Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Unfolding July's Folder -- The Trails

Updating the trails of what happened in July...

~*Farewell for our temp 小弟*~

Our combined gift for our 小弟. Presenting...

and the people






Boys do not seem to be able to follow instructions.



~*The hubby's turn to burn a hole in my pocket*~

The night before my hubby's birthday, we had dinner at Sushi Tei with my FIL. It was supposed to be a family affair but my 2 BIL couldn't make it in the end while my MIL decided that her Taiwan drama serial was more important than her son so it was just the 3 of us.


The birthday boy was really greedy and ordered everything he felt like eating while my FIL and I kept asking if he was able to finish all the food.

He did...

Well, almost. We "takeaway" the beef and mushroom dish for my MIL. My FIL wanted to instruct the waitress to pack the prawn for my MIL too when greedy kh casually reached out for the last prawn and devour it in a flash. He even helped me finish my salmon and roe rice.


We still had room for desserts!


I like macha green tea ice cream a lot more than black sesame but it was kh's call that night. Hence, we ordered the latter. For tangy flavours, I would always order the pineapple ice that looks uncannily like a real pineapple but tastes better than a real one without hurting the tongue.

After dinner, we had some time to shop. I spotted a shoe shop called Daphne with Taiwanese pop girl band S.H.E fronting the glass windows and decided to check out their shoes.


I've never seen this brand anywhere and asked the shop assistant if it was a new company. She replied that it is a popular line of shoes originating in Taiwan which produces comfortable shoes yet doesn't compromise on looks.


I was sold by what she said and by this pair.


When my eyes fell upon the shoe box with Rene Liu staring blankly at me, I can't help feeling amused.

Even the elegant Rene Liu endorses this brand? I was all the more convinced with my prudent buy.

I've always been buying my work shoes from the likes of Scholls and Clarks due to my feet problem. Everyone knows that comfort and beauty do not go hand in hand in the shoe department so you could visualise how ugly my work shoes are. Imagine my joy when this pair fitted my feet like Cinderella's glass slippers upon the first try. I walked and jumped in it too! It was comfortable and it paired well with my jeans. I did not walk like a klutz in them and kh gave this pair the thumbs up, saying that it looked better than my normal work shoes.

I was jubilant. Proud of the purchase I've made, I decided to go shopping the next day in this pair to test its comfort. More on that later!

The next day, I treated kh to Italian buffet at Basilico.


Great food! I love all the rosy sheets of cold cut hams! We ate and ate and ate for almost 2 hours.



Their desserts weren't too bad. Both the tangy and creamy ice creams were heavenly.


A champagne buffet was available too but we did not opt for that as we would not make our money's worth with the price tag that went along with the free flow of champagne.

After we had eaten our fill, I brought kh out for an all expenses paid shopping trip. It was really fun seeing him venture out of his fashion comfort zone. He's usually a regular polo and berms or jeans guy but that day, we bought casual blazer, colourful and loud berms, pants and footwear in psychedelic print.

Ok "psychedelic" was an exaggeration but what he bought was a huge a deflection from his usual style.

We bought apparels which covered him from head to toe and the hole in my pocket increased in diameter at an exponential rate.

5 paper bags full of apparels for him which gave him the passport to reclaim back his closet space from a sixth to a fifth of the space.


My only loot for the day -- Pedro bling bling slippers


[Start of rant]
To continue my shoe story, I would not have bought the slippers if not for the fact that the Daphne shoes almost killed me! My whole feet up till my knees turned all red that I could walk no more and had to buy footwear to change into. I was elated when I saw SALE signs plastered all over Pedro. I chose from their range of 50% off and headed for the cashier, only to be told that this pair was not on discount. It was placed a few millimetres away from the discount sticker range in the shelf and I had mistakenly thought it was on discount.

$40 for a replacement footwear was way too much but I was too embarrassed to put it back especially since I was already getting ready to pay at the cashier. Kh also told me not to bother too much as he thought the slippers were quite pretty.
[End of rant]

Mickey man!


The Mickey Mouse tee was one of the T-shirt he bought and changed into immediately just for fun. On normal occasions, he would not even take a second look at such childish print tee. FYI, the traditional Mickey Mouse in that trademark pose is a fashion statement ok? I recall DKNY manufacturing clothes with that Mickey Mouse pose a few years back. D&G recently saw Mickey and Minnie Mouse tees strutting down the runway. Since then, the Mickey fashion has been scampering up and down the fashion scene.


~*Halia Restaurant & Hair for Hope*~

On a resplendent Sunday morning --afternoon to be exact-- tif and I met up for a hearty brunch at Halia Restaurant before heading down to Vivocity to support xtina for her HFH campaign.


Lovely ambience

by day

& by night
[Photo credit: http://www.halia.com.sg/singapore/html/halia_restaurant.html]

I've since worked out a fondness for breakfast that is served till the afternoon. At Halia, brunch is served till 3pm. Perfect excuse not to skip breakfast for an insomniac like me!


There's every reason why breakfast is served till 3pm. With food so delicious, it's only right that it's made available for a longer duration. I took great satisfaction in their orange salad. On the other hand, tif who was suffering from severe famine did not take well to that, declaring that the acid was gnawing at the internal walls of her stomach.

I'd wanted to explore Botanical Gardens as the last time I was there was when I was a little girl. However, we were running late for xtina HFH event and had to leave.

We still managed to take some snapshots of the surroundings though.



A few months back, I've blogged about xtina's unwavering courage to sacrifice her hair in a bid to raise funds for charity.

I'll be including some photos of the event again in this post. To read more, click on the link in the paragraph before this.



After we parted ways with xtina, tif, zanne and I had peppery bak kut teh for dinner at the crowded food court and Häagen-Dazs for desserts and chats following that.


Cute little toddler from one half of a pair of twins melted tif's heart and she started playing with him for a while.



~*Random stuff in July*~

Sunset skies taken using my hp.


J poem from pris


Muffin with love from one of my fave student.


I adore this smart and well-behaved P6 boy a lot. Although I'm a little sad that he did not continue attending my sec 1 class, I was ecstatic when I found out that he scored 263 for his PSLE.

Good attitude and good results are two of the best gifts a student can give his or her a teacher.


  1. all that food made me hungry. yummmmmmmyyyyy! :D

    <3, Mimi

  2. Whoa, the food all looks great--I'm a big fan of gree tea ice cream.

    HFH is a wonderful charity and you're a good friend--and a gret wife. Dinner, clothes AND you gave up room in the closet??? Wow! =)

    But it seems sad your MIL would rather watch TV than go to her son's b-day. That's not right.

  3. PS - My dad was sort of like an army drill sergeant.

  4. hello, may i know which shopping did you get the 'Daphne' brand of shoe? Thanks =)

  5. I can't believe you're married, you look so young! Sounds like your hubs had a great bday - so much delicious food :)

    Btw thx for sharing your hair story! Hehe I don't think the wavy hair looked that bad at all!

  6. Mimi,

    Welcome here! Thanx for leaving me a note. =)



    Ooooohhhh! You are a fan of green tea ice cream??? I'm pleasantly surprised. I tot macha green tea is an acquired taste for any non Asian. I guess I generalised.

    Oh no worries about my MIL choosing TV over kh. Kh's parents are simple folks who are fine with not celebrating birthdays. They are also those who don't want us to buy gifts for them too. There is very little expectation. Over at his side, it's ok if the whole family isn't present while celebrating birthdays whereas over at my family side it's MUST for everyone to cancel all appointments to make time for dinner gatherings for birthdays and other special occasions.



    I got them from Thompson Plaza. So far, I haven't seen anyother outlets yet.
    Do leave a pseudonym for me to identify you by next time.



    I'm very much older than how I look. I'm an old lady. =D

    Yeah, I think the wavy hair looked fine but this should not happen after rebonding.


  7. LOL at boys cannot seem to follow instructions when taking pics.... INDEED!

    I don't know why but black sesame ice cream really calls to me now O_O *staring at the pic* maybe it's because I've been eating wayyy too much green tea ice cream ever since Haagen Dazs came out with that flavor XD what IS pineapple ice?!

    Lol have you seen SHE's "just be yourself" music vid? it's spammed with Daphne shoes XD that's how I found out about them lol. I'm sorry that the shoes didn't work out that well ='( I recently just bought a pair of black heels for interview/work too, they felt so comfortable and soft when trying out in store, but when I actually walked in them they almost killed me too :( the skin on my ankles started to peel off T_T but if I wear stockings then the shoes are fine.

    Did you know what was my first thought when I saw the Mickey Man pic? "Triad gone cute" XD hahaha shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    you're an elementary school teacher? =D ps. wow I didn't know there are examinations for elementary kids in Singapore when they graduate.... O_O

  8. Oh man!!! Can I please go your house and steal some green tea ice cream??? I'm craving for it like everyday. Not the creamy, milky kind but the bitter sweet macha green tea kind. I didn't knoe Haagen Dazs has it. I would assume it is the creamy kind? As for pineapple ice. I dunno the exact name of that dessert. It's those pineapple fruit lolly kinda texture and it tastes really tangy sweet like those canned pinapples. It looks just like the real canned pineapple too with the fibre lines. Absolutely refreshing!

    I went to view the video after reading this. At first I was wondering how you know the brand and then I saw the shoe box with "daphne" almost 3/4 way through the mv. Haha... Yes! They keep focusing on their feet and the different shoes they wore. So apamming! Yikes! I think you would just wear stockings with your work shoes and save you the agony of wincing during your interview.

    Triad gone CUTE??? Hahaha.... I WILL TELL! *Lalala*

    I'm not an official school teacher though I'm in the education line. I write English materials and sorta design the curriculum for the centre. How old are elementary kids? I teach primary and secondary levels. In Singapore, P1 to P6 is 7 to 12 years old while Sec1 to Sec4 is 13 to 16 years old.

  9. haha yeah HD has the sweet and creamy kind... not the bittersweet one >_< but I have mega sweet tooth so I like it :D not sure if you have Glaciers in Singapore? It's an ice cream shop here and it has green tea ice cream too and I tried it once, it has more of that bitter tea taste! Glaciers is supposed to use all natural ingredients too.

    Ohh I see. Cuz I had to wikipedia what PSLE is XD and it says it's an examination for primary school students before the students go on to secondary school. so I sort of assumed that primary school translates to elementary school. And since there are 6 years of elementary school in Taiwan I thought you meant P6 as 6th grade which is around 12 years old... so yeah it's pretty similar to Singapore???? but we didn't have to take a test to graduate from elementary/primary school O_O
    When you said you design curriculum for the center are you referring to something like department of education? :D

    PS: Lol I still have no clue what pineapple ice is XD if I ever see/try some I will let you know :D

  10. We don't have Glaciers here. =(

    From what you describe, it sounds like the education in years for Singapore and Taiwan is the same! Yup, there'sa major examination after P6 coz primary and secondary education is entirely different here.

    Yup, curriculum department/ education departement. You're right!


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