Thursday, July 07, 2011

Another lovely parcel from another lovely person

The above title provides a continuity from this post.

As mentioned before, I love receiving parcels. This time, I received one all the way from America. It was sent by another blogger friend of mine -- the very kawaii Frances.


We have been constantly communicating over emails and I soon found out one very salient similarity of the both of us-- we both type very long and descriptive emails! Lolz... Her emails never fail to put a smile on my face.

The other time, we were discussing about eye make up and she decided to get a Koji eyelid tape for me to try which she bought when she went back to her hometown, Taiwan a while back. It was meant to be a belated birthday surprise.


I chuckled to myself when I read this. I'm also amazed at my current address which is so short. I often wonder how postmen find their way here.


The lovely Frances also got my god daughter, Charmaine, a card and a pink snoopy.


Thank you Frances for your kind thoughts! =D

If you haven't already visited Frances' blog, you should. She reads up on and watches videos on lots of beauty products and summarises them in bite sized pieces for her readers. She also tries lots of beauty products and gives in depth description and review of them. I was totally going gaga over her oatmeal cleanser and oatmeal mask post a week ago. It made me wanna smear my face with oats immediately.


You know, I'm really feeling all the warmth in the blogosphere after I decided for my blog to be more public. I've made so many sweet blogger friends, enjoyed all the sincere exchanges and have even started to have email conversations with some.

Hugz to everyone reading this!


  1. i've never tried eyelid tape...i did try out some eyelid glue, but it didn't work out for, and i think its great that you are making frds over the blogosphere~~~i mean part of reason that we do blog is to meet people who shares a common interest with us~~~and its always fun when you click with another blogger~~~
    and if i am ever in sigapore id love it if you show me around to all the good eating spot~~~and if you are ever in Canada i'd love to show you my city too~~~ =P


  2. YAY for making your blog public again. :) I agree with you, most of the people with blogs are lovely and the hate comments come from people who don't run blogs haha.

    blogger love is so heart warming! <3 it's so nice to have many lovely friends from all over the world. will follow her blog too. ;)

  3. Awww, Frances is a sweetie. Hugs to both of you.

    But what is eyelid tape for? Please don't say "eyelids"!!! =)

  4. Oh such a sweet package! I love the little notes she included ^^
    And also the present and card for Charmaine. The little one will definitely like her pink Snoopy!

    Yeah, I love how the people on blogger are so nice, it's like one big family. I never would've thought that before I started blogging, but right now, I have the feeling I have so many friends all over the world, and it makes me so happy and fuzzy-feely.

  5. Jessy,
    You've got a nice crease that wouldn't smudge your eyeshadow. You do not need any eyelid tape or glue. I've got thin crease and I tried going out with my eyeliner w/o propping my lids with any tape or fibre and the eyeliner smudged so badly even though it's more or less waterproof. I think we would really click in real life too!


    sugar sugar,

    Haha yeah about hate mails. I realised I've got more international blogger friends than local ones though even though the readership balanced from what I see on my statscounter. Usually the locals read quietly and if they do leave comments, they're always anonymous or not linked to any blogs. I would love to know my readers more actually.


    They're for eyelids!
    Haha... Ok I get what you mean but I dunno if a male caucasian would know what I mean if I say they're for creating folds or crease in the eyelids.


    I'll be seeing the little one this weekend and will pass her the pink snoopy. She really loves pink. Yeah! Blogger is a nice, warm and fuzzy place.

  6. well i do use primer...or else e/s do crease on far as the maybelline mascara goes...i only use the waterproof formula which doesn't smudge~~~the only mascara that ive tried thats not waterproof but still wont smudge is a YSL one...but it is super expensive....i think it was 30 or 35CND...ive only bought that tube like twice...then i found Maybelline colossal express, and its being my go to mascara for the past 2 years, plus when it goes on sale at wal-mart its only like 5 dollars~~~talk about making the most out of you dollar~~~


  7. I dropped my UD primer potion when it was still very full and scraped everything out into a jar. Sad to say, the contents had hardened despite closing the jar tightly.

    I always use waterproof make up too but the weather here is so humid that my eye make up smudged due to oily lids rather than water. Maybe I would give Maybelline colossal express a try. =)

  8. lol aw you didn't have to make a post about it =P but thank you =DD I hope Charmaine likes the card/Snoopy!

    Did you ever end up trying oatmeal?? How did it work out on you?? I got some friends to try it and they all get really good results so I was stoked XD

    And yes your address is indeed AMAZINGLY short... you have no idea XD whenever I ship stuff to international buyers it always takes me forever to write the whole address (sometimes taking up 6 lines if you'll ever believe it) and double check, so when I saw yours I was like O___o????? hahahaha. Gonna go hit the sack now >"< SLEEP!!!!!! =DDDD

  9. Aww Frances is so sweet to send you a parcel and one for Charmaine as well ^^ I've never tried eyelid tape...but have always wondered about it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it once you've tried them Jolene. I'd always thought that they would be uncomfortable if your eyelid isn't naturally supposed to have a fold.

  10. Frances,

    No worries! That's the least I could do to say thank you to you!

    We celebrated Charmaine's birthday last Sunday. She said thank you but hadn't opened the card yet. I'm curious to know what you wrote inside. Hehe.. I told her this jie jie is Godma Jolene's internet friend.

    I have yet to try the oatmeal mask as I've recently switched to using the beauty products which my facial place recommend. Wah... I really should try soon if all your friends are having good results.

    I'm surprised at my own address too. Haha... I'm very used to staying at places with longer address all my life till I moved into my in-laws place.



    She is! Ok, I'll let you know as soon as I try them. I don't feel uncomfortable with them most of the time. But then again, it depends on what kind of tape.


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