Saturday, January 28, 2012

Out of town for the next four days...

to the land of Tom Yum and Thai iced tea.

[Picture credit: weheartit]


  1. You're going to Thailand?? Is it for work or for recreation??? Either way safe travels and have fun ^_^!!!

  2. You're always going on trips Jo! I wish I had the lifestyle you have haha. I hope you take plenty of pictures to show us when you get back! Have a safe trip and have fun! :D

  3. I'm back! Thanx all for your comments. Always love reading what all of you have to say.


    Hehe... it does seem like I'm travelling a lot recently but before that I haven't travelled in 2 years. I guess I really made a change in my life not to let all things revolve around my work schedule.

  4. Have a fantastic time, I'm looking forward your pictures!!

  5. that's a great photo! have fun on your lil out of town vaca! you are always on the go, im jealous!


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