Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Charmaine!


Charmaine is 6 years old today. She has been battling cancer for the past 2 years and she's still putting in her utmost strength and willpower to get well.

We just came back from a night out of lantern wishing with the kids.

Although she was in pain, I'm glad to see her having so much fun writing her wishes with help from cyn mommy and watching her lantern together with her wishes float into the air.


Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!


  1. HAPPY BDAY CHARMAINE!!! =DDDDDD it kind of breaks my heart when I saw that her dream was to go to school =( but I hope that dream will come true soon =)

  2. i hope charmaine's birthday wish comes true. happy birthday dear! :)

    i will keep her in my prayers.

  3. That's a very sweet note, Charmaine. Happy Birthday and may your dreams come true. Hugs.

  4. Yay, Happy Birthday, Charmaine!!! May all her wishes come true.

    PS - I used to write cards like that for my parents.

  5. Thank you all! Let's all hope and pray and believe together.

  6. Happy birthday to your dear god daughter. Wishing her all the best!

  7. Happy belated birthday to little Charmaine, wish all her hopes and dreams come true...very soon. She is such a strong little girl. I can't imagine my little girl go through such pain and fear for years. Her strong spirit will help her overcome everything.

    Thank you Jo for your encouragement. I hope I can sort things out and sacrifice some sleep to pursue those goals this year, I am thinking about small online business :) You made such a huge decision on your career and I think you did the right thing. When would be a better time, right? Life is way too short and it is 100 times more difficult to do other things when you become a mother. Take all the time you want to find your passion. Having kids after 30 is so normal in these age and time. You still have plenty of time. My daughter was born when I was 29 (oops I just revealed to you how old I am). One disadvantage when you wait is you are not as energetic as moms in their mid 20s, I can tell you that. I love my job and the pay. We have a fairly nice living with both incomes, money will be tight if I quit. Also I just can't see myself as a stay at home mom, seriously. I need a little escape as much as I love her. And yes my husband is caucasain.

  8. Thank you Nic Nic & Nelah.

    Nelah, I'll reply you separately on your post. =)


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