Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Wasn't Christmas just yesterday? It certainly didn't feel like one year had passed.

What a memorable Christmas 2009 was in NYC where we were all gathered here at Ronald MacDonald House for a Christmas lunch.

Such wonderful memories...


  1. :)

    I think it's snowing on your blog =DDD at first I was like what are these white little dots?? *laughs at myself*

  2. thanks hon,
    you too, hope you have a merry Christmas and you enjoy your holidays!
    all the best,

  3. Amazing....The points ya have added here really, really makes sense, more over they are humorous and they did click my funny bones...Awesome is the word that best suits this post..
    By the way..why dont ya add a like button, so that i can easily put like under each and every post of yours..

  4. deXtah,

    The santa-satan xmas list was actually extracted from a local magazine. I found it really hilarious and so posted it up. It's not written by me but I do appreciate your kind comments. Haha... Nah... I won't put up the "like" feature coz you wouldn't wanna go clicking "like" on all my posts or your finger could go numb. =)

    Thank you so much for leaving a note and have a great year ahead!

  5. Hope you enjoyed your holidays! And happy New Year's as well :D

  6. Copied and pasted from tagboard for remembrance:

    27 Dec 10 22:39
    Dex Cerpah
    Hi..Belated Merry Xmas and a happy new Year in advance. Keep posting. Ya post are really awesome and they always through larger than life kindda feelings. I really enjoy reading you.

    27 Dec 10 23:48
    Thank u!!! :) Your sweet words made my day! I've replied you on the post and on your blog so do check them.

    29 Dec 10 19:44
    Dex Cerpah
    Hi..Again..It is really nice of you to scribble such a lovely words in my blog. It was just so wonderful.Thanx again for your words..Looking forward to read more from you.REGARDS

    01 Jan 11 19:51
    :) Happy 1-1-11


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)