Sunday, July 15, 2007

Reply to Tags

I LoVe the TRANSFORMERS movies so much too,dear!I also think it better than all the other movies I watch this year! "300" movies is also good though! Oh! The *hiding* part of TRANSFORMERS so funny!!! It heartwarming!Action-Packed! And Funny all at the same time!Great movies!My LaoGon and me plan to buy its DVDs to rewatch and keep! As always,do take care while working so hard too!!! If we fall severely sick *touch wood*~ The company still continue without and can re-hire someone to replace us loh *touch wood*~ But it yourself who 'suffer' and feel unwell coz of poor health in the end!So Yeah!HEALTH most impt of all! And yr colleague sound really irritating~ I think sometimes we have no choice,but have to go tell her nicely tat can please don't sing so loud or don't sing?As u need to concentrate?Why not the other colleagues go tell her too? OhYah! I v SLOW!But I super LoVe the how the tables and how the ballrm looked like at yr friend's wedding at Shangri La!So Grand and Beautiful!OMG!*droolz*!!! OhYah!I open the *COMMENTS* in my blog especially for u le! Gan Dong ma (touched ma?) *WAHAHA*! Take care my friend!!!

Jo to Vivien,
I always love to read all your long long tags. I agree with whatever you’ve said about Transformer. My bf also wanna buy the dvd. I enjoyed 300 too! Just caught Harry Potter. For someone who doesn’t read the books, I’ve always enjoyed the movies.

I wish the co could hire like a perm person to help me out in my Pri English dept too. But things are beginning to look brighter. At least they recognize my efforts and are trying their best to alleviate my workload. I haven fallen really sick yet so still ok. I wish I were easily replaceable… haha den can just go MIA.

Something has been done abt the singing-mumbling colleague. Hehe… my colleague talked to her and for the past few days, we had great peace.

Wah!!! I’m soooo gan dong that you included the comments section! Yay, den I can just type longlong liao. Will drop by your colourful and cheerful blog soon and leave a longlong comment. Oh yes, if you don’t find it a hassle, next time do comment in my comment section so I can preserve the memory ya? Coz cbox doesn’t save the tags. So sad!

You take care too!!!


Canny~: hI BABE! Its me again. wahaha! Like for the lack of time, mayb u can jot down the list of things to do, eg. from wat time - wat time: Do what, then i guess the time management will be better this way? Have you try out b4? Last time when I work, I always write down the list of things i need to do, to complete by the deadline, and i can manage my time better! Rem to rest more & pls dun overwork k!! Take good care~!!

Jo to Canny,
Hmm… I do jot down the task to do but can never finish on time unless the day has 36 hours. Thanx for your suggestion though. And oh…. Thank you for your ecard! It’s really sweet of you. It made my day to see something so simple but sincere. I will rest more and take care. You must too. I’ll drop by your make-me-envious-and-wanna-go-US blog soon.


sherin: you look good in aniting lah~ *envy* the bubble dress brings out a different you. kawaii~~

Jo to sherin,
Haha thanx! The bubble dress really very bubbly and make me look like a present with the huge ribbon and puffed look.


reg: hey gal, take care leh..u sound very overworked and stressed up..try to rest more while u can ya?? hehe i cried in public too..just last sun for the same reason as u..ugh.But I've decided to quit!

Jo to reg,
Heyhey… You’re alive! I dropped by your blog every now and then but only see cobwebs. Hope to see some updates. I think you’re also seriously overworked too. Let’s learn to relax relax. Hope everything’s going well for you! Take care!


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