Sunday, November 06, 2011

Halloween 2011 - Terrorising guests at a private house party [Preview]

Judging by the number of tasks undone, I don't think I can churn out Part 2 of Halloween over this weekend.

So here's a preview of my almost complete look on the actual day of Halloween when the eyes hadn't bled yet.


I hope I didn't scare anyone appearing this big on your screen. Don't worry, I won't crawl out of your screen like Sadako.

Sweet dreams, humans!


  1. This looks so fun!!!! I love this look even more than your last one =P I don't mind you crawling out of my screen ;)

    PS: I hope you're doing well =) And I don't know how to reach out to Cynthia and I don't want to sound insensitive. But I really hope she will be okay =(

  2. I like the way the make up it done. Great job.

  3. omg Jo! Your costume is awesome! it's funny because i never though about telling you this but you really look good with the gothic look :O it's weird becaue you're like the most adorable and cute lady-like blogger i've ever met ^^

    Lots of love to you * Monstros no Armário

  4. Wowieee you look pretty & scary! Good job :)
    I don't like Sadako v___v


  5. Very scary! The movie where the girl crawls out of the TV is so creepy. But it would be fun if you could do that--free travel. =)

  6. The Grudge!! Great job with the makeup for this look!

  7. ahh! your costume looks so creepy, love love. the sneak peak to your second costume looks great too!

    haha, i look down and don't show my face because i'm shy! :P

  8. wow! you did such an awesome job on the makeup! cant wait to see more photos! maybe i can steal this look for next yr halloween at work!

  9. I love the scary look, Jo ;) I love the make-up, perfect for Halloween! I can't believe it's been a week since Halloween weekend, time flies so fast ;(


    A Single Girl's Musings

  10. Love your Halloween look babe! Can't wait to spend Halloween next year in Singapore ;)

    Hope your weekend is going well!! It's way too cold here. I miss our Singapore weather.


  11. You look scarily beautiful! Halloween holds a special date in my heart - it's the day I met my husband :D

  12. Jo, you are eerily beautiful in this picture! I cant help staring at this photo the whole day. I totally like you like this. I would really love such a beautiful eerie ghost to crawl out of my screen and seduce me. Can you do so? I don't mind if you kill me with your piercing stare like sadako after that. kekeke

  13. oh, i love your make up. you look so gothic and lil bit creepy. happy halloween! :)

  14. I supposed this is you at your most beautiful and darkest side. Haunting yet beautiful like an evil temptress or dark villain. I love the way your beautiful teary eyes stare out from the shadows. If only I can see this side of you more often... You have been too nice as a person always from what I can see.

  15. sounds fun,!! (: amazing make up...
    also like your previous post with all the pictures!

    CMPang x

  16. There's something beautiful about the creepiness of this look. :)

    xx Love & Aloha

  17. Frances,
    Babe! I miss seeing you around. I love this look a lot more than the last one too. In fact all of us preferred our actual day's looks to our clubbing looks.

    Cynthia is ok on and off. You can reach her at or by leaving a comment on the blog.

    I would so crawl out of your screen and give you a big hug. By then, don't run away from me. lol


    Thank you!


    Like what I said just now on your comment at the other post, I really love reading your thoughtful comments.

    "you're like the most adorable and cute lady-like blogger i've ever met"

    You just made me smile from ear to ear!

    PS: Nobody has ever said I was lady-like. haha... I guess you can't tell from photos eh?


    Ice Pandora,
    Thank you! Me no like Sadako too. One of the most horrifying and vindictive ghost around!


    You never fail to make me laugh with your random comments. Free travel?! Only Rick can think of that!


    Thank you! It reminds you of the Grudge?


    Thank you! Shy? Haha... How can be shy with such smoking eyes?


    Thank you! I would so love to see your look next year.


    Thank you! Yes time flies indeed. I hope I don't wait till Christmas to update Halloween. lol... I'm backdated in my other posts from May 2011!


    Can't wait for your return to Singapore! The grass is always greener on the other side. I wish for cold weather here.


    "Scarily beautiful"? I like that! Ooh cool! You met your hubby during halloween? Were you two dressed as Beauty & the Beast? *joking


    Anon at Sunday, November 06, 2011 6:22:00 PM,
    "Eerily beautiful"? I like the sound of that! But no, I don't crawl out of screens to seduce people. -_-|||

    I can kill you with my stare though. =D


    Anon (unpublished comment),
    Judging from the time, are you the same anon as above? If so, I didn't publish your comment as the contents are M18 and my blog has got younger audience. tsk tsk tsk... I so wanna kill you with my stare.


    dunia kecil indi,
    Thank you very much, dear!


    Anon at Sunday, November 06, 2011 11:38:00 PM,
    "Haunting yet beautiful like an evil temptress or dark villain."
    Wow! As far as I like the sound of this, I'm not quite sure if I should treat it as a compliment since being a temptress or villain isn't exactly a compliment. lol

    Thanx for thinking I'm nice. I'm the very antithesis of myself -- nice and evil. You wouldn't wanna see the evil side of me though.


    Thank you for stopping by to comment. I love to see newcomers here. =)


    sharon lei,
    Thank you for your comment. I love to see newcomers here. =)

  18. IM SCAREDD!! haha nice look for halloween! I wish I did something fun. I even more wish I had a group of friends I can do this with :( "Went on being clueless and slowly built up a character in progression to our make up process." Go with the flow.. thats awesome. Reading your posts remind me of how long Ive been gone from the blogging community. So much have happened and I miss you, Jo!

  19. love this halloween look. it's really dark and edgy! keep in touch <3


  20. Winnieeeeeeeeee!
    I MISS YOU too! Where have you been? You have really been gone for a long time. So many things happened. I wonder if you've updated your blog coz I didn't receive any feeds on my blogger. Will check out your page soon.


    Thank you for leaving me a note. I love to see new faces around here. Yeah, keep in touch!

  21. oooo sooo perfectly scary!! i love the eyes!


  22. WOW, Jo! You look amazing!!!!!!!!!!! :))))

  23. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Barney came, saw and ran away!

  24. You're halloween makeover queen!! Your makeup completely looks like what I always see in horror movies.

    Thank God you didn't dress up like Sadako. Sadako is the best ghost story ever! (because I couldn't sleep after watched the sequel.)

    You had so much fun at this Halloween! I love to see all the pics in the prev posts^^
    Haha.. you're so cute too, Jo!xp
    I'm old enough to dress up and play with make up. But because I only put the very simple make up for everyday look, in the special occasion I have a chance to use all of my make up products ((:

    Thanks for the compliments(:
    When I said to my mom, "wow.. my lashes are long enough."
    my mom simply answered, "mm.. not really."

    Dreamy Princess

  25. Holy gorgeous scary fabulousness!! I love it! Your makeup is so freaking cool here, Jo! :)

    I can't wait to see how it looked afterwards!

  26. joooooo!!! i missed you! i hope you are doing well. :) i love this look and you look scarily awesome! hahaha! :D

  27. Hi Jolene,
    this is one scary but still pretty makeup. =p

    On a side note, sorry to hear about Charmaine. Have been pretty much left the blogosphere, so only got to see the updates now.

    Plenty of gloomy skies these days in Singapore. Seeing the sun now makes me happy, and I hope it makes your day too, Jolene!

  28. Amazing makeup, you are so talented, these make up is spot on, nice Halloween cover. You are really talented and have pretty features! Your blog is lovely and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  29. gorgeous~ I love your black lippies, it gives gothy vibes :D

  30. annette tang,
    Thank you for leaving me a note! I love to see newcomers here. Will check out your blog soon.


    Thank you jen!


    The Dainty Doll's House,
    Thank you, doll.


    Peh Sun,
    Haha... you've been in your alter ego Barney for the longest time ever! Run along and play in the meadows while I crawl out of your screen and chase after you.


    Dreamy Princess,
    Wow, "halloween makeover queen" thanx for that compliment and honourable title. lol... I sure hope I would scare people when I appear under the covers, in the mirror, from behind the wall etc.


    Thank you, Jen. I'm hoping to update part 2 soon but I'm simply too busy with too many errands to run these few days. I'll try to get the post up within these few days.


    sugar sugar,
    I missed you too. It seems like my blogger didn't update feeds for your blog. I'm doing well just really bz with tasks. Hope you are well too.


    Shingo T,
    WAH! I haven't "seen" or heard from you for the longest time ever. I was surprised to see an email comments notification from you.

    Plenty of gloomy skies these days in Singapore. Seeing the sun now makes me happy, and I hope it makes your day too, Jolene!

    Thank you so much for these words. They made my day! Hope everything's well on your side.


    Thank you for leaving me a lovely note. I love to see newcomers here. Aww... you're too sweet. I don't have pretty features. It's all the magic of make up. lol... Sure I'll check out your blog soon.


    Thank you for leaving me a comment! Yeah, black anna sui lippie was given to me by my lovely frenz as they could only think of me using it for Halloween. Love seeing newcomers so hope to see you around more often.

  31. i really love your Halloween makeup! Your eyes are deliciously scary!

  32. Nic Nic,
    Yummy... I love the sound of "deliciously scary"!

  33. Your makeup, especially the eyes are AMAZING Jo!!! I love it!!! You can celebrate Halloween with me anyday! LOVE!

  34. Sabrina,
    Thank you! =)


    Thank you! I would love to celebrate with lady in pink too!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)