Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Hubby's Invitation

The hubby kept pestering me to check my email just now. This was what he was up to:

[click to enlarge]


  1. ooohhh!!! a date! <3 have fun jo! your hubby is so sweet. :)

  2. Super expensive! Wooo, can I borrow your husband please? :p Enjoy, the Eiffel Tower is amazing!

  3. Oh my god, how sweet and romantic is that of your husband. That will be a meal to remember. I may have to steal this idea and surprise my husband for our 10th anniversary.

  4. Awww, that's very romantic! My wife hasn't gotten anything that wonderful yet. =)

  5. Oh.em.gee!! You're going to Paris!! Yayyyy sounds like your Euro trip is happening soon.
    When are you leaving? I'll be in Singapore starting next week :D

  6. Jo, that is SUPER ROMANTIC! He is a sweetie. Clone him and replace all these other knuckleheads. HAHAHA Enjoy! :D

  7. Thanx all!

    Actually we've got a few friends who told us that dining at Le Jules Verne is a must-do thing at Paris but since dinner is too overpriced and the place to hyped up, they suggested lunch. So not like this is a complete surprise for me. What I found sweet was the message he composed. =)


    sugar sugar,
    Hehe... as sweet as your name?


    Haven't heard from you in a while!


    What? You steal this idea? Haha... He should be the one surprising you. lol... Ok as much as a modern woman as I am, I still hope for my man to pamper me.


    Haha... I wanted to shoot you back with "What wonderful things have Rick gotten his wife?"


    I will be leaving for London on 17th December. I had wanted to drop you a mail to ask if you are keen to meet my hubby and me together with your boyfriend in London. Oh man! You would be in Singapore next week??? Till when? We are gonna miss each other in London? Ooh, I would so love to meet you but I'm flying off next Saturday and I'm like so busy settling so many things before I fly. Please drop me an email on the dates you would be here and when you would be back in London. I hope we can meet!


    "Clone him and replace all these other knuckleheads."

    I told my hubby the above about what you said. Lol! He was so smug about it.

  8. Dear Jolene,

    KH is so sweet and loving always. A lunch on top of Eiffel Tower? Even though you say its not a complete surprise but its really sweet still.

    This is why I always say you 2 are my most favorite couple! Both of you are so compatible in every way. And best of all is both of you are so goodlooking! And you are always so kind too. I'm sure he is too.


  9. aww, how sweet!! You're lucky to have such a romantic husband. Enjoy the view!!

  10. your husband is SUPER SWEET! What a beautiful gesture!

  11. OMG PARIS!!! Im sooo jealous! Actually my bf just ditched me to go on a week long trip to Europe with his friends T_T LOL well he didn't ditch me but you can be sure I was notified it was a "boys only" trip and I was not invited haha I told him he will sorely regret this! Your hubby is soooo sweet and romantic!!!! Ahhhh! <-- still squealing over it! Have an amazing time and let me know how the food is on the tower, I'd love to eat there if I ever make it to Paris!

    Perhaps you'll even run into my bf while you're in London! Have a great time deary! Im soooo jelly right now! =D

  12. Yen,
    You are really too generous with your compliments. =) Every couple is compatible, beautiful and perfect in their own ways. Actually, what am I saying... there isn't such a thing as a perfect couple anyway but I prefer to think that all scars in any relationship adds beauty and depth to the relationship too.


    Thank you!


    Nic Nic,
    Thank you! Love the composed message the best outta all the gestures. =)


    suki pooki,
    Haha... you sound so sorely cute. =D Probably I might brush past your boy and his gang without knowledge.


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