Monday, November 25, 2013

Sis's Birthday Dinner at Kuishin Bo

Last month, we celebrated my 2nd sis's birthday at Kuishin Bo, Great World City outlet. Before this, the very first and last time I went to the same outlet was for my department's Christmas lunch a year ago. Although many of my colleagues commented that the standards seemed to have dropped, I thought that the food was really good. I recommended Kuishin Bo when my sis said she wanted Japanese food.

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The Great World City outlet which is still rated a very favourable 4 stars on Hungry Go Where seemed to have dropped in standard that evening. This is the first time I edit my own food pictures and blog about them without craving for them like I usually do. Furthermore, the lighting at our table wasn't flattering and somehow, all the photos that day did not turn out well.

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The soup in the teapot aka dobin mushi used to be very good but that evening, it tasted like any normal savoury soup. The crayfish was free due to some early bird promotion or something. The cold crab, chawanmushi and cold soba was alright. Nothing to shout about.

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I love whacking sashimi for buffet but I did not take my usual amount that day. The ebiko was a prized catch for my sis. She loves biting onto springy ebiko and ikura alike. Sprinkling some ebiko on top of her chawanmushi made it a lot more delicious!

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The meat dishes you see below was cooked upon order. The beef was good. The lamb (that black piece at the top right) did not look like lamb but tasted good according to my eldest sis. The fish had too many bones everywhere; it was quite difficult to tackle that dish. The variety of soup and ginseng porridge were not bad.

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Left: When my 2nd sis came back from the drinks dispenser with Milo, all of us laughed at her. "Come all the way here just to drink Milo. Don't you already drink enough Milo at home?"
Right: I love half boiled eggs (eaten the Chinese breakfast way with dark soya sauce and pepper with toast) but I slurped this half boiled egg in a mouthful and could not talk for the next few minutes. I was actually on the verge of puking the whole egg out. It was cold and meant to be taken as a cold dish. It just felt really disgusting having cold semi liquid egg in my mouth.

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The desserts were alright. Cut fruits couldn't really go wrong. The matcha ice cream was a disappointment as it tasted like vanilla ice cream instead.

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The dessert counter actually looked really appetizing!

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All that was left for the chocolate fondue were the marshmallows and dried fruits after I took the last stick of strawberries. I usually like to dip my cut fruits into the fondue fountain too. I love cheating myself that I'm eating healthy chocolate coated fruits instead of those chocolate coated marshmallows.

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To be honest, the food spread at the buffet table really looked appetizing and the food in general wasn't too bad. It was just the drop in standard which made me a little disappointed. My family was not disappointed though they felt that they had had better Japanese buffet at a much lower price than what Kuishin Bo was charging.

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My sis's present from me-- the very same Coach bag which I have in pink. My mum liked the bag so much that she immediately asked my sis if she could borrow from her as and when she wanted. -_-|||

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This side and that side of the table.

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I like to have individual shots of all of us.

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Minus my dad here who was behind the camera.

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Taking a picture of you taking a picture of me.

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My mum also wanted to join in the fun.

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As all the staff were so busy, this was what we could make do of the family shot. Good thing my sis's arm was long enough to accommodate all of us.

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Displeased that we could not have a proper family photo, I decided to make use of a dustbin to snap this series of photos. Yup, I balanced my camera on a dustbin and set the many shots in one setting mode to get this series which I've made into an anigif. Hope the anigif is displaying well on your screens.

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As I was blogging about my sis's birthday and recalling all the family celebrations in 2012 and 2013 which I combined in a single post 2 months back, I realised that I haven't even blogged about my dear hubby's birthday which was in July. Gotta work on that real soon!

[All photos in this section were taken using Canon S95 and iPhone 5.]


  1. That was a great present you selected for you sister. As long as she had fun, I guess the food is secondary--but it would have been nice if the quality matched the price.

    1. Thank you and yup, I agree with you on the last part.

  2. Lovely family & pics! What a fab present for your sis--a Coach bag! :) T.

  3. I do so enjoy a nice buffet and we have some many Chinese ones mostly, some Japanese and then some American type food. Even our Chinese buffets usually have things like pizza, chicken nuggets and garlic bread on them. I never knew those were Chinese food :) On a side note, that's usually what I get there as I am no fan of most veggies. That desert bar looks quite interesting though :) Good thing the neighborhood was a good one or someone might have run past and snatched your camera from the dustbin. Most likely, you were all too full to have chased him :)

    1. America is a melting pot of culture and I often fond food of other countries in restaurants of other countries too. Sometimes it is like that in Singapore too as we are a cosmopolitan country. You have to eat your greens. They are good... all except celery and parsley and other pungent vege. Yes, it is great it's pretty safe here. I would only place my camera on objects in Singapore. I never ever dare to do so in other countries when travelling unless I feel really at ease.

    2. It is nice to know somewhere I can come and get free cameras whenever I wish :) Big black market for camera internationally you know :)

  4. Looks like a lovely family outing! Happy birthday to your sister! :)

    Such a shame the food wasn't as good as you expected, but hopefully it was still nice spending time together as a family :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you and yes, the food is only secondary and what's important is the time spent with people you love. =)

  5. Looks ever so lovely glad you all had such a fun time!! I hope your week is beautiful xx

  6. Jo, you guys took some really good pictures. I love your family! You guys have so much fun! Sorry the food was kind of hit and miss. I hate when that happens. But you guys made the best of everything anyway.

    1. My family can be quite crazy and spontaneous at times. And thank you for your lovely words. =)

  7. It looks like you guys had so much fun! Love the pictures of them taking pictures of you, I always do that with my friends. You look so pretty, I love your blouse! And also, the food looks delicious!


    1. Thank you for your lovely words. I love those taking pics of each other style of pics too.

  8. Ah Jo, happy birthday to your sister! You're always so good about documenting things like this. Man, you're gonna be able to look back and relive all of these memories--isn't that awesome? i wish I could be a little more dedicated to things like that. Ah well, I've got the occassional iphone pics. Hope your week goes smoothly! xx Ali

    1. I really feel the same way about what you say. I realise that I remember things more vividly because I document them down. I could remember events and roughly when they happened all because I blog about them and I'm really happy to be able to relive these memories. I'm quite behind time though and I have important things which I've not document for a year. Thank you for your sweet words always, Ali. =)

  9. wow I had to go through a lot of posts which I have missed. The crocs one was hilarious. About 5 years back my kids were crazy over them as so many kids in school were wearing them. But when they ran with them I was always scared they would fall so did not let them wear them. Now they hate them.
    Congratulations to your hubby.
    How do you do the this anigif. Never done it before so need to google it.

    1. I think it is good that your kids got weaned off crocs. Those crocs really look so big toed that I can't imagine not tripping over things in them.

      I'm always appreciative of my blog friends and readers who take the time to read my posts and even my previous ones which they miss as I know I can get really verbose at times. I edit my photos using Photoscape and it has the option of creating anigif in a breeze. You basically just choose the pictures, drop them into the space and customise the timing and the way the photos transit. You can download Photoscape for free. I love it! I hope this helps, Paps.

  10. The food looks so good, especially the crawfish. If they looked that good in your photos, they must've looked like heaven in person.

    Haha, your family is awesome. My brother never wants to take pictures and my family always has the same pose so all our pictures look more or less the same!

    1. My family can be quite crazy and spontaneous at times and I like how they gamely pose. Hehehe...

  11. Jo, you have such a great family, you all look so adorable and nice. Love the gift you made to your sis, the bag is too cute. Sorry for the food, I also dislike when happens, though the desserts look very appetizing. Kisses dear! xo

    1. My family can be quite cute, crazy and spontaneous at times and I like how they gamely pose. It would have been nice if the quality and price match but fortunately, it's always the people that count.

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    1. Thank you for dropping by and following. I love seeing newcomers here. I would check out your blog soon. =)


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