgeous bride-to-be ever.


Our gorgeous Bimbo!


All of us made a promise that what happened at Lantern would stay at Lantern and that some photos would only be for our private viewing. Hence, whatever you see here have been approved by Xtina.



Cheeky jie meis kissed Xtina at all her significant areas.




And then there were untold stories... and all I can say is everyone enjoyed the night.


After the wildness at Lantern, a few of us adjourned to St James for Xtina's last night of clubbing as a single lady. When the music got bad, everyone suddenly realised that they were exhausted and posed like this:


We ended the night with supper of delicious local food like oyster omelette and bbq chicken wings at Food Republic outside St James.


I would end this post with the unfortunate tale of the Pumping Pole of Penile Power.

Boys boys boys... This is what we tigress would do should you cheat on us -- chopping off of manhood and pulling out tuft of pubic hair! In case you are wondering, the "hair" is edible as it is fat choy (Cantonese for "hair vegetable" aka black moss). We tried nibbling and found it very gross though.



That summed up Day 2 of Xtina's 4 days wedding grandeur. We had a whale of a time and we were glad that Xtina enjoyed herself while being so sporting at the same time.


Love you, babe!


  1. MOMMY!!!

    You look different in these pics, but not evil. Just different. =)

    The joke in the US is the opposite, that after marriage that doesn't happen anymore.

  2. Looks like you had a great time! That cake is so scandalous haha

  3. Awwwww love the cake!! This is such an awesome bachelorette party!!! And all of you girls look so beautiful on that night <3

  4. Rick,
    I think I look like myself in real life that day but I must say I really look quite different in these pictures. I don't know what happened but I think I look really devilish here. lol


    Thanx for leaving me a sweet note here!


    Ang Lam,
    Aww... thank you. Yep it was an awesome party!

  5. Oh no! I'm so sad. I've tried uploading some more through blogger for you, but I'm almost out of upload space. What do you use?

    Looks like such a fun night hun, don't know how I'd feel eating that cake.....haha. But I love hens nights!

    Couture Caddy

  6. Oh my god, what a night Jo!!!! And that cake decoration, you ladies were insanely It surely looks gross especially the hair part...ewwwww.

  7. haha looks SO much fun, omg the penis cake, it even has jizz coming out of it LOL. the bar looks amazing, and that it has an outdoor pool. There are NO pubs, bars, rooftop patios in the city I live, let alone a rooftop pool! I'm super envious!

  8. oooo that cake! hahahaha that is what every bachelorette party has in the US. you know it is a bachelorette party when you see those types of party favors. Looks like you girls had a great time.

  9. haha omg that cake!!!!! it has curly hair, that is sooo funny and look so real too! :D

    Looks like you guys had a blast!!!

  10. O___O omg what... uhm... i can't describe that cake that i'm looking at. hahaha! I wonder what the baker was thinking about when s/he made that xD

    anyway your outfits look so adorable! ^__^

    have a wonderful weekend!

  11. LOL omg that cake is too much! Looks like you guys had a wild night xDD I've never been to a bachelorette party; none of my friends have quite reached marriage age yet :P

  12. looks like a verrrry fun bachelorette party hahaha! and what a beautiful bar

  13. Hahahah LOVE the cake! So funnyyyy haha I was just about to ask what the "pubic hair" was made of and was thinking fat choy when you reported it was indeed fat choy. You ladies looked like you had fun. You look very pretty, Jo!

    Btw, I'm headed to Singapore the coming weekend for a friend's bday. I know it's last minute and all, but do you have time for coffee on Saturday brunch time? At Vivocity to be exact. No worries if you can't, just thought I'd see if I'm able to catch you this time :)

  14. first off congrats to your friend's wedding nuptials! the bride-to-be is looking gorgeous, as is evryone else - looking very glam for the hen-do!! looked like it was a success ;)

  15. Jacquii Lie,
    I sometimes use blogger when it's just a few photos a post but the main bulk of my photos are uploaded onto PhotoBucket. It's good coz it's free with a large storage space and I've been using it for years. Until a few months back, there would be occasions when I exceed my bandwidth and readers would not be able to view the photos till the next reset on the new month. Not to worry though, you won't have that problem for the first few years.


    Yes when I had that cake delivered to my house, I was grossed out to the max by the hair despite being highly amused by it. The hair was definitely the talk of the night.


    Pop Champagne,
    Could it be because over where you stay, it is too cold to have a rooftop bar or pool? It sure looks great in the photos but honestly since we are a tropical country, it was rather warm and humid atop the roof with all the warm yellow lighting.


    I would check out your blog soon!


    Bravoe Runway,
    Do these cakes in US come complete with the hair too? I'm curious as I reckon the hair is a type of Chinese vegetable. Not sure if it is commonly found in the States.


    Yes! The hair was the talk of the night.


    Robots in Trouble,
    Haha... Thank you, dear.


    That could only mean you are blessed with youth. lol


    Thanx for leaving me a note! I love to see newcomers around.


    You've got mail! Did you receive it?


    Nic Nic,
    Thank you, dear.

  16. I love wild hen nights.


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