Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy birthday my dearest hubby


I treated kh to dinner at Forlino for his advanced birthday dinner. The affably cute waiter presented him with a cake and wished him "happy 21st birthday".

Wouldn't everyone want to celebrate his or her birthday at Forlino now?

Note: This is a scheduled post. At 12am, we'll be watching Transformers: Dark of the Moon. I will blog more about my hubby's birthday in time to come.


  1. aw~~~that is soooo cute~~~i can't wait for my bday later this month~~~im uber excited about my cake...but not the fact that im growing another year older...and you guys looks adorable together~~~cute couple alert~~~~and ya bad service is the one thing that will deter me from ever shopping/eating in any place me its just people being lazy and not doing what they are paid for...and being unprofessional....


  2. booooo pics of Jolene and a boy :P just kidding.

    Hello my best singaporean friend~ I don't understand if he's 30 or 21 because you wished him a happy 30 and 21 hehe.

    I'm jealous you still get packages. Our nation's post service decided to go on strike for 2 weeks so I had no mail anywhere in Canada. And then because they didn't deliver mail for 2 weeks, the mail storage facilities exploded with mail and now I'm missing letters I was supposed to receive 1.5 months ago.

  3. Happy Birthday to Him :) Such a gorgeous photo!

  4. Happy b-day to your mister!!!

    I took my KH out for dinner on Saturday night too. =)

  5. OMGoodness! You two are so cute together. He does NOT look 30. He looks young!

  6. Jessy,

    Thank you! Oh I hope you have a lovely cake. Speaking of cake, my hubby's cake is in the fridge waiting to be cut as soon as my FIL is back. Can't wait to eat. Yeah, boo to your experience at that Moroco place. It was fortunate that Forlino's service was impeccable.



    Hahaha... you're funny. Kh is celebrating his big 3-0. The waiter was just trying to humour him. LoLz.

    I'm so thankful that Singapore has no strike whatsoever.



    Thank you!



    Haha... I took my kh out on a Saturday night too!



    Hahaha... I'll relay your msg to my hubby.

  7. a belated happy birthday to your hubby! you are so sweet jo. i love the picture because you two make a gorgeous couple! :D

  8. So sweet of the restaurant.
    Happy belated Birthday to him! Looks like you guys had a lovely time

  9. A happy belated birthday to your hubby Jo! Haha that's cute how the waiter wished him a happy 21st - I'm not surprised though because you and the hubby definitely do not look anywhere near your 30's!

  10. this is such a sweet picture! Happy birthday to your hubby!

  11. i just found your blog and i am going to keep reading. btw i love your shorts, like all of them in this post

  12. sugar sugar, Joey, Rinny, Nic Nic, Pretty Muffin,

    Thank you lovely ladies. I’ll relay your wished to my hubby.


    Pretty Muffin,

    Welcome here!


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