Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hello from London

It's Day 4 of London and only now am I dropping a hello to all my readers using the hotel's very unstable wifi.

The past few days, I would K.O before midnight; I was just thinking that this trip is so gonna cure my insomnia.

It's a quarter after one in the morning over here now so I'm gonna sing Lady Antebellum's Need You Now.

Ok I think I'm in such a sleepy state that I'm blabbering nonsense.

Catch up with all of you soon!


  1. I like that song. Some of my friends think it's about a booty call, but it's not. It's just about people needing people.

    Be careful you don't step into Dr. Who's call box--it could disappear in time. =)

    Keep having fun!!!

  2. Hello from the US (try to make it sounds like I go somewhere..haha). How fun you snapped a pic with an iconic London red telephone box. Have a blast on your vacation and sleep tight.

  3. cant wait to see all the photos from your london trip, my friend just got back and she loved it there..except she said everything is just really expensive :D have a good time!

  4. Cute photo of you Jo in the red telephone booth. You look great girl! Have fun! Cheeri-O!

  5. Looks like you are having a heap of fun :) Loving the photo booth pic :)

  6. I love this picture Jo! When I think of London, red telephone booths are the first thing that springs to mind :) I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your photos when you return from your trip!

  7. Shop N Chomp,
    Thank you!


    I love that song! No, how can anyone think it's about booty call? Yes it's about needing the one you love or the one you loved. I always learn new things from you. I had to google Dr Who's call box to find out more. Thanx for always equipping me with more knowledge.


    Haha that's really cute trying to sound like you're on vacay too.


    I love London. I always hear about how grey and dreary the weather and people are. The weather is but there's sun too and the people are really friendly! Oh and there are many beautiful ladies there! I agree on expensive.


    Thank you dear.


    Thank you. =)


    When I read your comment, I'm suddenly reminded that I've yet to take a picture with London's iconic red mailbox.


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