Friday, July 08, 2011

Once upon a time, we sang K

Singing K essentially means singing karaoke which is a favourite pastime in Asian countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and of course, Singapore.

I seldom sing K and this singing session materialized spontaneously after a bunch of colleagues decided to go together for our annual health screening which was subsidized by the company. After the check up, everyone thought it would be a waste to go home straight on our off days and thus decided to sing K for a few hours.


1st photo below was when we were sober. 2nd and 3rd was when we were drunk with bubble tea. Guess who came up with the silly actions?


All of us unanimously ordered flavoured bubble tea in the different colours. Great for photography effect. Alas none of us brought camera so we had to make do with a handphone camera. I kinda like the oldish cast though.


Anyone here likes to sing K?


  1. aw~~~i luv karaoke~~~but i havent gone in the longest time~~~i hog the mic sooo much..i would literally sang untill my throat hurts..

    Well when i was in HK last summer it was super Humid too over what i did was use the Aqua Cream from Make up forver on top of my Urban decay primer a double insurance...and it works well together...i never had to worry about anything smudging....maybe pencil liner would still smudge...but its a easy fix compare with if my e/s starts to fall under my eyes...


  2. I sing in the shower every morning and at some point I am supposed to sing a few lines and post them. But I only sound good in the shower and I can't ask my visitors to stand in their showers when they listen to it. So I'm not sure what to do.

    Very cute pictures, you have a nice group of friends. =)

  3. i love bubble tea. i'm actually addicted to it. :D

  4. i will never sing in a karaoke again LOL! xD the last time i did my friends told me to just choose the songs for them instead. :p

    karaoke is sure a nice way to bond with friends but since my singing voice is terrible i would rather grab a cup of coffee or eat LOL! xD

  5. Haha you and your friends are all so cute Jo. Karaoke seems to be really popular amongst Asian people for some reason. I've never done it before, and don't really plan on doing it anytime soon lol. I don't think I'm confident enough in my singing ability to perform in front of others yet :P

  6. Jessy,
    Oh, you're a mic hogger! tsk tsk... I wonder whose songs do you usually sing? =)


    Oh dear, I'm sure your audience would feel rather awkward should they stand in the shower too! I guess the echo in the bathroom makes it all better.



    Hi, welcome to my blog! Well, I'm craving for some bubble tea now.


    sugar sugar,

    Oh no, that's mean of your friends. I'm sure they did it in jest. I don't think you would sound so bad but it's ok coz sometimes I love sitting back and listening to great singing.


    You haven't? You should try some day for fun. I usually can't be bothered about embarrassing myself and just sing my own way. I think I'm thick skinned but I do feel the pressure singing sometimes with many of my colleagues who can sing very well.

  7. I don't like to sing k :( more like too embarassed to sing haha. You guys seem like you had a great time though! All my friends love sing k too so sometimes its hard to coordinate. I just dont like to be put in a dark room i guess lol.

  8. Haha.. you must be a very bright person! I think if you were living in your hometown or in other Asian country, you wouldn't be afraid of the dark KTV rooms.


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