Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Feels funny to be free

It feels kinda weird when I don’t bring home any work to do on my weekends. I feel too free. So besides giving tuition, all I did was sleep, shop, sing and surf (online of course) these 2 days. Simple pleasures in life are hard to come by yet I feel ill at ease to enjoy them. Not bringing anything home to do means that the week ahead would be a busy week.

Kh took his long deserved leave yesterday (Monday) and we planned to go to the beach. We haven’t done so for a loooooooong time. If you have been reading my blog, you would know that each time the sun shines happily, I would be bogged down by work and each time I plan to go to the beach, it would rain on me. Why does it always rain on me? *Sings to the tune*

So instead of heading for Sentosa, we headed for some K session. Kh is like so into K-ing nowadays and he really got me interested in Chinese songs. I’m someone who seldom listens to Chinese pop so I could not really sing many songs at K box. But I like the songs he sang and realized that Chinese songs are good stuff too. So we just sang and sang and sang till it was time to go for tuition.

Desperate Housewives finally came to an end and I can’t wait for season 2.

Was trying out the “Which housewife are you?” quiz but I got stumped at question 2:

Our wedding was:
a) A society event
b) A mistake
c) Spur of the moment in Vegas
d) Something we are still paying off
e) Not gonna happen until the pre-nup was signed

Dammit! How to continue the quiz???


  1. To anthony. Jolene has no friendster. You obviously never read her posts. And how come her blog can pop out of your com for no reason? She got bf 1, don't try to sian1 her. Haha.

  2. nadine,
    Not married yat so can't anyhow answer that. But yeah A was the answer I gave.

    I read your comment and I read anonymous comment and I laughed! Nope I've got no friendster. It was stated in one of my posts. =)

    Gee... are you my friend helping me to reply?

    Ok i tried to do the quiz even if it doesn't really apply into my un-married life and guess what? I'm that bitchy EDIE!!

    "All the neighborhood marvels at your short skirts,car-washing skills, and, how can we say this nicely... your competitive spirit. When we move in next door, yours is the gift basket we are looking most forward to. Until the next neighbor moves in, that is."

    This is so not me!

  3. Hi Jo,
    What i will usually do is to give it a shot when i attempt those quizzes.

    I was stumped at the charlie angel question too and though all the names sounded a little alienated to me i simply click it randomly and ended up being Susan... =P

    Hey anthony,
    I very amused how Jo's blog page popped out of nowhere.Wow, you even suggested to add Jo in msn.

    Psst... Probably another *cough Fiona Xie fan cough*. Hur hur hur!

  4. refreshing read from office politics. Still pop in once awhile if I can afford the time. Making my views heard whoever cared to listen about NKF and peanuts.

    Glad to see that you seem so cheerful. :)

    Just read in the Sunday Times the recent local blog "AGM" was a big yawn.

  5. Hi rune,

    You must have answered that you are always the centre of attraction during parties because you never fail to fall flat on your face... Haha... tt's so Susan.

    Hi bwilly,

    The NKF thing was too hyped up. I've never heard of the AGM blog before. What's that?

  6. Erm Jo, actually i am hardly the centre of attraction at parties.

    Oh ya, i changed my blog nick to go along with my nick in FP. Haha! =X

    Had a major revamp in my blog too. Cos of some feedback *cough complains cough* i had from you. =P

    Maybe you are right, it may be better cos i get to post picture with this other skin. Hee hee! =P

    By the way, found a new job yet? ^_^

  7. Bunch of blogs get together @ the durian for a get together.

    Some famous "Mr Brown" was there too.

    BTW, I think I read somewhere in your thread about hosting stuffs. Have you check out http://www.multiply.com ?? Give you plenty of storage online.

  8. Yo orion!

    This layout is so much betta! It's much clearer and less damaging for the eyes. Gosh! I sure hope I'm not the only one who complained but anyhow, I have myself to thank for this new layout. Ha!

    I'm still sorta "bonded" to my current job so cant job-serach yet. But any lobang must let me know ya?

    Oic... I'm rather off about such stuff and I don't read the newspapers. (Where got time to read? No time to even relax) Haha... whatever news I come to know of, I got them from the radio.

  9. radio?? I only listen to it when I drive.
    else no time.
    newspaper is a must for me. update with current affairs.
    need to be not only for work and small talk with people.

  10. The Straits Times used to be my daily bread when I just graduated and was jobless. Now I simply have no time. =( Sometimes feel very suaku.


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