Thursday, May 03, 2012

Draw Something Part 2 -- The Hubby Series

After sharing a video of the various types of players in the popular mobile app Draw Something in my earlier post, I said I would come up with a list of my own too. That would come later for I will be sharing my hubby's drawings in this post.

Before I showcase his drawings, I have to say that my hubby is someone who can't draw for nuts. Similar to his very neat and slow manner in writing, he takes a long time to draw too. In fact, he looks just like he is practising his penmanship skills on worksheets when he draws on his iPad. It is really cute to see how serious he looks when drawing.

Another thing to note is that he draws on his iPad 2 with matt screen protector and 90% of Draw Something players would be able to draw faster than him with such sophisticated equipment with a big screen to boot. I, on the other hand, draw on iPhone 4s glossy screen protector. We both draw using our index finger (no stylus). There was once I helped him to draw and I was amazed by the speed and beauty of the picture drawn using index finger on the huge and matt surface. After that, I kept teasing him for taking such a long time to draw with my pet phrase: "I could have drawn that in a few seconds if I had your iPad."

After many rounds of stick figures, kh's drawing improved tremendously. I can't say the same for his speed. I often fall asleep watching his payback while guessing.

He no longer drew stick figures after hitting Round 30 something.

This is an excellent piece of drawing from him, only that he didn't have enough coins to buy more colours at that time.


Stick figure no more!


I noticed that he tends to draw all males to look like him. Don't you think this Glee boy looks like him?



Even his "dracula" reminded me of him. I suspect he was really drawing himself here as this looks like his 2009 Halloween get up sans fangs.


To the hubs, his ideal car wash is having bikini-clad babes wash his car. *rolls eyes*


Due to the fact that Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader are difficult characters to draw, he resorted to his old stick figure manner of drawing.


I must say this is creative and I started using his method of drawing "yield" too.


Playing with sound again, this got me cracking.


He really believes he is very funny.


He took 10mins to draw this and I almost fell asleep but this time I almost fell asleep without knowing the answer.


The trouble he took to draw this word!


You know, you could still be bad at drawing and play Draw Something for all you need is to capture the salient feature of the word. The pipe here did the trick. It was easy to guess the answer though I waited to see his final masterpiece.



I've seen many people drawing "wedding" but none who drew the wedding cake.


Kh decided to be funny here.


Kh: You would be able to guess the next one very quickly but I insist you watch till the end.
Jo: *rolls eyes*




This part got me laughing like crazy.




Conan could never be represented by a stick figure with all the muscles and bulk.


This is drawn by me. I had to snap this to show our telepathy. Just with those few strokes, he guessed "Lady Gaga". Telepathic (有默契) or plain figuring out from available letters? I'm not so sure.


Yeah yeah. I know we should avoid writing words in Draw Something but I was afraid he did not know this hairstyle of Lady Gaga as he is rather ill-informed about the entertainment scene.


I feel so ashamed that I often frequent Tumblr sites for inspirational photos and yet I thought this logo was Twitter. I was surprised kh knew. "Oh, I googled it" was his reply.


Kh attempted to be hilarious and creative.


First it was red dots, then came the blue dots.







This reminded me of a joke.

Brain: I love eminem
Pinky: The candy?
Brain: No, the rapper
Pinky: What's so cool about M&M wrappers?

The next three drawings depict how capturing the salient points is important in Draw Something when you can't actually draw.




Emergence of bad drawing: This is a sea lion or seal snorting mucus out.


Telepathy (有默契) yet again? No actually it is plain figuring.


When you draw with an iPad, you could draw those little sun rays in Taiwan's flag. I had to resort to dots and lines on my iPhone.


And finally for the 99th streak, he did this.



After we hit the 99th streak (before the upgrade and hence remained at 99 back then), we started choosing words to draw and we spent a lot more effort drawing for each other.

You could definitely tell how much effort he put into this "spinach" as compared to the one before.



Remember his "Conan"? He loves to read the Chinese version of Detective Conan Japanese manga comic so I drew him Conan the detective instead of Conan the Barbarian. Just do a Google search, click on "image" and you would see a lot more Conan the detective as opposed to Conan the Barbarian.

Disclaimer: The "Conan" you see here was drawn using my friend's drawing as a reference. Using a reference drawing as a reference, it may not look 100% like the actual character in the comic. 

He definitely put in more effort in his animals.


And his food too...
His pancakes look delicious.


I put in more effort in my animals too! And even included messages for him.



I was trying to do a rendition of Puss in Boots here but failed.


Me trying to be funny.


He took some time colouring the whole screen black and claimed that Macbook has to be white.


Please ensure that you are 18 years and above before scrolling down for the next drawing.


I almost could not guess this! wtf



In his very last drawing after more than a month of stopping, he tried very hard to be funny. I didn't find it funny though. He was tired of drawing the New York basketball jersey bearing the number 17.



  1. aww I love playing with my husband on drawsomething too! Your husband is a much better drawer than mine haha

  2. He's much better than I am. I'm guesing that since he draws men to look like him, then he draws girls to look like you. ;P

  3. Hi Jo, i haven't read the story about the cab driver. can you share the link? thankyou!

  4. i love draw something but i think it's SOOO adorable that you and your hubs play it against each other!! that is SOO CUTE haha :)

  5. These are great!! What a fun thing to do with your hubby, I like it!! Hope you have a great weekend doll! xx

  6. I cannot draw to save my life but this looks like fun! Long time no see jo and I hope all is well :)

  7. Enjoyed reading each and every comment as usual!


    Sadly, he doesn't though it is better not to have him draw me than to have him draw a distorted girl and claim that it is me. lol

    I've replied you on your post. =)


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