Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

This is a picture I stumbled upon many years ago and up till now it still tickles me. Pardon my sick humour. Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends today and all who celebrate Thanksgiving (today and any other day). I'm always confused by when Thanksgiving is.


  1. well, i dun really know what's thanksgiving is.. hmm

    1. I see from your profile that you are from Malaysia? Many people in Asian countries don't know what Thanksgiving is. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks. I think it is such a wonderful day and I hope Singapore could designate this as an occasion to celebrate too.

  2. Thank you, Jo! Happy American Thanksgiving! Canadians celebrate on a Monday in October.

    When my son was a toddler, seeing a turkey on the oven made him cry. We thought he saw it as one of his own kind, but maybe he thought it was Big Bird. :)

    1. Thanks for that info, Rick. Now I know!

      Have you tried asking your son before? That's so funny!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving hun, hope you have a memorable one!

    1. =) xoxo

      We don't celebrate it here but I love how meaningful this occasion of giving thanks is.

  4. I know! I always laugh when I see it. HAHAHAHA Thanks Jo!

  5. Don't worry, many Americans are just as confused by its meaning. Not a big deal as they mistake it for a celebration of eating and shopping since there should certainly be a holiday to celebrate those, but missing the point for sure.

    1. I'm sure many Americans LOVE Black Fridays. I would be sucked in by consumerism in addition to feeling the real meaning of Thanksgiving too if I were to live in America.

  6. Haha, I remember this photo! It makes me laugh everytime :)
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you~
    in response to your comment, I did silly account in Instagram and say it's silly because I don´tt use because I have an old cell phone and can´t use Instagram. I can´t t stop laughing with this image of Sesame Street LOLOLOL xD Today is Black Friday and this is Black Humor!

    1. Hahaha... Black Friday and Black Humor indeed! xoxo

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, Jo! I hope that your Friday and weekend will both be super awesome (if it wasn't already). <3

  9. Late read + reply, but I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! :3

    (I'm always confused when Thanksgiving is too, since 'Thanksgiving' is practically synonymous with 'American Thanksgiving' and I live in Canada)
    Vanessa | Citron and Guavaberry ʘ‿ʘ | Makeup & Silly things

    1. I learn from my American friend that Thanksgiving in Canada is celebrated in October. I think I would get confused if I lived in Canada too.

  10. Belated happy thanksgiving and omg, that's so funny!


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