Monday, November 30, 2015

Bestie Tiffany's Birthday Dinner At Mitzo

Tiff and I have been friends for over 20 years. It all started when a cute little girl came forward to make friends with me on the first day of Primary One. You could say that she's the oldest and dearest friend I have.

For Tiff's birthday 2 weeks back, we decided that we should go semi-atas. After reading favourable reviews of Mitzo, we looked forward excitedly to this dinner meet up the whole week.

We (or I, rather) were so drawn to the beautiful, sexy interior decor of Mitzo. With hues of rainbow reflecting from the sea of blue and green glass, I've fallen completely in love with the elegant and contemporary design.

[image Source]

I could see how this restaurant transforms into a bar at night. A lounge-like feel permeates the air as we walked through panels of glass and mirror while being shown to our seats.

[image source]

The ceiling was made up of large panels of mirrors. We decided to have a mirror wefie in the most unusual fashion.

"Mitzo breaks the mould of Chinese dining by combining a contemporary take on Cantonese cuisine with an artisanal cocktail programme." -

I initially chose Mitzo coz of the 20% discount with my staff pass in November. However upon reservation, the cordial lady over the phone informed me of 2 different one-for-one promotional set dinner to consider.

Tiff: "Wah... I'm so touched that you're treating me at such an atas place!"

Jo: "Ya... don't be so touched. It's one-for-one!"

We chose the 6-course Mitzo Signatures Premium set at $128++ per pax. The dishes in this more expensive set include their signature bbq pork and roast pork belly, abalone, cod fish and wagyu beef and is definitely more value for money than the other set. The total bill after the one-for-one promo, together with a pot of pu'er tea, came up to $162.43. $81 per pax is a really reasonable price to pay for semi fine-dining cuisine with such a lovely ambience.

This wasn't quite the usual nuts served at the start of the meal. Anything dusted with seaweed powder would get the thumbs up from me.

~*Double-boiled abalone soup with cordyceps flower, chicken and king oyster mushroom*~
I love almost all clear Asian soup and this nourishing soup was delicious.

~*Roast platter Mitzo special barbecued pork*~
I do not usually fancy barbecued pork (better known locally as char siew) but I could see why this is their signature dish. The tender pork was coated with a crispy later of sweet caramelized sugar (or honey, I reckon) that's charred to perfection. One thick piece of pork per person tasted heavenly for sure, though I'm not very sure if I would have diminishing marginal utility when given a larger serving.

~*Roast platter crispy roast pork belly*~
I love crispy roast pork belly (better known locally as siu yuk) in general and I love this for the right amount of crisp crackling skin, juicy tender meat, and delicate melt-in-your-mouth fats. Crispy roast pork belly is one of my favourite unhealthy Chinese food ever and the ones here at Mitzo sure didn't taste unhealthy to me. Not to mention, I always feel that such roast meat has a refined atas air when dipped with mustard sauce.

When Tiff asked for chilli without specifying what type of chilli she wanted, the wait staff came with red chilli, green chilli and chilli padi. That's called going beyond customer's satisfaction.

~*Steamed cod fish with minced ginger in soya sauce*~
Cod fish is one of my favourite fish and I would always love any cod fish dish especially Chinese style with soya sauce. Likewise, I enjoyed this cod fish. However, I didn't quite like it with minced ginger and I felt that there could be more soya sauce.

~*Stir-fried wagyu beef with asparagus in osmanthus sauce*~
Tiff found the wagyu beef tough; I felt it was tender and pretty good. However, one undisputed view from both of us was that this dish was a little too sweet for our liking after having eaten more than 3 pieces of beef. The asparagus was a welcoming balance to the dish. Overall, I liked this dish.

~*Fried rice with ginger, shrimp and tobiko*~
This dish tried to be many things all at once and the amalgamation of ingredients made us really confused as to what should the unique selling point of this dish be. That aside, we Asians always need our rice to complement the whole meal!

Tiffy was really happy with the dinner, the ambience and the company so far!

Then came our dessert. I took a video of this where Tiff was acting silly, pretending that she was conjuring some sort of magic. The silly video is for private viewing. =P

Ya, I had no magical smoke coz I'm not the birthday gal. But I got to eat my dessert faster! Hehehehe...

The fumes from the dry ice finally settled down and it was time for a proper human and dessert shot.

~*Chilled cream of mango with sago and pomelo topped with ice cream*~
We could finally see the dessert after all the "smoke" dissipated. The mango cream was flavourful without being cloyingly sweet. The tangy pomelo sacs were refreshing and another thing I remembered about this dish was Tiff asking if the flower petals could be eaten. -_-|||

While other restaurants serve cake on birthdays, Mitzo serves longevity buns! I think that Chinese character there is 寿 which means longevity.

The staff at Mitzo sang Tiff a birthday song after presenting her with her "cake". It was a pleasant surprise for the both of us. The elderly lady at the table next to us went over to hug Tiff saying that it was her birthday as well! So sweet! The Mitzo staff then mentioned that she was going to get the same treatment too. Lol! We assumed it could not be kept under wraps since we were just beside them. When it was the old lady's turn, we also sang the birthday song together and for that brief moment we felt like we were family.

I wish for all your dreams to come true. You deserve only the best! xoxo

The buns were really delicious! The lotus paste was smooth with the right amount of sweetness. It was awesome! It reminded us of mooncakes with silky smooth lotus paste.

We were both really happy gals with such good food in our bellies.

It was a bestie telepathy that we were dressed in blue that evening!

And somebody just wanna have a wefie with the snowman... *rolls eyes* Ok, birthday gal would get whatever she wanted. As I'm doing up this post, I realised that I've completely forgotten to blog about my birthday dinner with Tiff. And then I realised that we've got so many other photos together that I've decided to do it all in the same post next time.

All photos taken using iPhone 6

Announcement of Firmoo Giveaway Winner

If you've taken part in the Firmoo glasses giveaway and have read up to here, good for you!

As per past giveaways I've held, I used a random number generator to pick my winner after sequencing the participants in running serial numbers.

And the winner is...

Rari Moon!

Congratulations Rari! I could already imagine how the choice glasses would fit you. You would be receiving an email from me soon.

To all other participants, thank you so much for taking part. I hope we could forge a bloggie friendship and that you would continue to drop by my blog for more giveaways and promotions.


  1. Wow! What an amazing restaurant. The meal looks SO good. I especially love the magical looking birthday dessert. :) So many great pictures and descriptions. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow! I haven't had any friendships that long, that's quite amazing! Looks like a fantastic birthday dinner!

  3. the food looks great, the place looks awesome and you girls seem like enjoying the night so hooray for that! :)
    Happy bday to your friend :))

    xoxo, rae

  4. Jo, you always go to some really amazing places for dinner... although when you said it cost over $160.00... I was like whew... when I travel and get to Singapore, I'd like to see one of these restaurants. The birthday dessert sounds incredible. . It looks like you two had so much fun, I really like the selfie from above, very cool xox ♡♡

  5. Happy belated b-day Tiff!!! With such charming company, I would need pictures of the food because I wouldn't remember it.

  6. Absoutley amazing post with such beautiful pictures, I love to visit this awesome blog. Both of you look stunning, thank you for sharing!!!


  7. Happy Birthday to your bestie! It's hard to find good friendship. I'm happy for you! And that restaurant is so beautiful.

    xo Jo

  8. I really like what both of you are wearing! The desserts look yummy too.

    7% Solution

  9. Awww! This post was sooo lovely Jolene! I haven't been able to see my best friend now for almost 3 years! She's been in Japan studying but has traveled to as close as Vietnam to visit her father whose working there but hasn't had the chance to come visit me as she's either terrible at saving up money or the timing is just bad! Your set meal looks lovely! I plan to treat myself to a set meal like that soon! I totally need to meet up with a girly friend soon for a high tea or something!

  10. this restorant looks amazing....and you two are so adorable in your blue dresses. Not to mention that you match with decor of this place. Was that on purpuse?

    These dishes look yummy.


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