Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hectic day, busy bodies, stressful minds, 5-minute lunch and no time for the loo.

Today was HECTIC! In CAPZ and in BOLD.

We didn’t even have to time to eat even though we were all sooooo hungry.

At last, hs offered to buy lunch and even set them up so neatly in her room for all of us so we can tuck in quickly and get back to work.

 Posted by Picasa

So sweet!!! I would never have thought of setting the table like that for my colleagues if I were to da bao food for them.

The gal behind the food (no pun intended). Posted by Picasa

Lian has been sending me many interesting and funny links for ads on MSN. Even as I’m typing this, she is still sending. That ad addict! But it’s a good way to unwind after the stressful day.

I lurve this!!! This is dedicated to my fellow colleagues. All of us had a very BUSY Wednesday today. Here’s something for all of you to laugh. Don’t be so stressed up. Also, check this out if you are a sucker for Japanese chio bus (pretty gals).

And international award winning ads…

Of which, this Volkswagen one is good. As in funny-good.

This hp one is WOAH! I cant even find an adjective to describe it. Way smooth! You all should watch this.

Shaking hands spreads more germs than kissing. This gives one an excuse to kiss that cute guy or gal when you introduce yourself.

I love adidas!

And in case, you need more ads to cheer you up, this is the homepage.

I haven’t checked out the rest of them yet.

Still feeling a bit stressed about tomorrow. Have to go to work much earlier to prepare myself.


  1. Hi Jo,
    I like the HP commercial. Think it's a fresh concept, innovative and in very good taste. ^_^

  2. The Jap zha bors are so chio!!! Farnee!!! HP is very fresh. I like it too.

    Take care of ur health. Cannot gobble down food so fast. Not healthy.

  3. Just pop by to say hello, past week been eating fast food too. Seem like you are also as busy as me.

    I just finished my company year end closing.
    Suppose to be more free, but not so.. :(
    Trying out my new camera properly, hopefully...

  4. chris,
    A pity I can't seem to view it. =(

    Thanx for your concern but I had no choice but to gobble as was quite pressed for time.

    Haven't seen you around for quite some time!

  5. Ok, I've viewed it. Hmm. nothing great. It's just sexy... in my opinion. =P

  6. Hi jolene,
    Me again. The Jap clip is really funny. The gals in there are so chio! I like the HP one too. Pity we dont see such ads here.


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