Monday, July 18, 2005

Deardear's birthday

Poor kh could not take leave on his birthday as they were short of manpower. Could only managed to celebrate with dinner at Dan Ryan’s. By that time, he was already so tired and sleepy from the long day and lack of sleep the previous night. He looked sleepy in every photo but still managed to pull off 1 act cool pose.

The birthday boy acting cool.
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It was our 1st time at Dan Ryan's and when we stepped in, both of us thought it reminded us of Hog's Breath in Australia... dark cosy ambience with rustic charm... woody and saloon-like. It's very popular among foreigners. Only a few Singaporens dotted the place, one of whom was an SPG.

Had ribs and fisherman’s platter. The food photo didn’t turn out nice so I shan’t post them up. But their oyster shooter is a die-die-must-try.

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It’s award-winning. Need I say more?

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Us again. After the waiter saw us taking so many photos of ourselves by ourselves, he finally decided to step forward and help.
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Then, they had a surprise for kh. A bunch of crew came over with a slice of what looked like chocolate mud pie cake and sang him a birthday song. I was surprised too as I didn’t expect anything when they asked for the occasion and the birthday boy’s name when I called in to book.

They were very sweet. They took a picture for us on their camera and sent it to kh’s email today.

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So sweet and efficient!!!

They even minus off the cost of the cake.. haha.. but that's only natural right? Oh ya that small slice cost ten bucks and we could not finish it as we were too full. Wasted! It was quite good.

Thumbs up for the good service.

Thank you Charlene for recommending this place.

Beautiful lava lamps to end off this post...
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  1. Hi Jolene,

    Sorry leave so many comments here and there. But suddenly so many posts to read and I'm those who wil just click comment and comment if not I wil forget what to say.

    That Dan Ryan place seem nice. I think I wil ask you for directions if I want to go there next time. =)

    Anyway, are you wearing a white dress/ gown or is that a top? It looks really lacy and airy fairy. Very pretty!

    Hope you have enjoyed your night.

  2. What is in the oyster shooter huh? Is it raw?

  3. To starz,
    That place is quite difficult to find if you are going there for the 1st time. Somewhere near Tanglin mall.

    Was wearing a top... not a dress. I seldom wear dress... Ü

    To anon,

    Yup raw oysters. I don't really know what's in the sauce though. Sorry, not much of a help here.

  4. hee was that the top that you bought from me last time? you look very nice in it!

  5. Aiyah no chance liao...

    Just joking.



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