Sunday, July 08, 2012

Normalizing Our Lives

As usual, this is a back dated entry and I first talked about this outing last November.

Ever since my god daughter Charmaine's passing, Cyn would spend a lot more time with my godson Jase. Jase had been neglected during his sister's cancer days and both Cyn Mommy and I felt that we should start spending lots of time with him.

~*Mommies Prettying Ourselves*~

I made a pact with cyn mommy to do our hair together. She was really in dire need of prettifying and pampering herself after 2.5 years of looking after Charchar and never leaving her side. Doing our hair together was something which we've always planned to do so we were both really excited about it.

Jase had promised us that he would be good and would not mind waiting even 5 hours at the salon for us. What a sweet gentleman!

[Aside: On his normal days, he would whine if he had to wait for hours.]

It was the school holidays that time and Jase was attending tuition and enrichment classes at one of our common friend's enrichment centre.

While Jase was having his lessons, Cyn and I chatted. She handed me a self-made watch from one of ourfeistyprincess reader/supporter. Cyn, Charlene and I each have got one. Thank you dear supporter!


I immediately took off my watch and put this on as I saw Cyn sporting it too.



Our common friend, Ai Nee, would occasionally join in our conversation. Ai Nee has been such a sweet and treasured friend to both Cyn and me. Even though we were acquainted only because of our husbands, our bond got a lot stronger during Charmaine's illness especially during the times when we and some of Cyn's close friends were taking informal rotational shift to be at the hospital with Cyn and Char as much as possible.

After his lesson, Jase excitedly showed his mommy his worksheets.


I let Jase handle my camera after reminding him of all the dos and don'ts.


After bidding farewell to Ai Nee, we headed for Orchard.


Then off to Far East Plaza we went. My camera was with Jase and he took lots of "perspective" shots -- his perspective from his eye level that is.


We decided to have Jap food coz the prince wanted Jap food. We saw Ramen Ten and decided not to walk any further.



The food wasn't very delicious and the service was slow. While waiting, cyn and I chatted while Jase snapped and snapped and snapped, sometimes requesting for us to pose for his camera.


The bracelet that Cyn wears every single day as it is part of Charmaine.


Jase asked us to pose as if we were looking at the menu and he cut off our heads! I thought only professional photographers would do such artistic perspective shots?



The featured objects here are the watches.


And finally the shooter gets shot.


After having our lunch, we proceeded to the salon.

A before shot of Cyn


A before shot of me


Jase was so manja (sticky) to me the whole day. I think I've also neglected him at times during Charmaine's cancer days.


As usual, Jase entertained himself with my camera.


He took lots of photos and videos of the process but I'll just share two photos here.


I was almost done. Jase did not like my new hair colour initially as he deemed it too "Americany". He shook his head and said gravely, "Godma Jolene, you look too Americany!" However with each passing minute of having my hair blown, he slowly commented he thought he might like my new look. lol

He absolutely love "eating" the warm wind.


Finally after my hair was blown straight, he squealed, "Look like straight hair Japanese girl! I like."


I love how the stylist managed to cut the bangs and wispy sides which I want! I absolutely love it that I kept tying up my hair. Jase loves it too!


While waiting for Cyn, Jase showed me the comment that he had left on his "girlfriend's" school blog post.

"Godma Jolene, I show you something but you cannot tell Mommy ok?"

With that, Jase showed me this:


I do not quite know if I should be tickled or worried. I was tickled initially but then after that, I got worried. Of course, I told cyn about his comment and we both laughed and resigned ourselves to having such a boy.


After that, I teased Jase nonstop and we goofed around in front of the camera while waiting for Cyn to be done.


Jase had really surprised both mommies that day with his patience and his ability to entertain himself. He really kept to his promise of not whining. However, tiredness soon set in and he was getting a little grouchy.


Finally, we were done and here's our new look (though not so new by the time I'm typing this). We always squeal whenever we see each other dressing so similarly without prior discussion. It seems to always happen to us and that's why people always say good friends have this telepathy with each other.


We met up with Tiff for dinner. Tiff could not stand how slow Jase was eating and decided to "force-feed" him. lol... Me thinks he secretly enjoyed being fed.




~*Movie Date with Cyn Mommy*~

Cyn is a huge fan of Twilight (the novel). As for me, I do not quite understand the hype of the movies. Cyn told me that I would definitely understand her obsession as long as I read the novels and not watch the movies. As a good friend, I agreed to watch the teeny bopper Twilight: Breaking Dawn with her.


Our theme that day was to dress like a teenager in the hope that nobody would know how old we actually are. It was one of the rare times we both wore flat sneakers spontaneously!


Cyn loves my bling golden shoes and when she discovered it was DKNY, she exclaimed, "Where got teenagers wear DKNY shoes wan?"

I got it for a very good price in Hong Kong and it has since become my favourite pair of errand shoes.


We had lunch with Cyn's mom and Jase before our movie date.


Kissing both mommies good bye before we parted.


Surprisingly, I enjoyed the movie. I almost fell asleep when I watched both part 1 and 2 on Warner TV and had a preconceived idea of the whole Twilight series. I was glad I agreed to watch it with Cyn!

What I wore:
No label worn to death checkered shirt
ClubCouture tank top
Coax white shorts
Seiko men's watch


  1. aww what a great post! you look like you had a fabulous time getting your hair done! i love the outcome you are so pretty with bangs!!

  2. I don't think Jase ever felt neglected.

    Very cute watches!

  3. These kids are too cute. While it's so heartbreaking hearing about Char, it's really nice to see you all enjoying each other's company.

    I loved Jase's perspective shots!

  4. What a cute little boy! I love how your hair turned out. :D

    (Thanks for joining my giveaway! Good luck :)

  5. The pictures of you are so cute! This blog entry must have taken forever to put together but it was really delightful to read

  6. Jo I am so glad you were able to spend some quality time with your friend! I can't imagine what it's like to lose a child...and I am glad you were able to cheer her up. The salon did an amazing job on both of you!

  7. this is such a nice way to have fun,bond and make memories! and btw, i love your outfit of the day..those getups are really casual and kinda attractive for guys actually..loveet!=)

  8. He is quite a photographer, that us one thing i can tell. The snap shots came out pretty artistic indeed. Quite a fun girly time at a salon, huh? You ladies look great with newly done hair and how special momma got to pamper herself after years of devotion and sacrifice. She totally deserves it.

  9. Jase takes better pictures than ME! HAHAHAHA I love the moments he captured. Jo, you're an awesome friend. That was nice of you to take Cyn mommy to the hair salon. She went through so much! Her strength during that time was truly amazing.

  10. woww... you look lovely as always ^__^ ohhh and SUPER CUTE watch... i would say that that is one of the most creative watches i've ever seen!

    ahhhh and you're so right... i love snail mails! but not the ones that come for bill collectors ! ahha not cool!

  11. Well love the looks. Well not so new now I guess. Also I really enjoy the way you tell your story in pictures.

  12. Lisa,
    Aww... Thank you, dear. And yes, Jase made getting hair done a lot more bearable.




    Haven't heard from you for quite some time! Thank you for your kind words.


    Shop N' Chomp,
    Aww... thank you. And also thanx for hosting the giveaway.


    I always love to hear from newcomers. Thank you for your sweet words.


    Aww... thank you for your lovely words.


    Thank you, dear. You mean the checkered tartan shirt right? I realise guys like gals in shirt. lol... Kinky?


    Thank you, dear.


    I'm really surprised at all of Jase's perspective shots. And aww... thank you for your sweet words. I do hope cyn cheers up coz Char's birthday is in a few days time and she is feeling really miserable.


    Haha... That's funny. I'm sure you do take good pictures too. Thank you for your kind words.

    PS: It was actually cyn who "took" me to the salon. lol... He was the stylist whom she had been visiting since she was 19. I merely accompanied her and got my hair done at the same time.


    Thank you, dear. Yes, I was really thrilled by the watch coz the insides look like some handmade craft which I absolutely adore.


    I'm glad you belong to the group of readers who enjoy and appreciate my photo-story blog posts. =)

  13. Anha Senet,
    Thank you for stopping by. I love seeing newcomers here.


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