Thursday, July 19, 2007

coachie coachie coo

Sam came back from the States with a bad news for me -- She didn't buy my moo moo coachie. "The factory outlet only has the older designs... The boutique has that but it's totally not worth it after conversion so I didn't get it for you... ..."

That may well be a good news for now my heart is itching for the hobos.

Just can't decide if the

small brown hoho...

large green hobo...


small scibble hobo...

is the best.

My heart is also fluttering at the sight of the bumble bee signature pouch from a few seasons back.

All these are brand new and priced reasonably.

And this is JUST the coach list. I'd better stop or I'll behave like Little MEez Crazy below...

One insomnia night-morning, I was happily trying to make another meez, intending to call her Little MEez Boh Liao. Then, I spotted red devil horns and lo and behold, a few clicks more and out sprouted a pair of white feathery angel wings and I thought it was totally cool to recreate a Little MEez Conscience from last year's Halloween's get up .

Black dress... CHECKED
Black shoes... CHECKED
Black nail polish... CHECKED
Big black eyes... CHECKED
Faux eyelashes... CHECKED
Blondish hair... CHECKED
Angel wings
Devil horns
Halloween background


The angel wings plus devil horns, together with the Halloween background, would complete the whole look. I gleefully clicked "save" with a smirk on my face, thinking about how cool the whole thing was.

ALAS! The angel wings and halloween background were premium items and had to be purchased with meez coinz. So long for the complete Halloween 2006 look! *pouts big time*

Of course I was not silly to purchase these coinz with real money but I was silly enough to try to earn coinz by following their instructions and played a pirate's game till 6am. Luckily that was my off day but unluckily, I didn't get any meez coinz! I played the game many times and earned lots of pirate coinz but still no sign of meez coinz ringing in.

WASTE MY TIME! It was good that the puzzle games were fun.

So now my Little MEez Conscience look so incomplete.

I'm iamjolene!


This is the 3D me.
Make your own,
and we both get Coinz!

Make a Meez

Please help Little MEez Conscience to earn coinz by clicking on the above link to sign up. We'll both get to earn.

Pretty please?

BIMBO SISTERS... WHERE ARE YOU? Please support support yi xia. We can make 5 little meez Consciences.


  1. bimbo sister is still here. reporting.

    have u seen a proper doc yet?

    anyway i tried clicking le. I also try to create a meez doll but failed to even enter...go where?...

    anyway i am starting work next monday. yes..i am going to touch them...opps...touch lives i mean...

    national day in on thursday le...ha ha...wednesday is mambo lei...

    ha ha..

    take care. I got meet up with christina for porridge like 2 aunties..actually is she cook i eat...ha ha


  2. Right on Bimbo Tiff!

    Nope I haven't seen a proper doc. I did a research and it seems like vomiting with headache is nothing serious.. as in not cancerous or anything la. So don't need to waste the $$.

    Hmm... You must click from that Halloween meez. Click "MAKE A MEEZ". It will refer you to this url where you can register. Look at the RHS. Don't get started 1st. Register 1st. Eh.. quite idiot proof what. Wahaha... or copy and paste this link:

    Ooh... Update me more on your touching lives.

    Mambo? Let's see how. May need to complete some work. =p

    Meet up with xtina? Cooked porridge? Sounds damn interesting manz.

  3. The bee one is so sweet. Get that get that!

    Oopsie I already sign up for meez the last time so sorry can't help you. Hope you manage to buy your fairie wings soon.


  4. Hey sorry for being so late in replying! Aww... the bee one has been sold. And I've gotten my fairy wings by the time I reply to this... haha.


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