Thursday, November 03, 2011

Halloween 2011 - A last minute spontaneous affair

In Singapore, Halloween is commonly celebrated in clubs and pubs, not on the actual day but on the Saturday closest to 31 October. Unlike in the West where children go trick or treating, Halloween in Singapore is pretty much a grown-up event at clubs, pubs or private house parties. The children here may dress up but they don't go trick or treating around the neighbourhood.

This year was pretty much a last minute affair as the usual gang I often Halloween-ed with all had no ideas on what themed dress-up we were going to do. In the end, we went on being clueless and slowly built up a character in progression to our make up process.

Evan came over to my place to make up. To us, the fun in Halloween starts right from the make up process.

Here's us before -- already in our halloween dress with our daily make up look.


Sidetrack a little...

I'm so glad that this assymetrical neckline dress finally saw the light and saw its use after being hidden in my wardrobe for so long. Yes, the neckline is asymmetrical on purpose. It's not a defect but somehow after buying, I felt that it looked too much like a defect and decided not to wear it out then. I'm always glad for Halloween coz nobody would question your dressing.

Molly in transformation


Lady Heather in transformation


Have I already told you? I've got a ghost in my bathroom.


Lady Heather's not so complete look. We still had to have dinner first before applying our lipsticks.


Split personality -- Mad Lady Heather taking over Sane Jo (you can read it as Saint Jo... lol)


Drinking blood is good for the complexion. Just ask Countess Elizabeth Báthory.


Note: Lady Heather actually mutilated her lips. It was supposed to be those kinda wound that split the right lip apart but I guess the wound wasn't really visible so you could take it as she was drinking blood with some flowing down on the right.

Molly's complete look


Mad Lady Heather's full transformation


Lady Heather and Molly are ready for the kill.


Clarke Quay was extremely crowded. The maddening crowd made it feel as if it was New Year's Day countdown. That was how packed it was.

We finally met up with the rest of the motley crew which comprised of my usual gang and some new friends.


The boys -- Catman from Kiss, Prophecy of Death, Edward Scissorhands, Jester/Joker whatever.


Team Black minus 1


Full force Team Black


Team Singapore. I meant Team Red and White. Red and white reminds me of our national colours.


Time to party in Attica.








We had a couple of failed group shots coz the place was too dark and smokey.





Spotted this on Hmm they should do some editing to the photo. It looks so washed out.


I think we are really getting too old to party. The young punks nowadays have got no clubbing ethics at all. The evil Lady Heather had a whale of a time, pushing, shoving, stepping and kicking people. She even gave a good dressing down to someone who infiltrated her space.

Some of us got fed up and headed outside for a breather where we had a lot of fun communicating with so many different characters as they walked past us.


A dishevelled Gandalf walked by and Edward Scissorhand hollered, "Yo Gandalf! You seriously need a haircut." Gandalf responded by attempting to cast Edward away with his staff. lol


It is really funny how Halloween could provide such great ambiance to strike up conversations with strangers. We just shouted out and waved to people who would respond to us in their characters. It was such fun. We often get stopped by people coz many were thronging to get a picture with our Edward Scissorhands.

The frequency of being stopped for Edward was so high that we decided to act as his agents and told everyone that each photo cost $10. We also contemplated placing a basket in front of him so people could throw their money in.

Everyone thought we were funny; we were actually serious.


People also liked to take photos with Jester though Edward Scissorhands beat him hands down.


It's a wonder how so many people could just worm their way into our photos whenever we take group shots. The guy in green is tagged on FB as a "chao bugger". Not me, not me. Jo is not a meanie.


Finally the girls had their individual photo taking chance with the boys without anyone bugging us.


We ended the night with roti prata for supper at a 24-hour joint far away from town area. The patrons there found us entertaining even though our 2 "hottest" mascots for the night, Edward and Jester, were already out of costume.

By the end of the day, Jo was fighting hard to emerge centrestage once more.


So long Lady Heather!


This is Part 1 of Halloween 2011. Look out for Part 2 where we terrorised guests at a private house party thrown by my old friend on the actual day itself. It might take some time though as I'm busy with some tasks on hand.


  1. Love your look!!! And really enjoyed party pics, I can say you look awesome in all of them. What kind of magic do you use? ^___^

  2. This is very different from the states indeed. I really like learning about everyone's activities.

  3. OMG Jolene, I love how you guys in Singapore celebrate Halloween! The make-up is just surreal! Love your transformation here! Here in the Phils. we've only been celebrating the holiday in recent years, so it's still at it's infancy stage, and yeah, mostly grown-ups celebrate it in bars and clubs.


    A Single Girl's Musings

  4. Looks amazing!! All of you look fantastic, love the costumes!! xx

  5. Your english is so good that I keep thinking that you live in the states and not Singapore! Great job on the last min. halloween costume, I love the spider web by your eyes! I may try that next year. Normally for work, I just play around with makeup too since I never want to dress all crazy for work =D Your friend's makeup is creepy too! reminds of me the movie The Grudge! hehe

    Thanks for the sweet comment on Kaylee, she is growing so fast! without her headband and hats, she DOES look like a boy! haha

  6. Jo, these pictures are SPECTACULAR! My jaw was on the floor! You and your friends had an amazing night. LOVE LOVE LOVED IT!!! I can't get over your makeup. That spider web on the side of your face, near your eye is WICKED. And oh my GOD you drinking "blood"! These pics were just great. Thanks for sharing your evening out. :D

  7. Oh my gosh...I love your look, Jo. Scary but beautiful if that makes sense. That outfit is just perfect. Halloween celebration in Bangkok is also the same way, mainly for adults and yes exclusively in pubs and bars.

    Glad you found that email, I was thinking my Gmail Thank you so much for your warm encouragement and support on my Etsy's journey.

  8. Okay so you all look amazing!! What an amazing time. I love your makeup, you look gorgeous yet still haunting which is perfect for Halloween. Edward Scissorhands is genius!! Can't wait for Part II!

  9. Wow you guys look amazing - you are so talented at makeup! Looks like you had an amazing Halloween :)

  10. That is an awesome make-up job! I especially love what you did with the spider web eye make-up! It's very impressive and the whole clan looked awesome!

  11. Wow babe love the costumes!! Glad to see that you guys had a ton of fun. I can't wait to spend Halloween next year in Sg :D

  12. awesome pics! looks like you had a great halloween
    i want a picture with edward scissorhand too

    style frontier

  13. Thanx all you lovelies for your comments and for sharing with me more on how Halloween is celebrated in your hometown.

    Have a great weekend.


  14. it look like you had lots of fun ^^ i wish i could go to parties like that. Yeah in Portugal there are some theme parties during halloween but everyone goes for "sexy" instead of bloody, crazy and funny. I think you were also sexy in a way but not the "obvious" sexy, if you know what I mean ^^ i also loved the nurse costume with that girl with the red glasses had aha, so adorable (even if she has no throat anymore LOL). did you make much money with the pictures people were taking of you? :P that's a smart deal, money for pictures! ;D

    lots of love * Monstros no Armário

  15. Lady Heather has such pretty hair! I'm surprised more people didn;t want to have theur pic taken with her. I'm glad she was there to handle the rude punks at the club. I hope they learned something.

  16. Sofia,
    I've always love to read your thoughtful comments. Thank you! Yeah, we did have fun for a last minute put-together. Not just in Portugal I suppose. It seems like many people here also treat Halloween like some fancy dress party. Seldom do people go sick or gory. I intend to go gory next year with those peeling skin like burnt victims or zombies but I heard of someone taking 3 hours just to do the skin on her neck. I'll see how it goes next year.

    The gal you were referring to is my bff. She's supposed to be a doctor and then changed her mind to a mad scientist with her motley creatures. Haha... I shall tell her she's just a nurse.

    Our smart deal didn't fall through. Nobody paid heed to our words. All these misers! lol


    Pretty hair? How do you define that? LOL... Yeah 2 passers-by also requested for individual pictures with Lady Heather. She so totally lost to Edward and Jester.

    The rude punks didn't learn anything. They allowed to be pushed, shoved and kicked at while still continuing to groove in drenched clothes. Urgh... Lady Heather feels sick thinking about it.

  17. I freaking love this post! All the pictures look disturbingly beautiful. I wish I did something fun like this for halloween.. maybe next year. *sighh*

  18. WOW! You guys did awesome on your makeup!

  19. i didn't go to a halloween party this year. :( i think we celebrate the actual halloween night pretty much the same way you guys there do. i wish i could have gone to a party. it would've been so much fun!!

    all the pictures look fun and you definitely rocked your costume. :)

  20. jenwoonani,
    Thank you for your lovely words, Jen. Yesh, now you just concentrate on your health and your bb ok?


    Thank you for leaving me a comment. I love to see newcomers and I hope to see you around more often. =)


    sugar sugar,
    Thank you for your lovely words! Ah... I like it that when you come by my blog after a long time of absence and leave comment on the few posts that you have missed. I think many SEA and also some Asian countries celebrate the same way too. You could take a plane to sg and join me for Halloween next year! lol

  21. you still look gorgeous with half of your makeup off. Again you did a great job.. wished I was that creative!! :P

  22. Nic Nic,
    Thanx for your lovely words. Haha... half of my make up off = Jo. Hence, thanx for saying I'm gorgeous. lol.

    Oh I do think you're very creative with experimenting with make up too.


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