Monday, April 09, 2012

Trekking Along the Railway Tracks

If you are no stranger to my blog, you would have read about my railway exploration when the KTM trains were still in operation and about my last train ride.

I have not set out to write a trilogy of railways and trains but it seems like the number three puts a complete closure to all good stuff.

From July 1 to 17 last year, the public was allowed to access and trek along the entire railway line, except for a few spots where minor works were to be carried out. Evan and I were both caught up with work during that period and could only set a date after 17 July. Hence, we got to trek along a few sections of the railway tracks.

Our first pit stop was to meet at King Albert's Park McDonald's to fill our rumbling tummies with junk  before setting off for Bukit Timah railway station.

There were so many people at the cast iron bridge so while waiting for the crowd to disperse, evan and I decided to take some shots of ourselves to while the time away.






After I took this shot, I asked evan if she thought this looked like an artistic advertisement for LV.


I tried to do the same for my Coach but failed miserably when it didn't look structured and symmetrical enough. It looks better real life than here, trust me.



With the digits 1871, we officially embarked on our walk along the tracks.


A bunch of kids in school uniform was walking the tracks with their teacher.


Hwa Chong boys decided to explore the tracks on their own. Where were those Nanyang girls?


It was IMPOSSIBLE to snap a PEOPLE-LESS shot of this bridge. We waited... and we waited... and we waited... but the people did not budge and new people appeared.


We had no choice but to use ourselves to block the people.



The hot scorching sun beat down mercilessly on us as we hiked without any comfort of shade from trees to  Rifle Range Road.



During rare instances when we did not bump into any soul, we quickly snapped shots like these:


We finally reached Rifle Range Road's sign board to capture our pit stop in photo.

There was a flight of cracking and worn out concrete steps which led us to the covers of tall bushes. These steps would eventually lead to the main road but nobody ever walked that path. Evan and I sat on the steps, rested and hydrated ourselves before we continued the long walk to the final pit stop -- the stretch along Rail Mall at Upper Bukit Timah Road.


It was a long walk from Rifle Range Road to Rail Mall but along the way, there was shade and also many things which deserved our shutterbug's attention. Hence, we kept pausing to take pictures.



Could you spot anything in this picture?


A monkey right in the middle of the sign board!






We were rather intrigued by this pink heart which looked a little like bubble gum yet not quite so.


Hurray for shade!


Shade = camwhoring time!

Ok my super worn out expression here is to depict how hot and tired we were but evan decided to pretend and play it cool.




An owl wide awake in the day





Finally we reached the iron cast bridge at Rail Mall and 185X marked our final pit stop. If you notice, we were walking backwards as shown in the descending numbers from where we first started.


Our hearts fell when we reached only to be greeted by even MORE PEOPLE on the bridge than the Bukit Timah bridge.

To mark our conquest, we had to take pictures of us at the bridge- without the people of course!


Nevertheless, thank god for people for I bumped into two colleagues there and we got them to help us take a picture.

Here's evan and jo ending the trilogy of railways and trains.


I hope you enjoyed the nostalgia walk with me through my photos and words as much as I enjoyed sharing them with you!


  1. I looooove Singapore for stuff like that. I actually prefer shooting back home because of these places. I especially love the shop houses and rawness in the streets of Singapore. Lovely photos girl :)

  2. Very cool, love places like that!! You both look wonderful!! xx

  3. I'm glad there was a big crowd, even if they did make it harder to take pictures. Two such pretty girls shouldn't be on the tracks unescorted--you never know when a hobo will jump out at you. LOL!

    Believe it or not, my mom actually worried about hobos walking on the tracks near our home. We were supposed to run in the house and lock the door if we saw anyone. But I never did.

  4. yes i do in fact!!! i actually told him about you a couple of weeks ago when i realized your husband was a officer and a pilot! he thinks it's "SOOO COOL" (his exact words haha) that your hubby is a pilot... he thinks it's really like very "dude" job.. and he wishes he could be a pilot... but doesn't have perfect vision haha so he wouldn't even be able to if he wanted to!

    i haven't met too many other armed forces wives on the blog world.. actually you might be the first.. so it's very cool.. is your husband gone often? where is he now?

  5. Beautiful photos and looks like quite the fun adventure! ^^

  6. Tessa,
    Thank you babe. I love the olden shophouses in Singapore too. Not those colourfully spruced up ones. I've yet to embark on a photography day out to capture shophouses. Maybe I would do so in time to come!


    Thank you. I love forgotten places like these too!


    I had to check up the term "hobo" to know exactly what a hobo is for the only time I come across that word was years ago from the ChildCraft encyclopedia series Volume 11 "Make & DO" which featured lots of craftwork. There was a section on costume making using existing materials at home. The picture of the hobo was a boy wearing a drape or cloak holding a stick with a bundle at the end containing stuff. At that time, I thought a hobo was extremely COOL and so my sister and I engaged in pretend play to be hobos! LOL! Run home and lock the door when you see a hobo eh?


    Haha... I'm always glad to make blogger friends like this too! Oh over here, as long as your corrected vision is perfect, you still stand a chance to be a pilot. Some of his friends have perfect 6/6 vision when corrected though the majority do not wear glasses.

    My hubby has gone to Brunei again but he'll be back this coming Friday!


    I always relish seeing newcomers here. Thanx for stopping by. =)

  7. HAHAHA!!! You ladies took advantage of a great photo shoot. These pics are awesome. LOVING the LV vs Coach bag picture. Too funny Jo!

  8. Kim,
    Ah, you've been busy I can see. Thanx for always stopping by to leave me sweet notes. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. i love this post! who was your photographer? they were amazing! i am nearly obsessed with railroad tracks! that's it. can i follow you? :D your blog is awesome.

  10. Missa,
    We took our own photos with a point and shoot. I guess the editing helped a lot in creating the nostalgic feel of the photos. I'm obsessed with anything related to the past.

    Thanx for stopping by and for your lovely words. Why, of course you can follow! =)


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