Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sick at Paris

Day 1 Paris:
Lady Scarlet visited, causing much pain and loss of energy.
Fever and bedridden.
Gastric flu and nauseous.
Spent the whole damn day sleeping in such a beautiful city. This sux; I totally spoilt the trip. =(


  1. It's miserable being sick in strange place, I'm so sorry that happened. But you didn't ruin the trip. You're still together and this gives you an unusual story to tell about your visit to Paris.

    Hope you feel better very soon.

  2. Oh.. Jo. get well soon, dear.

    Happy holidays btw, and have a wonderful trip in Paris after you feel better! (:

    Dreamy Princess

  3. get well soon and merry Christmas!

  4. Totally understand your disappointment, Jo. I hope you get well really soon so you can go out and enjoy the rest of your trip. My husband was really sick with bad allergies when we went to Bangkok, he was miserable and upset.

  5. You're in Paris already! I hope you feel better soon Jo. There's nothing worse than being sick while on vacation. Get plenty of rest for now and you can still enjoy the rest of Paris when you feel better :)

  6. Hey all,

    Thanx so much for your concern. I instantly cheered up reading all your comments.

    II'm having the cold now. Been having sore throat the past 2 days with blocked and runny nose at the same time and I'm starting to cough. It sucks to have the cold during winter but it really beats being nauseous and having tummy ache.


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