Thursday, August 09, 2012

Happy 47th Birthday Singapore!

Singapore turns 47 on the 9th of August. Happy birthday Singapore!

Scrolling through my Facebook news feed, I could see that almost the whole world is out partying, clubbing and drinking. Up till now at 6am, there are still many people who are awake partying while here I am trying to nurse off the last leg of my URTI (upper respiratory tract infection). I've been dozing off to sleep on and off throughout the past week and am frequently awake at unearthly hours.

I don't think I would be watching the National Day Parade live on television later. Having watched the NDP twice at the venue itself and once as a preview, I have since lost interest in watching it on TV as the whole atmosphere live at the Float @ Marina Bay is really electrifying.

This year, kh managed to score tickets to the NDP combined rehearsal which was held in July.

Singaporeans love wearing our national colours --red and white-- for such national events and here I am clad in our national colours.


By the time we reached Marina Bay, ominous grey clouds shrouded the sky and as soon as I snapped this picture, it started to pour monkeys and elephants.


We had never attended any NDP related events in the rain as cloud seeding would most probably be done on National Day itself as well as the preview. I reckon that since that was not a full-dressed combined rehearsal, cloud seeding was not administered that day.

Fishing out our disposable ponchos from the NDP fun pack, we braved the rain and enjoyed ourselves tremendously, though movements were impaired by the amount of space we could wriggle under the poncho.


Due to the heavy rain, some segments involving the fighter planes and the SAF's Red Lions Parachuting Team were scrapped. It was such a shame. I know of a friend who was there for the first time and all she wanted was to catch the Red Lions team in action.

All photos and videos in this post are taken with my iPhone as I did not want to subject my canon camera to the rain. For that reason, I did not snap many pictures at the parade coz after a while, I realized that it wasn't exactly a very good idea to drench my phone in the rain too.

Beautiful fireworks against Singapore's stunning night cityscape. Pardon the low resolution.

After the parade, we trawled the surrounding areas for a place to have our dinner and stumbled upon Izakaya Tomo which had no long queue at all. What a little gem this place was! We might just come back here again in future.


I love the decor of this restaurant. It made us feel as though we were in a little sake shop in Japan.



I had Tempura Soba for I was craving for something piping hot in the cold weather. It was my first time eating hot soba and I do not like it. Give me my cold soba anytime!

Kh had tuna sashimi don. It consisted of tuna from three different parts of the fish. The sashimi was fresh and tasty.

To share, we had wagyu beef and salmon carpaccio. Those were scrumptious!




I should be spending the rest of National Day dozing away like all the party animals, only that instead of recovering from a hangover, I would be trying to sleep my illness away.


If you haven't already known, I'm hosting a giveaway. There would be 3 sets of prizes to be given out. Scroll down or click here to participate in my giveaway.


  1. You both are so cuteee together. :3

    Ah the rain really spoils it all. I do wish that it is Summer/Spring all year around in my country.

  2. You both are so cuteee together ^^

    The rain spoils it for us. I wish that in my country we have Summer/Spring all year around.

  3. You and the mister are a great couple! I hope you both get better soon--and stop sharing germs.

    The first picture of you is very sweet. :)

  4. Happy birthday Singapore!!! we both are very alike, when we celebrate we like to eat hehehe I am always so jealous of all the asian food you get to eat in Singapore though!

  5. What lovely captures~! Breakfast dates are my favourite (and they are so rare, too).

  6. Ahh, happy birthday to Singapore! That is so awesome. :)
    And yumm, that Japanese restaurant looks absolutely delicious. I always love how simple and clean Japanese food looks. ^^

    ♥ xixia |

  7. Your blog always makes me hungry.

  8. Huong,

    Thank you, dear. The grass is always greener on the other side. I do love to have the 4 seasons. But then again, If I were living in a country with 4 seasons, I might just share the same sentiments with you.



    Thank you. You are always so sweet. Hahaha... The hubby isn't in town to share germs with me. I do wish to return him all these nasties. I'm in the chronic cough stage. Why chronic? Coz I just can't stop coughing at all. I'm glad that the cold is almost gone.



    Celebration and eating go hand in hand! I should try Vietnamese food one day.



    Thank you, dear.



    Breakfast food is great! Thank you for leaving a mark here. I love seeing newcomers around.



    Japanese food is one of my favourite cuisine. In fact, food in general is my favourite! lol



    Oopsie! Should I apologise for always making you hungry? =D

  9. Happy birthday to Singapore! Definitely missing the good ol' izakaya since I've been back in the UK haha

  10. Nic Nic,

    I'm sure the izakaya that you miss would be the truly authentic Japanese ones!


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