Sunday, December 04, 2011

Birthdays in April

Back to updating backdated entries yet again!

~*April's Birthday Meet Up at Ootoya*~

It is so difficult to catch April the busy bee that she actually had to take leave every year in order to meet viv and me for her belated birthday lunch. This time round, she was a little sick and so took medical leave. Poor gal!


We met up at one of my favourite Japanese haunt-- Ootoya Japanese Restaurant 大戶屋 at Orchard Central.

As usual, we had our mains and also food to share coz what's food when you can't share it with great pals?

I absolutely love their Japanese Tofu Salad. It's so yummy yet healthy.




Of course when it came to desserts, we simply could not decide what we wanted. Hence, we ordered 3 different desserts so we could indulge in a variety of flavours. Our 3 choices were great! You could really tell from the photos right?


We wanted a shot of the 3 of us but when kh saw this photo, he insisted, "Don't lie. I know April's Chanel is the main focus here."


Well, I hadn't intended for it to be that way but you know what? He was godamn right! I love her beige jumbo classic flap in gold hardware but logic got the better of me and so I got the black medium one in gold hardware instead. I think I would cherish the bag more than my life should I get a light coloured one and I would kill that person who spill red wine on my beige should I get a beige.

I will blog about my bag in time to come. I know some of you have been waiting for me to write about my dream bag for the longest time ever. For those of you who own so many Chanels like my one of my favourite blogger friend Peh Sun, don't scoff at the poor peasant me who could only afford one ok? =D

Btw, Peh Sun wrote an absolutely touching tribute to me and a few other lovely ladies some time back. Click on the link to read it!

Enough of digression...

Right, so we have a proper 3-of-us shot with no timeless Chanel to interfere with our timeless friendship.



We attempted a proper self-taken 3-of-us shot which failed miserably, leading to some fun shots in the process. I hope we look cute instead of annoying!


Parting shot!


~*2nd Brother-in-law Birthday Dinner at Peach Garden*~

After having Japanese cuisine for lunch, I had Chinese cuisine at Peach Garden with hubby kh and his family for dinner to celebrate my 2nd bil's birthday.

That was one of the rare occasions when I felt so full halfway into dinner. My parents-in-law were somewhat used to me gorging so much that they thought it was pretty abnormal for me to be nibbling so little that evening.

Chinese restaurant food would most of the time never go wrong. I'm so hungry typing this while looking at the succulent prawns!


Feeling all happy after a sumptuous meal!


Here's what I wore that day:


♥ M)Phosis white top
♥ Clubcouture sleeveless draped vest
♥ Coax denim shorts
♥ DMK grey mesh shoes
♥ Brown leather watch
♥ Fayfey heart tag and key necklace


  1. OH my! That jap food looks soo good !! drool over the desserts!

  2. Haha, the bag is not the center of that picture!!! My eyes were drawn to the the food on the table. ;P

    I love the way your family and friends celebrate.

  3. Hi Jo! All of that food looks soooo good. It's healthy too! Even the dessert is. HAHA You look fabulous. I love that chain you are wearing. It's gorgeous. Is that a key and heart? Nice. Hope all is well. ((HUG))

  4. Jo! Im back!!! Omg the desserts look delicious, oh and the mains lok appetizing too LOL But after seeing the desserts they're an after thought! I want some now, I bet they were as good as they looked too! Ahaha your hubs is so funny!!! But Omg I love your friends bag! It's my dream bag! >< But as a student right now there's no way I can justify that kind of purchase >< I would never scoff at anyone that has "only" one designer bag or any bag for that matter as long as you love it! <3

    Btw babe you are looking HAWT! <3

  5. Helloooooo!!!!!!!!!

    Greetings from Northern Ireland. Im currently on the move with my parents (they arrived all the way from Msia since last week). Have been off the internet world for so long, I just thought I would pop by.

    Wow you have a huge backlog as it is now December not April la..

    I like how you said " Feeling all happy after a sumptuous meal" and the photo shows such a clean white table cloth!

    Okay, going off now. Will disturb you when I have more leisure time


    The annoying Barney

  6. katattack2000,
    They really are! I need to learn how to make some jap food instead of spending so much money on eating them outside.


    Thank you. Love to see newcomers around.


    Haha... coz u're a guy. No coz you're not a guy like kh who's since been trained to recognize the various iconic designer bags. lol

    I love the way we celebrate too but that calls for lots of time to coordinate such that it matched everyone's schedule.


    Thank you for your lovely words dear. Yes, it's a broken heart and a key combined on 2 chains.


    suki pooki,
    Ah, I like how you would be away for long and come back again after some time with lovely words.

    Haha... I meant the scoffing as a joke coz while here I am so happy to have finally gotten my dream bag, I already know of so many people who own a few or many chanel items. I used to be a very poor student so I understand perfectly how you feel. That's why when I start working and save for years only do I bear to part with so much for this bag. It's sorta a wrong choice though coz when i 1st wanted it, it was SGD2+K and now it's SGD5+K! You'll understand the feeling of buying things you really want when you start to work. I'm sure of that. =)



    I miss miss miss your annoyance. Please annoy me more!

    Yes, you understand my bz-ness now? hehe... And blogging is just one facet of my bz life.

    Oh our table was sooooo dirty that we had to troop over to the next table to have that family photo taken. Haha...

    I hope you have a lovely time with your parents! =)

  7. I'm drooling from the food. Your hair is amazing by the way!

  8. Gorgeous photos!! You and your friends all looks great! I love the food pics! The tofu salad looks so delicious. And healthy too!

  9. Such a lovely and mouth watering celebration Jo. I miss Japanese food in Asia.

    I am looking forward to seeing you modeling with your dream bag. I too only own one that I can't even say it is a teeny tiny collection but that is good enough (for now anyway). I don't even know what I want next. We may fly to Dubai next year on the way to BKK, hope their prices are better.

  10. Irene,
    Ah! Surprised to see you here. You've been on hiatus for quite some time. Thank you for your comment! Gonna check out what's new at your blog next.


    Thank you! Ah yes, delicious and healthy. Seldom do we find such combination.


    I know how much you would miss Jap food in Asia coz seriously I couldn't find a restaurant that serves decent jap food back in NYC.

    My hubby just came back from Dubai. The prices are almost the same as in Singapore except for some US brands like Coach etc. I told him not to buy anything after he told me the prices. So yep, just to let you know.

  11. Happy irthday to your friend! Always love your food shots, makes me hungry haha

  12. the desserts look sooooooo yummy! why do you have such yummy food pictures in your posts? you get me drooling everytime i read your blog xD
    For a second i though you were wearing very soft clothes for winter xD Because in Portugal we're freazing by now! x.x

    Love * Monstros no Armário

  13. Nic Nic,
    Lol... it's super belated since this was in April.


    Oopsy... sorry about making you drool. We have summer all year round in Singapore.

    Take care of yourself. You've been missed for a long time!


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