Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The F4 Gang at Nabins

This is a scheduled post.

Back to updating backdated entries yet again.

One evening in April, the F4 gang --em, hs and wy-- decided to meet at Nabins after work to immerse in the quintessence of Arabic fantasies. Besides catching up with one another, it was also meant as a dinner meet up to celebrate em's birthday.


How I miss these gals!


We got em an adidas sports bag which she liked a lot. Now she has a gym bag so she has no excuse not to go the gym. =P


Then, the sneaky gals caught me by surprise when hs suddenly pushed a recyclable brown bag with flower motif across the table saying it was my advanced birthday gift. It was early April then and my birthday falls on the later part of May. So the dinner meet up was meant to be a celebration for both em and me!

You could see how surprised I looked below.


They knew I was into some arty phase and got me lots of DIY craft stuff. How thoughtful of them! They also knew I was into the caring for our environment so they put everything into a recyclable bag which I could use instead of wrapping the gifts. Thoughtful to the max!

The next gift cracked me up. They wanted to get me something I could use for Halloween since it's an event that I would never miss each year.


They got me glow in the dark nail polish! I did not use it for this year's Halloween for it didn't quite gel with my whole image but I would definitely use it in time to come.

We ordered lots of food to share.


Like really lots...


and lots of food.


Then came the desserts. I didn't quite like all the dates. They were too sweet for my liking couple with the fact that they looked like shrivelled cockroaches. Lol.


After eating, we chatted till we had to catch the last trains. I really really love these girls a lot!

A parting shot before my camera battery died. Em was commenting how rare it was that all of us were sporting a full head of our natural black hair then.


Aside: Canon S95 is good for low light but the original and compatible battery sux big time!

The waiter forgot to zoom so we had to use wy's camera to snap.

This is after increasing the exposure by a lot.


My birthday wishes message board is currently sitting my the side of my desk.


I realise I seldom post my work outfits (they're quite boring cos I don't possess a fanciful wardrobe for working clothes) so here's one for an Outfit of the Day shot.


Dear hs is one of the close friend whom I was referring to whose wedding fell in November. What a coincidence that she just sent us some gorgeous pictures of her wedding day over email when I was doing up this post. Here's a bridesmaids picture to share with all of you. The theme was pink.


I will blog about her wedding when I manage to catch up with writing about November.


  1. What great photos ;) Birthdays and weddings are always fun! I love your OOTD - work one:)

  2. Aww, such a pretty bride!

    You are all very thoughtful friends. I look forward to seeing that glow-in-the-dark polish in action at some point.

    That is a good amount of food, it's supposed to be when such good friends get together.

  3. aww looked like you had so much fun. Reading your post made me miss friends back home in the UK! You're very blessed :)

  4. Lovely pics, you look really pretty! Looks like you and your friends had a great time, the food looks amazing.
    The birthday board is such a great idea!

  5. You always look like you're having so much fun with your friends Jo ^^ I'm curious to see the crafts you made with your gifts! I'm in a bit of an arty phase right now too - I'd like to start getting into the Japanese trend of deco-den :D

    And so many of your friends have gotten married/are getting married lately! You must be enjoying it though - I know I love attending weddings!

    P.S. I tagged you for the 11 Questions Tag on my latest blog post! I know you're really backlogged so you don't have to do it, but I thought I would just let you know! ^_^

  6. Jo you have such nice friends! I wish I had friends like this in the States to have birthday and/or casual dinners with! Your bday wishes board is really adorable, did you make that bee? Way cute... I am always drawn to stuff that look like that are made for babies :)

    And as I was about to write you a message, I wanted to say how beautiful you girls look in the last photo. You all smile so genuinely. its gorgeous!

    So of course I meant to speak with you but as always got sidetracked by reading your blog haha. I am planning to a trip (by myself) to SG. Do you think its a good/safe idea? I wanna revisit Joo Chiat and go to that bar on top of Marina Bay lol. Ill be in HK for next chinese new year so I figure it (hopefully) would not be too difficult to make a trip like that? What do you think? I know you are busy so don't waste your time in giving me dump suggestions hhaa. No rush and no pressure.

    :D Winnie

  7. Pretty photos. I love the last one, everyone looks so gorgeous. Thanks for sharing, visit my blog sometimes =)

  8. katattack2000,
    Thank u! =)


    She is so pretty right? She was practically glowing on both her engagement day and wedding day. And yes, great food, great company, what more could a gal (oops a lady) ask for?


    Nic Nic,
    I can really imagine the missing of friends! I'm really blessed with so many great pals around me and I'm always thankful for these people in my life!


    Thank you! Yeah I always cherish things like handwritten notes, cards, in this case a board they made a lot more than the presents. The board is indeed a great idea!


    I AM really having lots of fun with my frenz. Hehe... how not to when I'm blessed with such great friends in my life? lol

    I love attending weddings of people I'm close too but most of the times, I would be bridesmaid so yeah it would be really busy but it's so worth it!

    I'll go check out your blog post and yeah you know me well, I don't think I've got the time to do the tag. I still owe you a Through the Years post right? lol... I know you only wanted to see photos of me through the years and not to officially do a post so I hope the hair post was a good one. =D


    I always count my blessings to have such great friends around me. Ooh... the message board was done by them and I think the bee was ready-made. lol.

    Thank you, I think we look beautiful coz of the happiness that radiate from within. =D

    U wanna come to SG ALONE? I so wanna meet you and if you like, show you around if the timing matches! I'm usually very bz with lots of relatives gathering during the whole CNY period which may extend well beyond our official 2 days holiday. I really hope we can meet though. SG is definitely very safe to come alone so please execute your plan! I'm so excited for you!


    just tututiny,
    Thank you! Will pop by your blog soon. =)

  9. Jo, you have the best friends. I love how you gather for birthdays and such. You received some wonderful gifts. Oh wow! What a beautiful bride!!! Can't wait to see more.

  10. Kim,
    Indeed. I think the best thing that I have in my life are the wonderful people around me. =)


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