Sunday, October 12, 2014

Instagram Snapshots ~*September 2014*~

Thank you all for your sweetest comments on my previous post and for sharing with me your insights on the controversy of animals kept in captivity. I really enjoyed reading all your thoughts. Do check back on my replies here.


Here's September instasummary. Instagram videos are better viewed on iamjolene Instagram page itself for sound and image quality, as well as full streaming.

~1 September 2014~
I've been pigging out way too much this weekend with all the celebrations and gatherings. I thought I was so full from the sumptuous dinner at my family home just now that I could not eat anymore for the day but I was so wrong... Seafood pie and steak pie from Little Britain SG and Four Seasons Mao Shan Wang durian Mooncake for supper. Now I could continue working through my draft poster designs for work which is getting nowhere.

~4 September 2014~
Staycation at the Tree Top Lofts Part 1 - Virtual Tour up on my blog. Here's a flipagram of us using my favorite multiple shots function.

~5 September 2014~
The most nostalgic part about Teachers' Day would be those sweet little things that students wrote. During my first 2 years of being a teacher, my gifts were a paper bag full that everywhere I walked, students would go "Wah. That teacher got a lot of presents." Over the years as my young little students became teenagers and as I kept repeating to the kids year after year not to buy any presents for me but to write me notes if they wished, my presents got lesser but my notes got more. The notes came on any occasion and not just on Teachers' Day. How I miss those days... Before the clock strikes 12, here's wishing all great teachers out there a very Happy Teachers' Day! ❤❤❤

~6 September 2014~
Nautical theme wedding with cookies made by the couple themselves. In case you're wondering how a corgi could be nautical, the couple has a corgi. Pic 4 are the desserts from the hotel.

~6 September 2014~
Top L: Hubby got a new hair style-- longer hair on top over shaved sides. He isn't used to it, think it is punky and dislikes styling with wax. ❤ Top R: Hubby sulking at me trying to take a photo. ❤ Bottom L-R: I like it coz it reminds me of how the make-up artist styled his hair during our wedding photoshoot and 2nd march in. ❤

~7 September 2014~
Sitting next to the fruit stall eating breakfast will make me deaf soon. The fruit stall holders hawk their fruits by shouting nonstop. The funniest line? "来啊来!买柚子回去今晚可以看到嫦娥姐姐!" (Loosely translated for my non Chinese readers: Come ah come! Buy a pomelo home and see Sister Chang'e tonight!") It's Mid Autumn Festival tomorrow so happy Lantern Day, Happy Mooncake Day and 中秋节快乐!

~8 September 2014~
Had a great dinner, dessert and chat with dear @xtinaong. It is always great to catch up with friends one to one, ❤ to ❤.

~9 September 2014~
So some time has passed since the big maelstrom on social media about Hello Kitty not being a cat. Meanwhile in Cartoonland...

~13 September 2014~
Got this anti-static band from Daiso. I'm easily zapped by static electricity. Not sure if it works but no harm trying for $2. Its elasticity reminds me of my hair rubber band though. Wonder if I could tie my hair with this.

~13 September 2014~
Throwback 2 weeks ago 全家福.

~14 September 2014~
Blog comments DOs and DON'Ts up on my blog. I'm sure all my blog friends on Instagram would nod your heads vehemently in agreement since if we are following each other here, we are definitely on the same page when it comes to these comments we receive on our blogs. 😉

~14 September 2014~
Came all the way to Suntec City like hungry pack of wolves for the legendary crab broth Keisuke ramen but it was sold out!!! We settled for Mad for Garlic instead. Ordered mussels in garlic sauce which was really good. For mains we had the garlic steak and lobster cream pasta. I'm not sure if it was diminishing marginal utility but I couldn't finish such creamy pasta and had to pass to the hub. The steak was way too sweet and I absolutely hate it when salty food turns out too sweet. We are officially full. BURP!

~18 September 2014~
Palms and feet get cold easily so I got myself feet warmers. The stripes remind me of Cheshire Cat! When Simba was still around, she was my feet warmer. She would sleep under my desk as I rolled my feet over her body.

~21 September 2014~
Getting more and more compliments for this pair of Tangerine sandals from Tangs. ❤❤❤ It looks like those pretty but uncomfy shoes that cost thrice the price at Nine West, Aldo and the likes. The hubz asked, "Did you buy these sandals just to match your toe nails?!" (Aside: Left toes are scrunched coz my sprained ankle from weeks back is still hurting. Left foot and calf are thicker than the right now. 😭 T_T

~21 September 2014~
We are finally here for the legendary crab broth ramen! Taste just like seafood bisque. It had since become a VIOS tradition to take photo of the empty bowl so here's Kh with the empty bowl feeling very satisfied. I didn't finish my broth and a few strands of ramen so I broke the empty bowl tradition. I ate 2/3 of the jar of the appetizing tau gey (bean sprouts). The deep fried prawns with mayo were good too.

~21 September 2014~
Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno-- A must watch movie for all fans of the manga and anime. Wonderfully executed fighting sequences peppered with comic relief made the 139 min movie seem not at all long. I only wished the finale came all together so I don't have to wrack my brains 3 times trying to recall the characters and scenes from the anime I watched more than 10 years ago. The whole series of manga is in the hubby's comics cupboard but I'm too lazy to flip.

~25 September 2014~
What's the link between a Swiss Army knife and a key holder? 💕The Keystone Holder💕 The Keystone Holder is compact and looks classy with its minimalist clean lines and choice of finishes. It's unique design and innovative concept would be the topic of conversation each time you whipped out your keys. Best of all, your keys would never jingle. My cousin is the genius behind this simple yet innovative concept and his his project is currently up on Kickstarter. Read more about the Keystone from: • my blog (link in bio) • •

~27 September 2014~
September Saturday Selfie... Just coz I don't have a selfie photo on Instagram this month and it is abnormal. >_<

~28 September 2014~
Spent a lovely Saturday afternoon with lovely gal pals and 2 sweet little girls. April and I are beginning to me more receptive to selfie sticks. Viv got a good deal for her selfie stick and remote which Talya had so much fun playing with! Meanwhile, Taïsa continues to snooze...

~28 September 2014~
Sometimes we have to take a step back in order to see a clearer picture. How many of you did?

You can find me on Instagram by clicking the button below. If you like my pictures, do follow and drop me a message so that I could check out your page too! I really love it when my blog friends and I are connected on other social media platforms too since I know many of them don't blog as often yet have got a lot more updates on their Instagram page. If you're a newcomer asking for follow in exchange, I don't entertain follow for follow requests. However if we have enough meaningful exchanges here, I would naturally follow you back. Have a great week ahead!

 photo buttoninstagram.png


  1. Jo, your pictures are lovely, I like your husbands new hair cut, is he more comfortable with it now? The moving food pictures were amazing, everything looked so yummy.

    Lovey lanterns for Mooncake day... I love Fall for all the holidays and making time to spend with family and friends.

    Of course I like this post Blog comments DOs and DON'Ts as this is how I found your blog... it's a really good and well thought out post. Comments are the way to get to know each other better :)

    1. Thanx Launna. Ooh, so glad to see so many ladies complimenting the hubz new hair cut. His hair grows so quickly that he has since cut his hair another time. Yes, I'm so glad I wrote that Blog comments DOs and DON'Ts post for I've made a lot more new and sincere blog friends after that! So happy to know you this way too!

  2. Hi Jo :D
    What can I say - love it. I always love to look at your post, of course pictures mostly, thery are so cheerful. Like this gif on the sofa with your husband. It's so great to see how lovely cuople you are :D moreover food, places :D just lovely post :D
    Hugs, Nabil ;)

    1. Hey Nabil, You're so sweet with your words. I'm glad you love my post. Thank you so much.

  3. Looks like you had a busy month, full of great activities. All the food looks so delicious, gosh I want something sweet now haha. Your husband´s new haircut is great. It´s great that you celebrate teacher´s day this way at your country, we don´t do anything special. But yes, students can go home earlier, so teachers have party haha. Beautiful pic for instagram, I guess I´m the only one who don´t use it. :)
    Fashion Happenss

    1. Hey Lia, I'm so glad to see so many ladies complimenting the hubz new hair cut. You don't celebrate Teacher's Day where you are? Well, I guess going home early is a form of celebration for teachers and students too. Instagram could get addictive and make people so lazy to blog at times. Hehehe... It's good that you're not on it yet.

  4. Lots of really interesting and great it!
    Thank you so much for your nice comment, kisses

    1. Thank you for visiting back and for your comment, Dania. Hope to see you around!

  5. Hi Jo! Your IG account is so lovely and a pleasure to follow as I enjoy your pic. The selfie (the Sat selfie) is my fav ever shot, you look utterly cute and have gorgeous eyes! How adorable are the socks! I like also the sandals and the brilliant keystone holder created by your cousin. The last quote is true, I agree with it. Jo, hope you had a restful weekend, mine was fine too. Have a wonderful week ahead dear, hugs! xo

    1. Dear Lilli sweet as always with your wonderful comments. Ah, I only have gorgeous eyes with make up, otherwise I'm plain Jo. Glad to hear that you like my cousin's little innovation too. I had far too much sleep just now (from Friday to Saturday), 12 hours in fact. I hope I've gotten sufficient rest from the whole hectic week and I hope you too!

  6. Amazing IG pictures! Beautiful family... Great fashion selection and the food looks delish!!! xo

    1. Thank you for dropping by and commenting. Love seeing newcomers around.

  7. gorgeous pics ^_^
    new post on my blog
    i wait you darling

  8. Ah your little flip vidz! They are so cool. You have a talent and patience I seem to lack. I actually often dream about making little fun films of things but have yet to take action.

    Hello Kitty--Learning more and more about him/her/it/mouthless each day :)

    Very lovely selfie, dear!!! I attempted to guess if there were more artificial parts but found none :)

    So great to be reminded of your very cool blog on the perils of blogging. I still think about doing an Instagram one. You would do it much better though so I wait patiently :) Been back to enjoy your last post many times, dear, and each visit is very amazing for me :)) Thank you so much for sharing those lovely shots!! You are so sweet and beautiful and wow! xoxo

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Rick. Flipagram is easy to use even for lazy people like me. The only patience needed is when the app constantly closes on me. I seem to be having lots of app problems lately. I would love to see your perils of instagram if you're gonna make one soon I would be sure to read!

  9. Jo, I didn't know you are a teacher! How cute your students notes are! I am sure they have more sentimental value than material things! Lol the 2nd flipagram is so funny! Your hubby new hair style is really cool! Share with us if the anti-static band works! The Tangerine sandals are really nice indeed! Let me ask the same question as your hubby: Did you buy these sandals just to match your toe nails?! Haha Your selfie photo is so cute! You look beautiful! I just followed you on IG! I'm glad that I found you through this post! Have a lovely Monday, Jo! Xo


    1. I WAS a teacher. How I really miss teaching and my students. Their words and their antics really made my day back then. So glad to see so many ladies complimenting the hubz new hair cut. The anti-static band did work a little. I get less zaps from my laptop when I use it. Hahaha... I happened to have that colour on my toenails and it did match the sandals. I'm so glad that we are connected on IG and gasp, your 1st name is Sofia? I've always thought you are Stanislava!

    2. There should be more teachers that love their jobs as you! My name is Stanislava and I live in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. :)

    3. Ah hahaha... Apologies my dear. I'm so ignorant. Yet, I'm glad that I've gotten your name right! =D

  10. How fun are those Flipogram photos, especially all of the food images, lol. I love the dolphin photo on your Instagram, used to swim with them when I was younger .
    Hope you enjoy your week!
    Ethical Beauty of Australia

    1. Thank you for dropping by and commenting. Love seeing newcomers around. How lucky of you to used to swim with dolphins!

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you for dropping by and commenting. Love seeing newcomers around.

  12. What an eventful September! Omg I love those cookies from the wedding!! They look so good! Were they sugar cookies? I don't know why but when I see cookies made like that with that specific type of "icing", it looks so delicious. How sweet of your students to write you all those notes and what?! I haven't heard about this scandal about Hello Kitty not being a cat....I need to look that up lol

    Did the Daiso static bracelet work and yes, pets make great feet warmers. Whenever I can I would tuck my feet under Soda's belly too hehe I'm loving that selfie - you look gorgeous as always!!!

    1. Yup, they were those sweet cookies. I don't know if they're called sugar cookies. I always prefer to look at such cookies than to eat them coz they are too cute to eat. That Hello Kitty scandal took all HK fans by storm. I sat back and laughed at it all. The anti-static band did work a little. I get less zaps from my laptop when I use it. Thank you for your sweet words, Sam.

  13. Jo, all this time and I didn't know you were a teacher!?! How cool! I love your husband's new cut. It's good to change up every now and then. That dessert with the bananas and strawberry looks so good. Love those little pies! A nautical themed wedding is pretty cool! Love those wedding favors! So unique!

    1. I WAS a teacher. How I really miss teaching and my students. Their words and their antics really made my day back then. I think I should put a disclaimer on my post after seeing so many of you mistaking that I'm a teacher. Hehe... So glad to see so many ladies complimenting the hubz new hair cut.

  14. The best soup dumpli g I've ever tasted had crab broth in them. So good! I'm glad you were finally able to have the broth ramen.

    You were able to have dinner with @xtinaong AND have that dessert? That was a pretty great evening! :)

    My kh would love your feet Warner's.

    1. I didn't quite like the crab broth ramen as the rest of the group. Everyone finished it except me. Hehe.. I do love clear crab broth Chinese style.

  15. OMG that flipagram of you both is so awesome. You both are so awesome. And your students are super cute and awesome too. I've never given a teacher a present or thank you note. I guess I've never really encountered one that made that much of a difference in my life or made me feel special in any way that I felt a need to express my thanks. Then again, looking back at my schooling no one ever gave teachers anything anyway lol. Maybe it's the area I live in? We're snobs I guess ;op btw hows the band working out for you? ZDoes it help with the static electricity? I don't have a problem with it myself, but am curious if it's helped!

    Excuse me though Jo, while I step away and go look for cake or chocolate or something to stuff into my mouth. This post has made me super hungry!

    1. Those were my ex students. How I really miss teaching and my students. Their words and their antics really made my day back then. Some of my primary school kids were always writing me little notes and sometimes they write notes to me on their worksheets too. I guess because I don't teach in a formal school and that's why they are bolder in writing those little notes. I guess as you said, it could also be the area you live in. The anti-static band did work a little. I get less zaps from my laptop when I use it.

  16. So many awesome Instagram snaps! It's really the best social media app, isn't it? I love it ^^

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  17. aw your feed is so fun and adorable. =)

    1. Thank you for dropping by and commenting. Love seeing newcomers around.

  18. Adorable pics Jo! You sure had a fun september! Yes I did step back and saw the big picture!

  19. Lots of great memories from your Insta feed. I love those slipper like socks, those are so cute :))) All the food looks amazing too. I hope you're having a wonderful week so far doll...thank you for your wishes from my fall as well. I am much better now and all healed. I am trying to be better at not tripping over so much now :)) xx

    1. Those are actually socks socks but I made them look like slipper socks and also wore the left one the other way round for fun. =D Yes, less falls for you!

  20. it seems like you had a great and fun month! so happy for you :))) by the way, i am so loving that feet warmer. so cute and so functional! :))

    reply to your comment on my blog: I don't know who Mark Ryden is but I went to google and found his website. wow. his works are interesting ans yes, the Mona Lisa piece looks like a work of Mark Ryden, but softer i guess? hehe.

    xoxo, rae

    1. Thank you, Rae. Ah, I'm so glad that you're aware of Mark Ryden's works now. I love to look at his works. Most intriguing and mysterious at times.

  21. Omg Jo even if I step back I can't read it properly haha. Maybe it's time for a new pair of glasses. I love your Insta posts (I wish my life were that exciting). Your hubby looks great with the new haircut. I hope your left foot doesn't hurt anymore. Btw the sandals look super cute. Too bad they are uncomfy. Isn't it always like that? We don't have a Teacher's day over here. I think that's a lovely. I had no idea you were a teacher once. Why aren't you teaching anymore?
    You're welcome Jo. I hope this will help you. Well it helped me to stay away from stuff that I shouldn't eat or drink. I always thought that I can't be allergic to everything.
    Have a wonderful day!!

    1. Hey Mira, Thank you for your sweet words. My life ain't that interesting. I think my Instagram posts are sending the wrong signal. Lol... If you're short-sighted, you might need to put on your glasses and stand a bit further to see the words on that poster. I'm so glad to see so many ladies complimenting the hubz new hair cut. Ladies know best. Oh, the sandals I bought were comfy. It is those expensive ones I was referring to that was uncomfy. You know what, Mira? You are the only one who got it correct that I was a teacher once. Many people referred to the present tense and so I checked back on my words and realised that the text was quite ambiguous. I'm glad you picked it out correctly. I switched jobs but I do miss teaching and my students.

  22. That cake, and fuzzy socks-I need them!
    And you're so pretty,
    Would you like to follow each other?Let me know! :)
    PS I would appreciate it tons if you click links on my blog.

    Thank you,

    1. Thank you for your comment. I love seeing newcomers around. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful connections on our blogs. Would check out your blog soon. =)

  23. Hey Tanya. Thank you for your lovely words. I didn't know you have Instagram. Would love to be acquainted with you in IG if you do post on it and also give you lots of likes back. Have a good weekend!

  24. Thank you for stopping by. I love seeing newcomers around. I read that Hello Kitty is anthropomorphic and that the Sanrio spokesperson was going to far by saying it is not a cat. This article explains it. Hope you had as much of a fun time reading it as I did.

  25. It was definitely fun to scroll through your instasummary of your September! A lot of those foodie pics made me drool, I won't deny it! Mmmm crab broth ramen sounds divine and all of those pastries look amazing. Also, the cookies made by that couple are so adorable-- what talent and cuteness in one. Also, your cute fluffy socks are adorable, I'm not sure if I could wear those anywhere but in Canadian or colder climates tho! Your hubby's hair looks good, I am such a tough critic of my fiance's hair so he often has to consult me for new styles hehe ;) Your students are so cute, I only tutor English but I also receive the cutest gifts from my sweet students and it's always heartwarming. You must be an amazing teacher!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend dear!

    xx Debbie

    1. Thank you for your lovely words, Deborah. I didn't quite like the crab broth ramen as the rest of the group. Everyone finished it except me. Hehe.. I do love clear crab broth Chinese style. Oh we have very warm climate here but I wear those fluffy socks in the air-con room. It is good that your fiancé consults you for new styles. Mine is so stubborn. He doesn't like anything which I think is nice. =/ Ah, you have sweet students too. How lovely. They always make our day, don't they?

  26. Hello there beautiful! as I always say, I love when you share your Instagram pics on the blog! I haven't been much Instagram lately because I've been crazy busy, like seriously no time to breath :( but things are getting slower at work, settleing down more with the boutique so I think I need to make a comeback on Instagram haha anyways I have to say.... how many theme weddings do you attend to? is it popular over there? Here not so much, so I'm always amazed of how creative are all the things you post about the weddings you attend to! the cute cookies looked amazing! I wish I had some chihuahua cookies on my wedding haha also, your husband's new haircut is super cool! I think I need mine to experiment a llittle bit too, he has had the same haircut for a looong while! lol change is always good :) your leg warmers... ADORABLE! and Hello Kitty is not a cat? what? I did not hear anything about that and as a Hello Kitty super fan, I'm in shock! lol

    Thank you for sending me the links to your online store, I checked it out and you guys have beautiful stuff! you look so gorgeous in all the pictures :) a great model! is a shame you don't have time for it anymore but I completely understand... I also have a full time job so making this boutique happen right now is really taking all of my time! like really all of it lol

    I added you on Facebook! and yes, we are def friends :) I've considered you my friend for a while now Jo! so happy to find people like you through my blog, that makes the whole blogging experience worth it.

    I hope you are having a lovely weekend!


    1. Sweet words from you as always, Milu. Hmm... I dunno if themed weddings are popular in Singapore. Maybe I just happened to have creative friends. Hehe... So glad to see so many ladies complimenting the hubz new hair cut. Ladies know best! I read that Hello Kitty is anthropomorphic and that the Sanrio spokesperson was going too far by saying it is not a cat. This article explains it. Hope you had as much of a fun time reading it as I did.

      I saw and accepted your FB friend request. Thank you for the request. It is great to be acquainted with you on another social media platform! My FB contents tend to be more colloquial. I could see that your shop page s buzzing with activities. Wish you all the best in your business venture!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)