Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Santa Claus Is Late!

Why am I blogging about Christmas which was exactly a month ago when it's still Chinese New Year now?

Well, that is because Santa Jo or rather Santarina Jo is really late for Christmas gift giving/exchange with dear friends in 2011.

Due to my London-Paris trip in December, I simply had no time to shop for Christmas gifts last year. On top of that, I stubbornly refused to join the mad Christmas rush in town and squeeze in with the last minute shopping crowd. Hence, I told my friends that I would be santarina only after I get back from my trip at the beginning of January.

I got some gifts beforehand and also some in Paris. As for the rest of the gifts, I shopped for them online snug and comfy in my PJs, bedhead, nerdy glasses and all.

Thank goodness for Little Little Gifts which saved me lots of hassle in getting the perfect last minute gifts for my friends. Some of you may remember my pleasant experience with them which I blogged about here.


Free wrapping service was provided for all customers during the Christmas season and boy was I glad for that.

If you've ever received presents from me, you would already be aware of my style of wrapping.

  1. I merely make use of "wrappers" at home existing in the form of glossy magazine paper and thick catalogue pages. 
  2. I don't cut in straight lines and simply fold the excess "wrapper" in. 
  3. I stick scotch tape hapzardly.
  4. When the wrapping is finally done, I stare at my masterpiece with great pride and choosing to believe that the shoddy piece of work is actually art.

Hence, you could imagine how I squealed and gasped when I saw the gifts I bought all exquisitely wrapped and delivered to my doorstep!


The ribbons are tied in such perfect little bows that I felt like passing my Tiffany boxes and white ribbons to the littles elves or whoever who did the wrapping at Little Little Gifts to tie them all up in perfect little white bows too.


I like how even the same items of different colour or design are wrapped with different wrapper so as to differentiate them.


Before delivery, a gift wrap detail email was sent so I could easily distinguish which gifts were beneath which wrappers. Really thoughtful of them!



Special gift for my godson Jase.


Seriously, I would never have thought of using Christmas ornaments as part of the wrapping. Ok or maybe it's just me being plain lazy and having a lack of creativity.


I've since met up with some groups of friends to exchange presents and some of them were really impressed by the wrapping, asking me excitedly if I wrapped them. As for the rest of my friends, I would slowly find a common time in our schedule to meet them. I'm sure they would be thrilled to receive gifts which are so beautifully wrapped.


  1. Whew! From the title I thought Santa was pregnant. =)

    I would be fun to see examples of your wrapping. It sounds similar to my KH's. I have to be more precise when I wrap...I don;t want to be, I HAVE to be. Must be something in my subconscious.

    Santa may have been late, but she's being pretty generous. That's quite a stack of presents.

    PS - That little devil is very memorable.

  2. Sooo many nicely wrapped gifts! XD Hehe...I'm pretty bad at wrapping too. I somehow manage to convince the hubs to do it for me every time. ;)

  3. they are beautifully wrapped!!! wish i had those skills

  4. Those are beautiful..I love presents all wrapped like that!! Better late than never I say!! xx

  5. Hello Ms. Busy Bee. Better late than never, Jo. They sure did a great wrapping job. Mine were rather....err....crappy because the packages would be torn apart anyway. That is what I think :)

  6. I've never thought about using gift wrapping services before! In fact... I rarely gift wrap... I just stick all the gifts in the shopping bag that comes with them XDXDXDXD cuz I feel bad all the wrapping papers are going to be thrown away anyway... at least shopping bags can hold trash? LMAO. but yes these gift wrapping are exquisite!!! never thought about using Christmas ornaments either, they're so pretty I'd scream and squeal if I receive them myself as well >w<

  7. That gift wrap is exquisite! I love the extra touch of the christmas ornaments. So gorgeous! I know everyone was pleased. Ok, which one is mine? LOL Just teasing you!

  8. Rick,
    Santa's pregnant? lol...
    I must meet somehow acquainted to your kh I think.


    Shop N' Chomp,
    Haha. It's great to have your hubby do the wrapping for you!


    I wished I had them too!


    The Dainty Dolls House,
    Better late than never too I say. =) I'm sure when it comes to presents, nobody would mind!


    Is that my new nickname now? Nobody can beat Peh Sun in terms of bz-ness. Haha and yes, that's why I use recycled materials. =)


    Oh that's what I do sometimes too. Just present in the shopping bags or other paper bags so friends could open them immediately. I'm sure you would scream and squeal! I know you. lol


    You're so hilarious! I really laughed out when I read your comment. =)


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