Sunday, August 12, 2012

Once Bitten Twice Hatched

~*Hatched Breakfast at 4pm*~

For a period of time, the hubby and I have been on the hunt for eateries that serve all day breakfast. After having checked out Privé Cafe a while back, our next stop was Hatched at Evans Lodge.


Hatched is an egg-inspired all day breakfast restaurant.


There were not many patrons that day but our food took quite some time to arrive. As usual, kh would have his cup of coffee.


I can't remember the names of the dishes we ordered but I love the corned beef in kh's dish and the sauteed mushrooms in mine. We also shared a Pancake Party with caramelised apples.


Outfit of the day:
♥ Fleur Faerie Knitted Cropped Shrug in Mocha Grey
♥ No label inner lace spag top
♥ American Eagle shorts
♥ Necklace from Far East Plaza


~*Hatched Breakfast Encore*~

Two weeks later, I met up with Karen and her hubby at Hatched again.


This time, there were more people. Almost all tables were full and we had to settle for the stool seatings.


Karen had just bought an Olympus camera then and she brought it along to play with its settings.



Here was what we ordered (which I have once more forgotten their names) and a Pancake Party with Bananas to share.


A gift from Karen for all the gal pals.


After breakfast, we headed outside for some outdoor photo-taking.


Testing out the various angles for outfit shots.


I will end of this post with my outfit of the day.

♥ Fleur Faerie Slouchy Top with Pocket in Beige
♥ No label inner lace spag top
♥ This Fashion layered crochet shorts
♥ Fifi Lapin necklace
♥ Nue shoes



If you haven't already known, I'm hosting a giveaway. There would be 3 sets of prizes to be given out. Click here to participate in my giveaway.


  1. I love brunches and all day breakfast! The food looks really good there, you're look gorgeous as usual, Jo!

  2. I'm so hungry at watching the pics of the food! Everything looks yummy!
    And you're so cute ^^
    I'm following you!

  3. hey jo!
    i love your outfits! your style is classy. :)

    all of the foodies look good! i wanna go to hatched now so i could eat all of their yummy goodnesses!

    hope you're having a great weekend, jo :)

    - melissa from

  4. That shrug is so so so cute. :)
    Such delicious food pics!

  5. The Pancake Party would be my favorite, it would be hard to turn down an invitation to that--and hard to turn down an invitation to have such good company.

  6. I find your face amazingly beautiful and your dark eyes & hair suit you so very well! :) Brunches (or all-day breakfasts) are so nice, I wish I had them more often<3 I'm your newest follower now! I'd really appreciate if you'd follow me too :) Keep in touch!

    xoxo Eeva

  7. ooh this is such a cute cafe! I love adorable decor. I love apples too so those caramelised ones look scrumptious! your outfit is really adorable. love the lace shorts :)

  8. Very pretty and feminine outfits :) I love the sound of Hatched, especially as I really like breakfast food, sometimes more than any other meal :p

  9. You are just too adorable!
    Mmmm, those caramalized apple pancakes look soooo good...making me hungry just looking at this. Haha, also, cute outfits for both days! I especially love what you wore with Karen - I have similar lace shorts, only in black. I need the creme ones now!
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment btw, I'm glad you came across my blog - that way I've found yours haha.
    Following you as well :)

    Trendy Teal

  10. Oh eat the yummiest things!! All those pancakes ( and bananas!! ) look scrumptious.

    Also, love those lace shorts. :)

    ♥ x i x i a |

  11. Hi sweety, thanks for your lovely comment, it meant a lot to me. I am not usually a breakfast per fast but everything looks so great here! You are so photogenic! Followed you via Bloglovin

  12. This looks like a cute cafe! The food looks so yum too... I love breakfast meals! I don't think I've ever come across a place that sells breakfast all day yet, but I'm sure there are numerous places which have it. I'll find one one day :P
    I love the chalkboard wall too hehe

  13. I love your nude and cream outfit, you look fabulous! Also omg all this food looks amazing, how are you so skinny! haha. LOVE it x

    ps. In answer to your question, you can follow me on instagram, facebook or twitter - the links are in my right hand side panel. So nice to see you back on the blog, sorry about the pictures!

  14. Gosh, I'm so hungry right
    now! This cafe looks really
    vibrant c: I love the


  15. Nic Nic,

    I love brunch and breakfast food too and aww... thank you, dear. You are so sweet.



    Thank you, dear. And oh, I have also replied you on the giveaway post. Do check back.



    Thank you, dear. I wished you lived here so I could go for breakfast with you.



    Thank you, dear.



    If you lived here in Singapore, it would be hard for my KH and me to turn down an invitation to breakfast with you and your KH.


    Eeva Kallas,

    Thank you so much for your kind compliments and for following, dear. I will hit back your blog as soon as I have the time to check it out.



    Thank you very much for stopping by and leaving me a note. I love apples too.



    My exact sentiments!



    Thank you very much for stopping by and following. I’m always happy to connect with like-minded people. Oh, I have some tiered ones in black too though that looks a lot more like a skirt than the cream one I have. I hope you manage to find a cream one to add to your wardrobe.



    Pancakes are one of my favourite sweet breakfast food though I usually prefer savoury food.



    Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment. =)



    My exact sentiments about breakfast food! I hope you find a place that serves all-day breakfast in your area soon coz that would be one of the most lovely finds.


    Jacquii Lie,

    Thank you, dear. I have high metabolism rate but not so much now as I age and so I’ve to control my diet. It’s not your fault about the pictures at all. =)


    Ice Pandora,

    I’ve always loved chalkboard and the colourful chalk writing that goes with it too.


    Clara Turbay,

    I don’t quite understand what you mean but thank you. =)

  16. All of the snapshots of of the food looks absolutely scrumptious! Thank you for posting it wish had more/similar places to hang outs here in my country. The place looks really comfy for conversation and and catch up with friends. ❤

  17. aw love your photos and that last outfit and shoes! when and my gf get together we love taking pix of each other too hehe

  18. Marykyut R♕sey,

    Ah, I have come to know from your profile that you live in the Philippines. I have not been to your country before but I do hope that in time to come, there would be more places to hang out with friends.



    Taking photos and lots lots lots of photos seem to be what gal pals do the best when they get together!

  19. You always look so pretty and feminine! this type of outfit really fits you well, I love the way feminine tops and shorts with ruffles look on you ^-^ your friend looks lovely on her dress as well!
    since you left a comment announcing your giveaway i'm doing the same :3 make sure you'll join mine as well ^-^ i'll leave the link to the giveaway below :)

    Estou a fazer um giveaway da Dove no blog, deixo o link em baixo caso queiras participar :)

    Love * Monstros no Armário

    Join the Dove Beauty Blossom Cream Giveaway in my blog :)

  20. Sofia,

    Thank you, dear. That's so sweet of you.

    I've not been checking out blogs for the past 2 weeks. It is a mean feat considering I used to catch up on a couple of my favourite blogs every few days. My current lifestyle is sucking all energy outta me but I promise I would check out your giveaway real soon!

  21. i went to the hatched in holland v for my birthday but im sad to say that it wasnt up to my expectations. :( i like reading your blog though! :))

  22. Cailing,

    Aww... It's nice to hear that you like reading my blog. Thanx for connecting with me here. My local readers do not usually leave me comments with trackback links to their blog.

    I'm sorry the HV branch did not meet your expectation. Maybe the one here is better? You could try and see if there is a difference.

    Happy Sunday!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)