Thursday, November 19, 2015

Firmoo Glasses Giveaway

Winner would be announced in my next post. 

It wasn't that long ago that glasses were uncool. You only wore them when you absolutely had to. These days, glasses that are 100% functional are almost like a fashion accessory to fit your face for the whole day until it is time to go to bed.

Although you don't really see it on my blog and other social media platforms, I'm most of the time a specky gal at work and have at least 3 different prescription glasses-- on my room desk, on the bedside table and one that is almost always on my face.

Specky girl needn't be uncool especially when you have trendy glasses.

I was thrilled when Firmoo reached out to me about a giveaway collaboration. I've read so many great reviews on Firmoo and also know of a couple of trustworthy blog friends who gave the thumbs up for Firmoo.

If you haven't already heard, Firmoo is a global online optical store which offers affordable yet high-quality prescription glasses and sunglasses. Their eye wear ranges from classic to trendy and you would definitely find one that suits your taste.

For those skeptical about ordering eye wear online, cast your worries aside. Firmoo includes detailed measurements on their website so you could compare the frame size with your current eye wear. Other information such as frame style, material, weight etc are also clearly stated on each product page. You could also use the "Try On" feature to see how these frames would look on you. Simply upload your photo and then click to see the resulting look.

Today, I'm delighted to share the joy of my very first Firmoo collaboration with one lucky blog reader.

Your prize

You would win a pair of Firmoo glasses with free shipping from the Collection for Bloggers. Glasses include the frames, standard 1.50 index single vision lenses. Upgraded lenses and add-ons will be charged for an extra fee.

How to win? 

Minimum requirement
  1. Click the Collection for Bloggers link and leave a comment on this post with the link and the code name of the glasses you would like to win.
  2. Leave your email address.
  3. Follow Jo's Jumbled Jardinière on GFC publicly. State your GFC profile name. I must be able to see your profile on the GFC widget on the right side bar. OR
  4. Follow Jo's Jumbled Jardinière on bloglovin. State your bloglovin' profile name.

The above are the mandatory entry requirements. You MUST provide your email for me to contact you. For more chances of winning, collect additional points as well. See below.

Collecting additional points for more chances
  1. Follow me on Instagram. State your Instagram profile name. (+10 chances)
  2. Follow me on Facebook. State your Facebook profile name. (+10 chances)
  3. Follow me on Pinterest. State your Pinterest profile name. (+10 chances)
  4. Follow my shop fleurfaerie on Instagram. State your Instagram profile name. (+10 chances)
  5. Like my shop fleurfaerie on Facebook. State your Facebook profile name. (+10 chances)

For standardization and to enter this giveaway, copy and paste the following portion highlighted in pink onto my comments section and edit parts in [brackets] accordingly:

Minimum requirement

  1. [Link and the code name of the glasses you would like to win ]
  2. [Your email address]
  3. [Your GFC profile name] OR
  4. [Your bloglovin' profile name]

Collecting additional points for more chances

  1. [Your Instagram profile name following iamjolene]
  2. [Your Facebook profile name following Jolene Ng]
  3. [Your Pinterest profile name following iamjolene]
  4. [Your Instagram profile name following fleurfaerie]
  5. [Your Facebook profile name liking fleurfaerie]

This giveaway will run for a week and will end on 27 November 2015 11:59 pm Singapore time.
International readers are welcome to take part.
The winner will be contacted via email so please remember to leave your email adress.
I will pick another winner if there is no reply within 72 hours of my email.
All the best!


Show our love

For those of you who do not want to join my giveaway but wish to show your support by following and liking, please feel free to do so and let me know. I would love to check out your pages too!

Some of you who did not read my blog from before might not know that Fleurfaerie is my little online shop with my partner. If you would like to support my shop, please like Fleurfaerie's Facebook page and follow Fleurfaerie's Instagram page.

And for those of you who like to be friends on Facebook too, add me as a friend on my personal Facebook page. Unlike many bloggers who have Facebook pages for their blogs, that's my personal Facebook page and I would only accept friend requests of blogger friends whom I've been well-acquainted with.


  1. Hey, who is that intelligent beauty in the picture??? :)

  2. There are definitely way more stylish options for glasses these days. You chose a really flattering pair of frames Jo! Good luck to everyone.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  3. You sure look pretty cool in your glasses! I always try to avoid wearing mine whenever possible, though, because I'm convinced I'm prettier without them! :P


  4. Fav item :
    My email : billano_kawaii
    GFC : billano kawaii
    bloglovin : bilqees bano

    additional points
    followed your account & liked your page on FB : Billano Kawaii
    Pinterest : bilqees bano


  5. Oh wow! This seems like such a wonderful giveaway!
    Let's enter and see what happens. <3
    I really need new glasses.

    Minimum requirement

    [Link and the code name of the glasses you would like to win ] \\ #F044
    [Your email address]
    [Your GFC profile name] OR
    [Your bloglovin' profile name] Rari Moon//Ohdearmilk

    Collecting additional points for more chances

    [Your Instagram profile name following iamjolene] dripdripmilk
    [Your Facebook profile name following Jolene Ng] Nati Diaz
    [Your Pinterest profile name following iamjolene] Ohdear Nati
    [Your Instagram profile name following fleurfaerie] dripdripmilk
    [Your Facebook profile name liking fleurfaerie] Nati Diaz

    May the odds be ever in my favor ! <333

  6. Love your look with this eyeglasses, dear.
    Would you like to follow each other? Let me know :)

  7. This is a great giveaway. I've worn glassesm since I was 2 yo, so I need them all the time :) Thanks for inviting me!
    Nice blog BTW.

    Minimum requirement

    [Link and the code name of the glasses you would like to win ]
    [Your email address ]
    [Your GFC profile name The Style Researcher] OR
    [Your bloglovin' profile name]

    Collecting additional points for more chances

    [Your Instagram profile name following iamjolene magdalena.kadlub]
    [Your Facebook profile name following Jolene Ng Magdalena Kadłub]
    [Your Pinterest profile name following iamjolene The Style Researcher]
    [Your Instagram profile name following fleurfaerie magdalena.kadlub]
    [Your Facebook profile name liking fleurfaerie Magdalena Kadłub]

    keeping fingers crossed :)

  8. Nice glasses babe!! I remember the days when glasses were "uncool" and we all had these oval shaped which were super unflattering hahaha

  9. Nice giveaway. The glasses are beautiful.

  10. Hi I'm Brenda nice to meet you. Thanks for reaching out to me via google+ it put a huge smile on my face.

    Minimum requirement

    [ #FS1005 ]
    [ ]
    [ GFC Profile name Brenda Guardado ] OR
    [ Bloglovin' profile name Lexi Guardado ]

    Collecting additional points for more chances

    [Facebook profile name following as Lexi Guardado]
    [Pinterest profile name PL Smile (@zkmoon14) ]
    [Facebook profile name Lexi Guardado liking fleurfaerie]

  11. This is fantastic giveaway! Good luck to the participants! Have a nice day, Jo!


  12. Great looking glasses, I like them. I wish everybody good luck for the giveaway!

  13. that glasses suits you well :)

    xoxo, rae

  14. Minimum requirement

    [ and #NTD59603 ]
    [Your email address] seven percent solution blog at gmail dot com (no spaces)
    [Your GFC profile name] OR
    [Your bloglovin' profile name]

  15. I like these: (#SF1228) -
    I follow on GFC as Carolsue and Bloglovin as MsCarolsueA
    following fleurfaerie and iamjoleneon Instagram: @Cezovski9 (20 points)
    Requested to Add you as a friend on Facebook: Carolsue Anderson (10 pts)
    Liked Fleur Faerie on Facebook: Carolsue Anderson (10 pts)
    Pinterest: @Cezovski9 (10 pts)
    50 additional chances

  16. Those are lovely. Good luck to everyone who entered.

  17. Hi Jo the glasses look amazing on you and I'm glad that you could finally try Firmoo glasses yourself. The pair you chose looks so cool. I was always a fan of glasses although I don't need them yet. I have a feew pairs with mirror glasses anyway :D A great giveaway. Wish everyone good luck!

    Thanks Jo, I love SJP. No I never thought of a perm cos the curls from a curling iron look way better. I would love to try the other wands too but my hair is too short now. I have chopped it off :D You can see it on my IG :)

  18. lovely glasses, they look great on you.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)