Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Most Accurate Horoscope I've Ever Read

“It’s certainly a busy time, but you seem to be under the weather, or at least in danger of succumbing to emotional stress. You may not see eye to eye with one particular colleague. The handy astrological advice: relax and see to it that you have sufficient time to yourself.”

– Taken from the horoscope page of the latest 8 Days issue

For the first time, every single line of my weekly horoscope matches what I’m undergoing.

It certainly is a busy time. My temper is getting shorter and shorter as the days go by and I fear that I may not be able to take it anymore. I don’t wanna cry to relieve myself coz I don’t even have the urge to cry. I fear I may not be able to take it anymore. I don’t understand why. There is already a new full time staff to help me out. Why is it that I still can’t finish my work? Why is it that I still bring home paperbag full of work and do till the wee hours? It’s not like I’m some auditor or some highly paid professional or holding some high post or something.

My family members feel that I spend too much time on my work too. My two sisters do not even bring work home. Whenever I see them relaxing at home, I feel kinda jealous. But during this period, I discovered that my sisters are actually very good to me. Once when I had that headache-puking syndrome, my 2nd sis actually wanted to go out and buy any food I asked for. In the end, she wanted to cook for me when I told her I had no appetite for anything except home-cooked food. Haha…

On another occasion, I came home at 11+ and had not eaten my dinner, only to find out that my 1st sis had finished off all the food. She felt so bad that she immediately cooked noodles for me, adding lots of ingredients to it.

Many a times when I came home looking so tired and grumpy, they didn’t even snap at me when snapped at them. When I asked them help me do the dishes coz I’m simply too tired, they helped me without even a hint of complaint. It’s quite unlike them.

And they make me laugh too.

On the topic of not seeing eye to eye to a certain colleague, it’s not entirely the case but it’s somewhat relative. Since my temper is getting shorter by the day, I feel kinda irritated by this singing-mumbling colleague.

This particular colleague is someone who is quite friendly, helpful and with no ill intention, only some bad and annoying habits like singing and mumbling the whole damn day. I used to be able to tahan her, (of coz can tahan la… I’m considered sitting a distance from her as compared to my 2 other colleagues. I really wonder how they can do their work in peace) but last Thursday, I nearly wanted to scream my lungs out. That day, only the both of us were left in the room and I cancelled my tuition to stay back to finish up some work. Having my peace and concentration disrupted when I was trying to finish work certainly didn’t sit well with my nerves. She sang quite loudly and hummed all kinds of tunes. She mumbled so audibly that I thought she may be speaking to me but she wasn’t.

Throughout my mind, I kept telling myself to pick up the courage to tell her in a very nice manner to stop it, However, I could not bring myself to do it. I just imagined myself telling her to stop, only to have the reality of her singing and mumbling bursting the bubble. I tried telling her once long time ago in a joking manner and she actually went “Huh?” very innocently and looking very blur at me. I couldn’t bring myself to repeat to her what I had said.

Tell me… How to deal with this kind of situation??? I don’t want be a meanie coz she isn’t a bad person at all. Nobody knows how to tell her to stop singing and mumbling her every thought out as it’s really difficult to tell someone to stop something so harmless.

Last Thursday night, I engaged kh’s help in marking my K2’s work while I did the rest of my Saturday’s class marking. Instead of increasing productivity, he was constantly asking me how to mark this and what to do with certain mistakes. And that idiotic boy kept laughing at what my students wrote. Laugh till 3+ then finished marking.

Then on Friday night, I asked for his help again for I really could not finish marking my sat's class work. He was so sweet. I could see he was very sleepy but he even offered to help me mark more after he had finished with what I've asked him to mark (and finished making his meez doll.) I thought he would find the meez doll dumb but he actually created one which looked quite like him. Haha... He was like "If I create the doll then I don't have to help you mark is it?"

I completed everything at 5.48am and felt like crying as I looked at the brightening sky and my hp clock and marked the last 5 worksheets. My insomnia wasn’t working that night and I was constantly nodding off to sleep. I slept at 6am and woke up yesterday with an achy head. I asked for a relief tutor just in case I could not take it. Even though help had been found, I decided to teach the 3 classes myself.

My very naughty and noisy 10-12 P1 class was surprisingly well-behaved that day. The few trouble-makers were absent and I thanked God that they weren’t around to aggravate my head. However, I was really quite taken aback when my 12-2pm class suddenly got an addition of 7 new pupils with 2 more doing make up lesson that day. That was my well-behaved P1 class and all of a sudden, it became too crowded and a little disrupting to the whole class dynamics. On top of my achy head, I felt this sudden rush of blood throughout my body and my heart went palpitating rapidly. I just could not calm my heart down.

I used to be able to tahan the noisiest and naughtiest P1 class, just an addition of new pupils made me feel so stress? Oh purleez, wake up my idea man.
“I can handle it. No worries.” I reminded myself constantly.

Next was my favourite P2 class and they are alwiz very cute as usual. It was fortunate that the classes weren’t too naughty that day and instead of getting intensifying my headache, the pain slowly subsided.

By the time I knocked off, I was well enough to watch Transformers. It was a real FWAH!!! Better than all the 3s – Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Carribean 3 and Shrek 3. It was action all the way peppered with bits of hilarious scenes here and there. I love the scene when all the huge autobots went into hiding around Sam’s house, plastering themselves flat against the walls and under the shed to prevent themselves from being spotted by Sam’s parents.

After the show, feeling very lame, I told kh that his car may be a robot in disguise. He actually played along with the lameness by replying, “Ya then maybe when I rub my steering wheel the autobots logo will start to appear. And for the rest of the walk to the car, we kept making those cool transforming sound.

I’ve not done any work today. I will do so later. I wanna try to finish as much as possible these days. Aiming to go for a short break before kh’s starts school. Now could that come true?

Look what I’ve received in my email…

GSS Specials at Derma Image for Popular Card members

What’s Hot: Harry Potter
What’s Not: Hairy Underarms
Solution: Derma Image IPL Underarm Package

From now till 31 Jul, sign up for a 10-session package at only $388 (UP: $900) when you flash your POPULAR Card! With Derma Image's Intense Pulsed Light hair removal system, expect to see desired results in just one to three treatments and minimal or no discomfort at all.

The way they advertised is damn funny lor! Sounds like a good deal right? I’m so gonna call them up.

BTW I've added some pics from zanne's friend hp onto the Sweet O May post. Do check them out. =)


  1. hey! If the horoscope was for last week, then it applied to me too. I cannot imagine all the geminis going thru the same thing..Hope things at work are getting less crazy for you. Take care girl!

  2. Your kh and sisters are so sweet. Kh is really very sweet. I’m so envious. You’re such a lucky gal. But is it time to tell your boss about the work you bring home? Sounds like a lot to handle. Try your best to finish and then relax and sleep well ok? Sounds so terrible and pitiful.

    Even though your colleague is kind hearted, the singing and mumbling sound terrible. In fact, I feel irritated reading what you say about her. Maybe just have to tell politely. Ask your other colleagues to tell? When you say she look blur, I somehow think that’s very irritating of her. Maybe she pretending. Does she sing well?

    I LOL at the IPL advertisement. Wow it sounds so cheap! So did you call up?

    And lastly, please please please you have to really take care of yourself. You need more sleep. I agree with what your friend, Vivien say on the cbox. Can very easily hire new people so don’t work so hard and fall sick for the company. Maybe you can go for the scan and see if anything is wrong. Although I think it’s stress and lack of sleep but the vomit part sounds serious so you better scan just to be safe.

    Take very good care of yourself my dear and please do something if this continue.

    With hugs,

  3. i'm always here reading and giving you moral support when you need it.. take care my friend. health is important, cherish it.

  4. Jo to SD,
    Hey great to see that you’ve left a mark. Heh… Wow.. You mean it was accurate for you too? I can’t imagine so many people going through the same shit. You take care too!Hope things are looking brighter for you!

    Jo to Yen,
    Hey I haven’t seen you around for quite some time. How are you? Things are beginning to look brighter at work. At least they recognize my efforts and are trying their best to alleviate my workload. I haven fallen really sick yet so still ok. No worries for now. And also the singing colleague issue has been sorta settled for now. Hehe… About easily hiring people, I find that for my co, NOT very EASY to hire people as many cannot take to the irregular working hours etc.

    I’ll forgo the scan for now. I read up on some info and seems like there are a lot of very bad symptoms of headache which turn out to be nothing too serious.

    Yup, I called Derma Image and actually booked an appointment liao. I hope it’ll be good. Sounds too cheap to be true.

    I will take good care. You too!

    Jo to paperleaf,
    Isn’t it heart-warming to see a comment by an “old” virtual friend? Thanx for your moral support!


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