Wednesday, July 20, 2005

geral + jf + jo + xtina + zann - clubbing – alcohol = still so crazy

An impromptu meet up last Wednesday turned out to be a laughter-filled night. Such a great de-stress! Met up with my primary school good frenz for dinner and spontaneous shopping.

We went to this la1 mian4 place opposite parco bugis, which kh brought me the other time, as I thought the food was really good. It was their 1st time there and they likewise thought that the food is good. Forgot the name of the place though. *heh*

We settled on ordering different la mian each so as to savour all the different flavours.

Jf (better known as Tiffany by people other than her primary school mates) and her Suan1 La4 Ramen.
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“I’m dying of hunger… please faster take that damn photo and let me eat!”
You can see that from her expression. -_-"

Xtina and her Wan Ton Ramen.

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So nice and sweet.

Zann and her Za2 Jiang1 Ramen.
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She really hates vegetables and was acting like a petulant child who refused to eat her vege.

Me and my Niu2 Rou4 (beef) Ramen. OISHII!!!
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Geral without any Ramen.
She joined us much later while we were devouring after-meal snacks.
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By the time we realised we haven’t taken a group shot, we were already in the mrt station on our way home. It was silly to get people to help us take a photo in the mrt station, especially when we aren’t tourists, but the courageous jf approached these two very amused gals. They were so amused that they didn’t know they did not press the shutter hard enough and so the photo didn’t turn out.

By that time, the train had already arrived, we had no choice but to take a pic in the mrt. Now, that’s even sillier, and hence, we refused to get somebody else to take for us. The 5 of us attempted to “do a neoprint”, squeezing ourselves silly in this imaginary square and snapping. Of course we also had to decide which one of us has the longest and most steady arm. There were a lot of failed shots. At last, xtina decided to be hero and got outta the picture to snap.


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A nice pic but too bad no xtina!

Did I mention that a lot of people were staring at us in bewilderment? Which sane person wouldn’t?

Then we continued our who-has-the-longest-and-most-steady-arm stint that the gal opposite us got so tired of our nonsense and offered to help.

Resulting in this…
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After that night, Gera was so on about meeting up the next Wednesday (which is today) to go shopping and clubbing. However I had too much work to do, am blowing my nose off and downing pepsi with salt to soothe my extremely sore throat. Hope I’ll get well soon. The perils of this job. Forever falling sick and can't recover fully as we can't really take leave or mc. SIGH!!!

When I got home that night, my da jie was very excited as her pet lobster (which I'm waiting patiently for it to grow up so I can eat it) has tuo1 ke2 for the 1st time. Now, I've never seen a lobster moult before and expected the shell to be in pieces. I was really amazed when she showed me the moulted shell.

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That is the shell and not the lobster! So intricate eh? With all the legs and feelers intact! Erm... ok... I hope I didn't sound suaku, but I tought it's very amazing as I really didn't expect the shell to be one whole lobster look-alike.

Another thing got my da jie very excited. She barged in carrying an ntuc plastic bag filled with baba.
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That silly cat loves to pop her head into bags and boxes. But I don't know why she jumped into that plastic bag.

Silly cat!


  1. I rear fishes n invertebates.
    interesting and relaxing to watch them.
    got a fresh water lobster climb out of the fish tank before.

    one time was discovered 2days later n still surviving.
    last time, it was gone forever.

    Never seen people eat this kind of lobster before.

    I am more into marine reefing, fresh water livestocks I cannot really ID them.

  2. Love da group shots! Reminds me of pri/ sec skool neoprint days.

    Am very amazed by da lobster shell too. U mean dat's really da shell? Den where is the crack?

    Ur cat is adorable. I love cats too.

  3. bwilly,

    I don't know what kinda lobsters can be eaten but all my family members ask my sis if we could eat it when it grows big and she only retorted by saying nobody eats their pets. She didn't mention that it can't be eaten.

    Neoprint craze was during your pri school days? Gosh.. we are generations apart.

  4. to add on...

    I seriously have no idea where the crack is.. maybe you can ask the lobster expert above.

    And I love people who love cats. not so much of cats la.. probably people who love animals.

    Baba is indeed cute. I love her to bits... Ü

  5. there is no crack on the top.
    but an opening on the lobster below if you see carefully.

    Imagine a blanket that could be taken over. Lobster do it frequently.

  6. "The 5 of us attempted to “do a neoprint”, squeezing ourselves silly in this imaginary square and snapping. Of course we also had to decide which one of us has the longest and most steady arm."

    I can imagine how all of you look. I would have stared at you gals in bewiderment too if I were in the train. But the photos look great. Reminds me of neoprint too. Ha ha...

  7. To bwilly,
    Yes! The crack has to be at the bottom! That's how we shell the prawns! Now I can imagine. Thinking in terms of food, I can imagine anything... Ü

    To starz,
    You left quite a number of comments right? Was surprised when I saw so many "starz" in my email. I'll reply them slowly ya. BTW.. are you fr FP?

  8. You are CHIO! As usual. Your friend with the flower look familiar. I think I saw her some where.


  9. DL...
    Hmm... you hitting on my fren? *hehe* =P

  10. Oh.. ok.. your 1st group shot with your friends look a little like Fann Wong. But only Fann at certain angle.


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