Monday, October 06, 2014

Staycation at the Tree Top Lofts Part 3 - Interacting with Dolphins for the 1st Time

The bulk of the final instalment is a pictorial walk through our maiden interaction with the dolphins (just one in particular) at Sentosa. I will keep the text in this post short and sweet but if you're interested to read about my mixed feelings on dolphins in captivity and the RWS dolphin controversy, those chunks of paragraphs in between are the ones to look out for. =)

In you're interested in my previous instalments, click on the following links:
Staycation at the Tree Top Lofts Part 1 - Virtual Tour
Staycation at the Tree Top Lofts Part 2 - Anniversary Dinner at Forest 森

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~*Dolphin Discover Programme*~

As mentioned in this post, our 2D1N package for the Tree Top Lofts included 2 Adventure Cove Waterpark day passes and 2 adult tickets to Dolphin Discovery. I've read compelling stories about the way marine animals are treated in some water parks around the world. As for Singapore, Sentosa RWS is the first organization to bring dolphins into our country. Surrounding the controversy of the six dolphins which died during the process of being brought here and also the death of one dolphin during its stay at Dolphin Island a few months back, animal activists have since termed Sentosa RWS's dolphins as the "world's saddest dolphins". =(

Prior to the programme, I had mixed feelings about our dolphin interaction. I wondered if I was in any way increasing the demand for dolphins in captivity and also perpetuating the cruelty to them by going for such dolphin interaction programmes. Many people believe that animals thrive in the wild and should not be trained for human entertainment. Other than the cruelty in confining these free-spirited animals, many believe that keeping dolphins in captivity is exploitative.

Before going for our individual dolphin interaction, it was compulsory for the group of 10 to 15 of us to watch an informative video on what to and what not to do during the dolphin interaction. The bubbly trainers also reiterated the dos and don'ts in language simple enough for the kids to understand. I could tell how much they cared for their dolphins. After the video, everyone broke into groups of couples and families with a dolphin trainer and a dolphin assigned to each group. Our dolphin is a male called Sheng Guo; I asked if he was from China and why the Chinese name. Needless to say, my instiable curiosity and candid questions are often the bane to my husband. He felt that these were bimbotic questions. -_-|||

Sheng Guo was such a friendly and playful dolphin. BTW, he is the largest dolphin the group.

We were shown by the trainer how to properly treat the dolphin with care and respect, how and where were fine to touch and stroke.

Sheng Guo performed every single task he was told to do readily and happily.

He even listened to our commands. Of course it was really the trainer giving some hand signals.

It was fun to see the blow hole opening and closing at whim.

Our trainer told us that the air ejected from the blow hole could be so forceful, it might cause pain.

We tried putting our cheek there and true enough, the small sprays of water and air pierced my delicate cheek like smithereens of microscopic glass.

Inspecting the mouth and teeth at close range, we learnt lots of facts about dolphins that we never knew. Since I taught Science at primary level for a few years, there were lots of facts about dolphins that I already knew so I was glad to take home new knowledge from this programme.

We even saw how the fish and jelly slid into Sheng Guo's throat. So cute!

Only trainers were allowed to massage the dolphin's tongue while I looked on longingly.

It was time to dance with Sheng Guo. He was such a gentle little boy.

Kh said it was weird for a boy to dance with a boy.

Even weirder for a boy to kiss a boy. Look at his weird expression.

Kh wanted to look like he was not kissing but kissing Sheng Guo because that's gay.

I, on the other hand, was so eager to be kissed by a dolphin.

And to kiss him back. Muax!

It took a while for the trainer to get Sheng Guo into this position and to hold it there for the photo-taking.

Sheng Guo was really obedient. I heard that there were some dolphins who would simply swim away when they didn't feel like doing certain acts. The fact that they would not be forced to do so if they continued to refuse after coaxing them made me feel that the dolphins here were indeed treated with respect.

Sheng Guo opened his mouth at the trainer's hand command.

I was so afraid of hurting Sheng Guo while he was holding his pose. You know? Like aching muscles or something.

After that, we splashed water at each other. My my, Sheng Guo could splash. I could almost see a twinkle in his cheeky eyes. There were couple of shots of the water being splashed more wildly but we had weird expressions in those.

Sheng Guo twirled and danced with us too.

Next it was time to play "Fetch". Kh tossed the rugby ball for Sheng Guo to retrieve.

I chose the frisbee. It was thrilling to receive our thrown items with a dolphin's beak.

A round of applause to encourage Sheng Guo.

A final massage and tickle for Sheng Guo. The trainer even turned Sheng Guo around to let us rub his belly. After which, we pat him and waved goodbye. Sheng Guo waved his flippers back at us and swam back to his enclosure.

Throughout the whole Dolphin Discovery experience, I felt that the trainers were doing their very best to treat the dolphins well and to also impart these acts and values to their visitors. However as I've mentioned earlier on, me being me, I simply had to fire all the burning questions in my mind to the trainer. As we walked out of the dolphin pool, we had a short discourse on the whole RWS controversy and keeping dolphins in captivity in general. The trainer recommended some YouTube documentaries for better understanding. I won't be revealing much here but I must say that the trainer gave a very balanced answer and satisfied my curiosity. Without my first-hand experience here, I would actually still be sitting on the fence about the RWS controversy. I wish that those activists could also understand how dolphins are very sociable and really love interacting with humans. The dolphins here arrived shaken initially like how all living things would but have very soon settled down and enjoyed the human interaction. I came across this blog post on RWS Dolphin Discovery written by a really cool Singaporean dad with 3 lovely kids. For those who are still half the mind about animal rights and cruelty to the dolphins, you should head over there now.

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~*Exploring the Rest of Adventure Cove*~

Adventure Cove Waterpark was not exactly that big and did not actually have much food choices for hungry hamsters like us.

To fill our cow bellies before the Dolphin Discovery, we had a hot dog bun and mashed potato from a stall shaped like a hot dog bun.

This was heavenly for our growling tummies.

For lunch, we used our free coupons to redeem for chicken and pasta, coke and apple juice. I could cook better than this but we were hungry.

A childhood lime with vanilla cream ice lolly which I loved a lot back then.

By the time we finished our Dolphin Discovery session, the water theme park would close in an hour's time. I used to be thrilled by all these water rides and slides but somehow there wasn't any urge to play that day.

We simply wasted our free tickets.

Fake stalagmite added on to the adventure feel?

The hubz and I felt that these reminded us of some alien beings.

Interaction with the rays.

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~*Relaxing Bath with ESPA*~

So the 2D1N was really too short but I simply had to squeeze time in for a relaxing bath just to make sure we made full use of the facilities.

All the bath products in theTree Top Loft bathroom are from ESPA.

It is nice to know that I''m using products against animal testing.

While soaking in the bath tub, I savoured on one of my favourite Indian snack -- Muruki.

I once took a legs in bath tub shot once in Maldives shot and I'm horrified to see the difference in skin tone. I very much prefer my legs to be tanned.

All refreshed!

Outfit of the day:
♥ FleurFaerie Layered Stripe Dress in Mocha worn as a top
♥ Cotton On denim shorts
♥ COACH Park Signature Swingpack in gold
♥ Mimosa studded floral slippers

Outfit of the day:
♥ TEZENiS Italy striped bikini
♥ Cotton On denim shorts

I'm typing this post with half my eyes closed and nodding off to sleep. Proofreading and phases of edits would come after everyone has spotted my grammatical error, spelling error and weird sentence expression. It is close to 5am now and if you are in Singapore and countries that celebrate, Selamat Hari Raya! Enjoy the last day of the long weekend.


  1. so cute the dolphin!!

  2. Ahh Jo! What fun you had with the dolphins! What an experience! Cute pictures, I really enjoyed you sharing your trip! Also, can I just say, you look fantastic in a bathing suit! *____* I just love your figure, how do you eat all you do and look the way you do!? haha <3

    1. Hey Anna, awww... thank you for your sweet compliments as always. Actually it's all gotta do with sucking in the tummy (ooopss... secret is out). I used to eat A LOT, really a lot as many of my family and good friends would know but over the past 2 years, I cut down my food intake by half. I put on weight a lot more easily with so much lesser food and also I've been suffering from gastrointestinal problem. I think we shared on this before. So yeah, take a deep breath and suck in whenever people are looking. Lol!

  3. Hi Jo,

    First thank you so much for the lovely comment on my blog, I was very touched :)

    I too have reservations of animals being held in captivity, if they are treated properly I think it can be a wonderful experience for all concerned. The dolphin is one of my most favorite animals and I have had a strong desire to swim and play with them for most of my life... one day I will have the opportunity and I know I will love it.

    The pictures of you here with the dolphin are absolutely incredible, thank you for sharing them with us, it makes me want to see them up close even more... they are such a beautiful and intelligent mammal.. <3

    1. Hey Launna, You're most welcome. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on animals in captivity. I'm like you. I feel that as long as the animals are treated well in captivity, there should not be too much negativity towards it. I would always remember the true story of baby seals being released into the wild only to be eaten by a killer whale and many other stories about these newly released animals being eaten almost immediately after regaining their short-lived freedom. I hope you get to fulfil your dreams of playing and swimming with dolphins! xoxo

  4. What is Maruki??? I don't enjoy water parks as much as I used to and it's always a disappointment when the park food isn't better.

    I support the dolphin attractions, mostly because the experience can no so helpful for handicapped children. The kids miss out on do much that life has to offer.

    1. Hey RIck, It's Murukku. I realised I spelt wrongly the first time round too. It is a savoury flour snack that originates from one part of India. They come in all shapes and sizes and I love those smaller ones. I used to love water parks and Adventure Cove is actually rated quite well. I guess it just isn't as enticing any more. Animal interaction for the handicapped and other special needs children are certainly good therapy. I've read about those too. I feel that as long as the animals are treated well in captivity, there should not be too much negativity towards it.

  5. aah i envy you for being able to play with the dolphins. that is in my bucket list! ^^ such a sad story to hear about the dolphins who died :( there was a dolphin show here before who also had the same controversy, none of them died but i heard they were stored in a small tank when they travel :(

    1. Good to see you here, Shayne. I hope you would be able to fulfil your wish of playing with dolphins. Thanx for sharing with me about the dolphin show in your country. It is sad to hear of animals not being treated kindly. =( I wonder what happened to them in the end.

  6. Awwwww, so cute! You are so lucky to have gotten to do this - playing with a dolphin? One of my dreams :D

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

    1. Thank you, dear Linda. Hope you would be able to fulfil your wish of playing with dolphins too!

  7. What a wonderful post, dear! An interesting ethical question indeed. My only solid opinion is more a set of memories of going to Sea World as a lad and being captivated and amazed at these sea beasts of many types. I enjoyed it even more than Disney World, it just impressed me so much even to this day. You see my screen name, Shamuboo, well the first half is in honor of Sea World's most famous orca. So, without such a place, I would be missing a great respect and awe of these animals, without getting to see them so closely, knowing them only from books and TV, I might never feel the bond I do now. But I also understand the need for creatures to be free. So difficult that question!!! So glad you got to have this experience! xoxo

    1. The Sea World has got lots lots of stories and controversy surrounding it too. However, I'm glad the Sea World brought much joy, beautiful memories and take home lessons for you and I'm very sure it did for many other children and adults too. I feel that as long as the animals are treated well in captivity, there should not be too much negativity towards it. I love our Singapore zoo so much. The animals sure have got a good life there. I also love all the environmental and conservation awareness our zoos impart to visitors. Each time I brought my god kids to the zoo, they learnt A LOT. Thanx for sharing with me your view. I didn't quite know that about your screen name! That's an interesting nugget of info!

    2. I hope when the aliens come and put us in zoos we are treated well. Might not be such a bad life though I hope they do not try and make me jump through a hoop. I am unathletic. I would be in the walrus show :)

  8. OMG Jo, I love love love this post! I've never had dolphis so close as you and your husband where but I would love to. To be honest, I haven't heard or read much about the dolphin cruelty going on and just reading about that makes me so sad. Dolphins are such kind-hearted creatures! so social and happy and I've also heard they are very smart too! anyways, I'm so happy to read you had such an amazing time and that lovely guys was so happy to play with you two! I laughed out loud on the pictures of your husband dancing and kissing the dolphin, not because of the pictures by themselves but because of the fact that your hubby felt uncomfortable doing that with another boy! haha my husband probably would say the same! :)
    By the way, you look absolutely stunning in that stripe bikini!!!! I don't if I say it often but you are truly beautiful Jo, outside and inside :) oh and don't worry about grammar errors! I have bunch of those on my posts too haha

    p.s. you mentioned you also have an online shop! I want to check it out :) give me the link! do you have any advises for any new boutique owner! we just started today and I'm very excited! crossing my fingers to really grow this little bussines.


    1. Yes, Milu. Animals in captivity is such a contestable topic. I feel that as long as the animals are treated well in captivity, there should not be too much negativity towards it. I'm also glad to have experienced how well the dolphins are treated by the trainers in RWS. You're so cute. I can imagine your hubby feeling the way my hubby did. Boys will always be boys even if they are men.

      Thank you for your sweet words always, Milu. I feel the same for you too. Beautiful and sweet inside and outside. As for my shop, I set up when I took a break from my previous job and right now I'm not that active anymore due to the lack of time. I can't own any business in my current job too, so yup, I shouldn't say it's my shop officially since officially it really isn't under my name. It's my partner's. Hahaha... Here are the links:

      You could add me as a friend on FB. I only add friends on FB but I'm sure we are already friends. =) We could chat there too. xoxo

  9. I really love lucky you! Amazing experience.


    1. Thank you for your comment. Love seeing newcomers around. =)

  10. I love these dolphins, it would be so amazing to swim with some :) Such beautiful and smart creatures :)) Happy Monday doll xx

    1. Dolphins are really cute and they sure love to swim with people too from the many stories I heard about them. I hope your Monday would be a bright and cheery one. Ours is a public holiday and the day is ending soon.

  11. What an awesome adventure Dolphins are very intelligent mammals who have a personality of their own. You both look amazing and natural with the dolphin he looks so eager to show you both love great post doll nice way to start my day I love dolphins.

    1. Dolphins are really eager to show their chops. Other than this dolphin interaction, the closest we got to dolphins were in New Zealand when 2 to 3 dolphins started swimming and leaping at the head of our ferry. It was amazing to see how the dolphins actually enjoyed the attention and so eager to be with humans as each time we clapped and cheered, the dolphins leapt higher.

  12. oh wow!!! It's absolutely amazing way of spending time! I have never been so close to dolphins. This experience is precious to my mind:) Besides, those snapshots are so lovely, thank you for sharing this extremely positive post!
    Have a fantastic week ahead!

    1. These snapshots were taken by their hired photographer. I did not think they were well taken initially as most were very dark. However, I'm pleased with how they look after I brightened and edited the colour tone. They sure brought the experience back now that I look at them. Have a great week yourself too, Alexandra!

  13. Great Post! Follow each other on GFC, Google+ and Bloglovin? If yes, follow me and i follow back as soon as i see it. Let me know with a comment on my Blog

    Keep in Touch xx Rabea from germany

    1. I love seeing newcomers around. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  14. Oh Jo, the dolphin experience must have been so so amazing! It is also my dream, he looks so sweet and so are you and your hubby! I think dolphins are so social and friendly, I have no idea about that controversy but I really hope they are treated well everywhere. You look adorable and just need a relaxing bath too now!:) Enjoy the week Jo! xo

    1. Thank you, sweet Lilli. The controversy was quite heated for a while some time ago and even I felt so sorry for the dolphins. Animals in captivity is such a contestable topic. I feel that as long as the animals are treated well in captivity, there should not be too much negativity towards it. I'm also glad to have experienced how well the dolphins are treated by the trainers in RWS. Isn't it telapathy that we were both on each other's blog at the same time? xoxo

  15. Jo, thanks a million, you made my day, I appreciated it more than words can say. You should make your own page too soon please, not only cause also my support would make me very happy but since your lovely blog deserves it <3 Many kisses! xo

    1. xoxo dear Lilli. If I ever do make my own FB page for my blog, I would know that I would have you as a supporter!

  16. Haha, Jo, stop with the grammatical errors worries! I truly enjoyed this post as I love dolphins! They are so noble and humans have to treat them well! The first photo, the kissing photos and the dancing photos are SO CUTE! Sheng Guo is a big cutie! Glad to hear that you had a great time! The food looks delicious and you have such nice TEZENiS bikinis!

    1. Thank you babe. Lol. I really edited quite a bit each time I skimmed through the post and I think by the time you read it, there isn't many errors to spot. Thank you dear. I got my bikini from Tenzenis in Italy. When I was there, I thought it was a well-known swimwear brand. Now that I'm googling this brand's site in Singapore, I realize it is actually an underwear brand? Hahaha.

  17. love dolphin's are a super cute!
    a big kiss

  18. Oh my gosh the dolphins is so adorable! love your bikini :)

    1. Thank you, dear. Love seeing newcomers around.

  19. What a cute dolphine and fun place


  20. I'm on the fence about animals in captivity in general. On one hand, I feel that animals should be free to live as mother nature intended them to but it's also a great way for us to learn about them and it gives those who are sick or injured a much better chance of survival. But at the same time, how accurate is the information we're collecting if these animals aren't actually living in their natural habitat?

    It looked like you had a lot fun with the dolphin though! I swam with dolphins when I was in Cuba and it was a really enjoyable experience but again, I felt a little guilty.

    It's too bad about the controversy but from what you've written, it seems like the dolphins are well cared for and the trainer seems to really have their interest at heart. I hope it's true and not just a façade.

    I would totally love to go to a spa, I need a day of pampering XD

    1. I'm glad that you got to swim with dolphins too! And I understand your mixed feelings too. Based on statistics, animals in captivity love longer than their counterparts in the wild. Animals in captivity is such a contestable topic. I feel that as long as the animals are treated well in captivity, there should not be too much negativity towards it. I'm also glad to have experienced how well the dolphins are treated by the trainers in RWS and hope that it is not just a façade.

  21. OMG this looks like such a fun experience Jo! I'd love the interact with Dolphins some day too! And that relaxing bath looks awesome! Very cute pictures :)

  22. Hi Jo, what an amazing experience. I have seen so many documentaries about dolphins that are in captivity that I'm against that but I can see the good side of it too. You guys always make me laugh. Your questions are not silly haha. Sadly I have an appointment in an hour but I wanted to tell you about the histamine intolerance. It looks like you have it too. I had so many rashes in my life that I can't count them anymore. It's not just the alcohol but also the food. I give you some links if you haven't found any and hope they'll help you:


    1. Hey Mira. Thank you so much for your kind comment and also for getting back to me about histamine intolerance. I would check out those sites you've listed. How very sweet of you for taking the time to do this. xoxo

  23. oh gosh. now i am so jealous of you! :( i can't even continue scrolling down. hahaha. but seriously, you're so lucky to have been able to interact with the dolphins! it's my dream. huhu :)) i'm sure you'll treasure the moments you had with them. hihi :3

    xoxo, rae

    1. Hey Rae, Thanx for your comment. I hope you fulfil your dreams of interacting with dolphins too. I've never thought I would do that but I did and it was fun. =)

  24. GREAT post as always :) Have you had a lovely autumn so far ?? here in Gothenburg its sunny and warm like its summertime again

    Check out my new post ...Sexy classy bedroom inspiration :)

    have a fab week dear

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)

    1. Hi Maria. From your comment, you sound like you've been on my blog before but I don't quite recall. I live in a tropical country and we don't have autumn here. Sure, will check out your blog. =)

  25. wow so nice post , I love Dolphins :)
    please check out my new post on my blog

    1. Thank you. Love seeing newcomers around here.

  26. Wow it looks like you had the most amazing day on Sentosa, I remember spending the day there with my fiance at Universal Studios and then visiting Dolphin Lagoon for a quick dip. You're so lucky to not only visit the dolphins but also enjoy the adventure cove and the spa! I too have such mixed feelings about animals in captivity, when I visited the Singapore Zoo I was so excited to see the animals but also felt sad when I saw animals like the white tiger pacing back and forth in his enclosure, or that leopard sitting and staring at us through the glass. While I feel like reptiles and fish are okay to keep in captivity, I hate seeing large mammals stuck inside such small habitats while millions of ppl stare at them every day... I also saw movies like The Cove and feel horrible about how mankind treats the ocean and its creatures... When I went to the Carribean, I and my fiance didn't want to do the dolphin excursion because we felt about them being in captivity. I'm glad that these Singapore dolphins were treated well though, I'm sure they were happy to see such nice people!

    Thanks for sharing this great experience and for your sweet comment on my blog earlier :)

    xx Debbie

    1. Thanx for sharing with me your view about dolphins, Deborah. I'm actually quite proud of our Singapore zoo as the animals are kept in beautifully landscaped enclosures and not cages. That was when I was very young. When I visited the zoo a few years back, I remember that the smaller carnivorous mammals are kept in smaller glass enclosures. Animals in captivity is such a contestable topic. I feel that as long as the animals are treated well in captivity, there should not be too much negativity towards it. And I'm always very heartened to see kind trainers, zookeepers and visitors. I also appreciate parents who bring up their kids well. Some parents are just to irresponsible not to discipline their kids whenever they are doing something wrong to the animals. Everyone has their part to play in making this world a better place. =)

  27. My husband wants to swim with the dolphins. It looks like fun!!! I'd rather be at the spa myself!

    1. Hehehe... That sounds like a really good choice! Thanx for stopping by. I love seeing newcomers around.

  28. Dolphin Island looks absolutely amazing. Dolphins in general are the cutest and friendliest. Love the pictures of you and your husband with them. They are so cute. I love that hot dog stand. So colorful. Glad you guys had a great time. It definitely shows Jo.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Kim. I love that hot dog stand too. It is cheesy in a really cute way. Haha

  29. What awesome pics! The experiences with the dolphins sound fabulous! T.

  30. Hello Dear! I really enjoy reading you blog I'm a new follower on GFC and bloglovin and I would love it if you followed back :) looks like an awesome trip!

    1. Hi Stephanie. Love to see newcomers around. Thank you for following. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges on our blogs so hope to see you around more often. =)

  31. Wow this must be a dream!

    Thank you for your pleasant comment on my blog. Now I checked your blog with the result: I like it!

    I would like to follow you on gfc and/or bloglovin. It would be great if you come back to my blog to follow me – then I will follow you immediately back.

    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

    International giveaway: Top form by the reasons of problems

    1. Thank you for your comment. I love seeing newcomers on my blog. I've read your reply to me on your blog that you appreciate people reading since text are always a huge affair of your heart. I have the same feelings too. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful 2-way communication on our blogs. So hope we would see each other around more often! =)

  32. The dolphin interaction looks like it was such a fun and unique experience! I feel much the same way as you about animals in captivity as I've read some harrowing stories about how they're captured and treated but I know that's not always the case and it's good to know that the dolphins you visited were well cared for.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. Animals in captivity is such a contestable topic. I feel that as long as the animals are treated well in captivity, there should not be too much negativity towards it. Thank you for your thoughtful comment and sharing your insights with me, Rowena.

  33. Hi Jo!!! :D
    Im so jealous. Kissing with dolphin, amazing places, chill. Love your pics, this how you and your husband have fun ;)
    Greets my dear from Poland, Nabil ;)

    1. Thank you for your "jealous" comment, Nabil. Hahaha... Have a good Sunday ahead! =)

  34. You're such a sweet and gentle soul to think about the dolphins and the ethical problem of keeping them in captivity...they seem to like humans and to enjoy their time with them so maybe there are other species that should be protected and not kept in zoos...I can only imagine how wonderful your day was among those incredible creatures!
    Have a wonderful day dear,

    Arianna, Nymphashion ♡

    1. Thank you for visiting back, Arianna. You're so sweet yourself. Thank you for your comment and have a good Sunday ahead!

  35. Hi Jo! I LOVE DOLPHINS! I always try to see them whenever I go to hot places. Your photos are so nice. Mine never turned out. How awesome that you get a closer look of their teeth!

    Sorry, something random: Since you did an excellent job on the post about comments. Would you be interested in doing a post on when bloggers should or should not quit blogging? I really want to get your point of views. No, I'm not planning to quit my blog anytime but it's something I think about from time to time. Thanks!

    xo Jo

    1. Hey Jo. My photos were quite dark and didn't look as beautiful. I initially didn't like them at all and refused to buy anything physical (eg photo card, keychain etc). I struck a deal I bought the soft copies from their assigned photographer and edited the photos on my own.I love them so much more after that. Hahaha...

      Thanx so much for asking me about doing a post. However I'm sorry that I've to decline as I don't think I would be able to find the time to do so. That's a really very interesting topic and I guess one day, I might just write about it too. Nooooo... Don't stop blogging!

  36. How wonderful to interact with dolphins for the first time, that's still on my bucketlist! :) You look so beautiful in these photos and I love your bikini top! The spa must have been so relaxing, aren't they always?! :)
    - I follow back on Bloglovin' -


    1. Thank you for your kind comment and the follow on bloglovin, Gabrielle. Hope to have more interaction with you in future.

  37. Hi jolene!
    Not too sure if you still rmr me as it has been ages! I must admit that i kinda just fell off the blogging radar for awhile too. Haha. Anyway, great entry on your experience with the dolphins. I know about the whole controversy regarding dolphins in captivity and while i understand their pov, i do feel that if the dolphins are well-cared for, that's more impt. My first dolphin interaction exp dates back a decade ago, w the pink dolphins in sentosa! Such fun animals(: this new encounter looks like something not to be missed either.

    1. Hey Steph! I'm so surprised to see this comment from you! I had to make sure who you are by tapping your link. It has indeed been ages and I'm pleasantly surprised to know that you read my blog (well, maybe not always but you know what I mean). I haven't been reading lots of blogs for the past 2 years. I only return visits to blog friends who leave comments here. Life has been too busy to keep up. I'm sure to take the time to read your recent entries when I've got more free time on hand. I really appreciate you dropping this note to me and reconnecting back. I hope you have been well (skimmed through your blog a little and it's great to know that you've bounced back after a period of downs). Hope we would keep in touch more often! xoxo

  38. Oh wow such an amazing experience. I always wanted to swim/play with dolphins. The pictures are all wonderful and thanks for sharing. Thanks for stopping by my blog, stay in touch.


    1. Thank you for visiting back, Sam. Let's continue to stay in touch. =)

  39. Oh wow I can't even explain how amazing I think this is. It must have been such an experience and I would love to do something like this. It's great you got great photos and can have a memory of this. My favourite photo is of kissing the dolphin.

    1. That's my favourite photos too! The photos weren't great initially. They were quite dark and I didn't like them at all. I refused to buy anything physical (eg photo card, keychain etc) so I struck a deal, bought the soft copies from their assigned photographer and edited the photos on my own. That's how they look great here. Hahaha...

  40. Your photos are beautiful, as always. That seems like it would have been such a magical experience - I would love to be that close to dolphins one day. There are so many documentaries about dolphins and most of them are heartbreaking so it is refreshing to read about a place where they are treated with the love and the respect that they deserve.

    x Sneha |

    1. Animals in captivity is such a contestable topic. Thank you for your thoughtful comment and sharing your insights with me, Sneha. The photos weren't great beautiful initially. They were quite dark and I didn't like them at all. I refused to buy anything physical (eg photo card, keychain etc) so I struck a deal, bought the soft copies from their assigned photographer and edited them on my own. That's how they look great here. Hahaha...

  41. Thank you for your sweet comment, Tanya. I wish for nothing but the pink of health for you and your boys now. =)


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