Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Baby Leo's 1 Month Bday & Experimenting with Konad

One of the Saturdays in January, my cousin sushi threw a baby shower for her beloved Leo who was 1-month old then.

As I had work that day, kh and I could only visit her and little Leo at night when the party was over. I did not bring my camera so the photos below were stolen from karen who popped by with reg during the day.


Leo is such a happy and curious baby. Now that I'm writing about a 1-month old baby in July, I must say he has since grown quite a bit and he's so lovable!

Here are some cupcakes which we brought home. I did not taste any of them as I've since discovered that either of my brothers-in-law would never fail to eat any cakes that I bring home before I do.


Remember that I bought Konad nail stamping kit some time back and said I would blog about it once I try it out?

The first time I tried the stamps, I had Estee Lauder Pink Fever on. Yes, I know that the stamping wasn't very well done. I soon realised that stamping was not as easy as what I thought.


My stamping improved a little when I had Revlon Grey Suede on.


I'm forever on the look out for great nude shades for nail polish. Most nude, light pink and neutral polishes look too translucent even with 3 coats of paint.

So far I'm quite happy with Revlon's Grey Suede as it covers the lunula (white part of the nails) quite well.


I watched a couple of Konad youtube videos and I'm amazed at how these beauty gurus stamp their nails with such precision and speed. I told myself I've to learn a thing or two from them and practise more but I soon got too lazy and those two occasions were the only times I used the Konad stamping kit. The kit is nestling idly in front of me as I'm typing this.


  1. Cute little baby..I miss mine but she is not a baby anymore. Those cupcakes are so adorable.

    I really love your nude nail polish, really gorgeous. I will have to check out Revlon next time I visit a drugstore. I think you did a great job with Konad stamp. I bought mine like a year ago and I did a HORRIBLE job, I gave up.

  2. Baby Leo looks so cute :)
    Btw i have the Konad nail stamp set too. I bought it a few years back. It's rather messy to clean up after that so I stopped using after a while.

  3. Oh my, little Leo is so cute. I miss having little ones, but i didn;t like changing diapers. My wife once said she missed the smell of babies--so I asked if she missed ALL the smells. =)

    I can understand you BILs wanting to share the cupcakes, but they should leave some for the person who brought them home!!!

    I hope your week is going well.

  4. leo is such an adorable baby! the cupcakes are so cute too! :3

    i love what you did with your nails jo! i think i will miserably fail if i try stamping my nails LOL! :)

  5. how adorable is leo! i love the cupcakes decor. super cute. reminds me of my babyshower... it was also safari themed.

    love your nude nails! i agree, stamping is a PAIN. haha... not as easy as it looks...

    cins - design3rd

  6. You have such long pretty nails Jo! How come those stamping wasn't easy? Is it because it's hard to bend? I have never used them before but thought they'd be easy too.. haha. The color you used as bases are really nice though!

  7. Sushi? is that her real name or nickname? =P Leo is cute ^_^ So far I only have one cousin who's had a baby last year =DD and LOL at your brothers-in-law eating all the cakes... what a shame! the cupcakes look so cute and happy I feel like eating them would make me happy =D

    and I LOVE that Grey Suede color!!! I don't have a lot of patience for nail polishes but I've been looking for a nude shade as well!! This looks perfect!! =D Gonna go check it out as soon as I can =D

    PS: wahahahahah pharmacy is slow today so I'm sneaking on your blog at work XD

  8. Nelah,

    I know of mothers who miss their babies when they were still in their womb or when they were still a baby etc. Heh~ Seems like you're one such mommy too!

    One thing about this Revlon grey suede is that its application is not as smooth and may end up streaky. I still love the strong grey nude colour though for it complements my skin tone.


    Rachel Citrella,

    I dislike the cleaning up too. I watched some videos saying that even while stamping, you've to constantly clean the plate in the process of stamping or the pattern wouldn't transfer well. It happened to me and I was wondering how on earth I was gonna use cotton pad to clean the plate w/o ruining those nails which were already done.



    I love the smell of babies too! Their hair and skin of course, not all the smells.

    I can't really stomach too much sweet things and I figured I wouldn't be able to finish a whole cupcake too but I tot I could just have a little bite.


    sugar sugar,

    Leo is even more adorable now at a few months old! Actually my stamping was already very bad and I fumbled a great deal. I'm relieved to hear so many people fumbled too. I had the impression everyone uses Konad like those gurus on youtube.



    Thank you. Welcome here, I love hearing from new readers! =D



    It must have been a wonderful baby shower then! I'm relieved to hear so many people had difficulty with stamping too. I had the impression everyone uses Konad like those gurus on youtube.



    My nail bed are quite pathetic. They're actually the short and stubby kind. I've to keep them real long and paint the white parts away in order to look like the nail beds of those people who do not keep their nails long.

    The polish tend to remain in the patterned grooves after a few rounds of stamping which makes transferring of polish to the stamp pad difficult. Furthermore, I can't really aim the deigns to fit the part of the nails which i want them to be.



    LoL. That's so notti of you to sneak around on blogs during work hours. =D Oh, it's her nickname as her Chinese name sounds just like sushi.

    Lots of my cousins at my mums side are already mothers of a few kids. Many of them married young or have kids almost 9 months after their wedding.

    One thing about this Revlon grey suede is that its application is not as smooth and may end up streaky. I still love the strong grey nude colour though for it complements my skin tone.

  9. Your nails are gorgeous! the shapes are very pretty. I can never print pattern on properly. You did a great job. Happy 1 month to your cousin's baby - it's a special landmark age!

  10. Nic Nic,

    Thank you! My nail bed are the short and stubby kind. I've to keep them real long and paint the white parts away in order to look like the nail beds of those people who do not keep their nails long.


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