Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Xtina's Fantabulous 4 Days Wedding Grandeur: Day 4

~*Day 4: The Finale -- Xtina's Wedding Banquet*~

Xtina's wedding dinner banquet held at Intercontinental Hotel marked tha finale to her fantabulous 4 days wedding grandeur.


It sure sounds like I'm writing about a wedding marathon!

For those who have missed, you could read more here:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Before the couple marched out, the guests were treated to a story of Lester's proposal to Xtina:
Xtina was in China for a work trip and Lester was in (I forgot which part of) Europe for his masters when he decided to fly over and give her a surprise at the hotel she was staying in then. It was really sweet. I did not manage to take snapshots of the full story but I hope the anigif sort of summarized it just fine.


Xtina shared with some of us close friends that her only regret was that she should have "demanded" for him to kneel down and propose. With that in mind, notti me had some tricks up my sleeves to play on Lester after the whole banquet.

After playing the video, the gorgeous couple marched in.


Then, there was the traditional cake cutting ceremony.


So glad to see our table being made up of some of Xtina's jie meis, primary school friends, my secondary school friends and friends of Xtina whom I was already acquainted with. It was a happy table! I was so glad to see Bei too. I had missed her since her Halloween party that rocked the house.


From my updates on Day 3, I was trying my best to describe some of the gatecrash activities in words. Lester made a slideshow of gatecrashing activities to present to the guests during the dinner and here is the anigif of it. (Pardon me if the slides are moving too quickly. It wasn't moving as quickly when I previewed it while creating the anigif.)


Next came the 2nd march in where Xtina wore a gorgeous maroon gown. We all felt that it looked very classic-ly Shanghai Tang.


The food for the night. I didn't eat a lot like in most wedding dinner coz I was suffering from a tummy ache while Gera was suffering from gastric. At one point of the dinner, we had to sneak to a 7-11 downstairs to buy gastric medicine.


The primary school gang except for one who isn't. But it's ok, we all know one another.


The babes from primary school, ranging from friendship of 22 to 20 years.


A group shot of almost everyone at the table minus Pui and Bei.


We looked at the photo above and lamented that Euphie's fiance didn't look like he belonged so we made sure he got into the group and snapped another picture.


I haven't seen Joa for a very looooooooong time. She also got hitched recently. Congrats, babe!


Tiff, Jo and Joa... Joa used to stand in front of me in line and Tiff in front of Joa.


The babes of the table minus Pui and Bei.


I liked how I could pass my camera to Xtina's godbrother and he returned it to me with all these beautiful candid side view shots.


My, he even tried to take a full body one.


All the primary school babes want a peekture with the bride!


Psst... Whenever we go out, we would occasionally have people asking us how we became friends. Upon revealing that we were primary school friends, the other party would exclaim that he or she would send their daughters to our school if they could turn out to be this gorgeous.

Aside: Nobody told them how devilish we actually are! >_<


Xtina's godbrother made a scrapbook for Xtina with her secondary school exercise book. A few months before her wedding, he trawled her Facebook and saved some photographs of her and her friends. From there, he started gathering information about which person belong to which clique of friends and sending us messages to get some group pictures of us with Xtina. Finally, he used our pictures to compile them into a scrapbook for her. When it was my turn to pen some notes in there, he commented that I was almost everywhere in the pictures. That's of course, my friendship with Xtina overlaps many cliques and it so happen now that everyone knows everyone.


At the end of the dinner, the bride and groom were busy thanking all the guests and we waited and waited for them to be finally free to hijack them for a series of photos.


Notti me decided to unleash my master plan on Lester. I told Lester that one of Xtina's "regret" was not to have demanded that he kneel down proper to propose to her back then. He definitely was aware of that! Hence, I requested for him to do what he was supposed to do (in front of all of us witnesses).

And he got down to his knees! Aww...



Xtina's younger sisters.


Other than the church wedding, this must be the most feminine I've seen them, knowing them since they were kids. Yikes! I hope they don't kill me!


The boys


A group shot of all of us and Xtina with the Nanyang Girls' exercise book/ scrapbook.


Lester the "introvert" just had to do a cool gun pose.


Which got all of us wondering what he was trying to do.


After almost all the guests had left, the Bimbo Sisters gang decided to 闹洞房 (nao dong fang) at the bridal suite.

I love how the suite looks like a little garden house with a mini "porch" unlike most hotels.


We chatted for a while in the suite and when Xtina's family went off, the bimbo sisters got notti and refused to get off the couple's bed. Kudos to the bride and groom for playing the part so well too!


Outfit of the day:
Maxi dress from Forever Orange Isetan
It is my first maxi dress and I love it! I don't use to like maxi dresses as they give me the illusion that I'm much shorter than I actually am.


This post wraps up the wedding of one of my oldest and closest friend. It is one of the most memorable wedding I've ever attended and taken part in and I'm truly happy for Xtina and Lester to have found each other. I wish the both of them eternal bliss!


  1. aww love this :) you and your girlfriends all look so glam fabulous! and the bride looks stunning! :)

    oh and my shoes... no i don't have any other blue shoes haha.. i don't ever buy a repeat of anything.. i need to be able to justify that it's "different" enough otherwise i think it's a waste of money haha.

  2. wow the couple looks AMAZING, congrats to them, I love her dress! and the food looks delicious too!

  3. Oh gosh what a
    extraordinary wedding!
    Congratulations to
    Xtina and god bless
    her c:

    Also, you and the
    other girls are
    looking fab! And
    wow 20-22 years
    of friendship!
    Applause worth c:


  4. WOW! A wedding that took 4 posts to cover...that is impressive! I can certainly understand the need for gastric medicine...

  5. So the B sisters helped the newlyweds have their first fight as a married couple! Good to get it out of the way. LOL

    Sorry your tummy was upset. It did not show, you and most of the girls looked lovely--and the bride glowed.

    Stay close with your dear friends as all of your lives evolve.

  6. congrats on the lovely married couple! the wedding does indeed look very glamorous and they look like they are having a good time which is great! the maroon gown looks absolutely gorgeous!

    i wish your friends the best !!

    alex @

  7. Lisa,
    Aww... thank u! *blows kisses*

    I think I must have been mistaken about the sheos then. Maybe I saw it from another blog. I agree with your mentality!


    Pop Champagne,
    Thank u, dear.


    Ice Pandora,
    Thank you, dear! I will relay your msg to Xtina. People are amazed but I personally feel it actually isn't too difficult to upkeep friendship from old times in such a small country.


    Oh my, do you also suffer from gastric frequently?


    B sisters? Lol... It's ok to address us as "bimbos" you know. ;) Haha... we planted ourselves on the bed and "got them into a row". It was a fun row.

    I frequently suffer from gastric and indigestion. I can pretend in front of people but when I'm alone, I hunch and wince in pain.

    Ah, thank you. I would definitely relay your message to my lovely friends. I think some of them are already aware of you.


    Thank you, dear. Indeed, everything is as you mentioned. I would convey your message to my friends. =)

  8. the bride looks soooo lovely and her dress is soooo sophistated :D and you look lovely as usual! i can't deny that.

    also, thank you for your lovely comment it made me chuckle. i really did make it though!

  9. Wow so so glamorous. I love your dress and your friends peach dress the best. It is so nice to have such close friendships.

  10. TDDH,
    Thank you, dear. =)


    Thank you, dear. =) I'm glad I made you laugh.


    Thank you, dear. Indeed it is. =)

  11. An exquisite wedding! I enjoyed these posts. Jo, your dress was beautiful. I love the tiers at the bottom.

  12. Kim,
    Thank you, dear. You are always full of sweet words. *blows kisses*


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