Sunday, October 10, 2010

Universal Studios Again!

Edited to add:

I dabbled around with html coding despite having 5% knowledge of it and am proud to have my menu bar tabs (the pink bar at the top of the page under my blog intro) working and leading to various pages. Do click around and let me know what you think. ;)


I've decided to take a break from updating the happenings in May where I left off. Since, I've already had my photos done up in collages and edited them for my colleagues on Facebook (and for the photo-taking competition), I shall write about how much fun I had at Universal Studios (again).

This year instead of organizing a D&D, the company took a different approach and organized a day out for us at the theme park. Hence, there I was at USS again at the end of September, barely 4 months after my previous trip there.

I've written quite a bit on USS and you can read more about it in the "happenings in May" link above. You have to scroll 1/4 way down the page though.

As usual, it would be an image heavy post so let the photos roll, shall we?

An obligatory shot with the "UNIVERSAL" globe but we could all see that the focus was on the pink vespa on shir's T shirt.


While waiting for the rest of our co-workers to arrive, my group decided to take some funny shots in and around the Hershey Shop.

I don't know why, but this photo reminds me of little cartoon mice trying to twist the bottle open.


More mice joined in... while mouse jo was relegated to being the "snapper" instead of the "drinker".


Hungry hungry mouse!


Nope, we didn't dine here. Celebrities did.


The popcorn thieves didn't quite succeed in stealing the popcorn.


I was trying to achieve an artistic backview shot of my group.


Behind the scene


Betty Boop store... I'd no idea why I didn't think of stepping into it for the 2nd time!


Kungfu Panda was such a hamsap lo. We were all ready to strike various kungfu poses and before we could get ready, it/he gave me such a huge, long bear hug and refused to let go! Initially, I thought it/he was being really warm and friendly. Then, I heard from my colleague from another group that it was very hamsap to them too. In the end, all we could do was to wallop Kunfu Panda.


Along the way, we were stalked by Frankie...


"Save us!" viv and I got caught by Frankie but somehow we're all in smiles.


We decided to explore Madagascar first.




Just as what the sign warned...


This group of colleagues were so happening and enthu in dressing! I called them the "rainbow brites". I wondered if people mistook them as mascots.


We visited the useless King Julien and took a spin in his merry go round. I didn't sit on it the other time round. It didn't have the magical carousel feel like those with horses, mirrors and glittering lights but I quite enjoyed the ride.



The 3 of us in front did not realise that viv took a video and was frantically trying to get us to turn back and wave.

Next, we trekked to Far Far Away land. Along the way, we saw Shrek and Fiona's swamp banished to the part just outside the entrace of FFA land.


In the queue for the Shrek 4D adventure.



At Fairy Godmother's Potion Shop...




Watched the Water World show again.


We went to Discovery Food Court at The Lost World for a lunch spread of local delights. Try the Hainanese chicken rice! The rice was fragrant and the chicken tender. Love the ice lemon tea that came in the potion bottle which zy got... at a price of cost, I mean of course.


Mean old T-rex reduced to bones...


But like the T-rex from Night at the Museum, it breathed to life!


Outside the Jurassic food court where we found 2 dinosaurs fighting over some eggs.


Is it just us in Singapore or do kids in other countries also love to play at every single fountain and shallow water bodies?

While queueing for the canopy flyer.


After that, we went for training sessions with our dinosaurs... not dragons... ignore my error in the picture.


The weather was so scorching hot that we decided to cool ourselves down at the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure. Depending on your luck, your position in the raft and your general feng shui, you could get really wet or remain as dry as a bone by the end of the ride.

The last time, kh and I got totally soaked to the bones. While sharing this experience with my group, pris mentioned that the last time she sat this ride with her family, she was totally dry. So the big question while waiting for our turn was:

Would I be the lucky one this time and pris the unlucky one or would it be that I would be unlucky once more and she lucky for the 2nd time?

I think I really had rain clouds showering misfortune on me wherever I went for I emerged the wettest during round 1. Pris was 2nd and viv was 3rd. rn, zy and sg was totally dry! No fair!

We went for round 2 since the group was all game for a second round, plus the queue was surprisingly short. For me, I refused to believe my ill luck and thought that if at the 3rd try, I still got wet, I would just resign myself to fate. Imagine our joy when the water came splashing at rn, zy and sg at the final 4m drop. We clapped out loud upon seeing that.

Enuff said, the picture below sums everything up.


Sci Fi City was so boring coz the most shiok ride Battlestar Galactica was still under maintenance. That's like so many months already!


The only ride there was the Accelerator which was boring for me but viv and shir made it fun by shouting our names at random to while the time away.


Where to next?


Along the streets of New York. Could you spot us?

A series of point everywhere and anywhere shots



camera film roll



I can't decide if the sepia or the faded old photo effect look more artistic. What do you think?

After viv's failed attempt at stealing the popcorn van earlier in the day, she tried to take on a yellow cab. She failed once more so we had to hail for the next cab and get ready to mug the driver.


Charlie Chaplin and his entourage


Next, we advanced to Hollywood.


The eng dept with our various hats

jo jo joker!


everyone with our hats




Watched Lights, Camera, Action! by Steven Spielberg


Marilyn by the manhole


Arrived at Ancient Egypt where we had to raise the death to the world of the living.


and also to take revenge on the mummy... I meant, to take the ride called Revenge of the Mummy.

Anubis, protector of the tombs



CK, Armani or DKNY underwear? Alamak... never wear!


Shrek and Fiona looked dazed.


There was practically no queue at the Enchanted Airways by the time it was evening. The queue was freaking long earlier in the day.

Cute dronkeys on th head and the tail of Donkey's wife by the name of... well, Dragon.


Puss-in-boots was frigging cute with all its antics. Such a cassanova with the ladies and a swashbuckling buddy with the guyz.

There was a good-looking couple in front of us in the queue. Puss pushed the guy aside, took the gal's hands in his paws and did a mock proposal on one bended knee. It was really hilarious.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Cyclops called. He wants his visor back.


Since we had $10 retail coupon each, we alternated between Fairy Godmother Potion Shop and Penguins Mercantile to figure out the best way to spend our $10.



I didn't see anything I wanted so I passed the coupons to viv who bought 2 gingys.

Gingy, meet Gingy.


Singapore boast the largest candy store in Asia. The flagship store is located in Dubai at 10000 square feet while the one here is the 2nd Candylicious store at 9ooo square feet. The saying "like little girls in a candy store" is apt to decribe us there.


Hand in hand we stand
Outside candyland


We had buffet dinner at the nearby Starz restaurant @ Hard Rock Hotel. The food wasn't too bad. Pity about the lack of variety though. The best part was the ice cream.


The 20th, 19th and 17th prize for the lucky draw came from our group. We all won $40 Takashimaya vouchers. That's pretty decent and we were all happy despite having won the lowest value of prizes in the draw.


We spotted a vintage car with dazzling insides outside the casino which ended our day with a bling.


  1. So many photos!!!Looks like such FUN time!

  2. OMG! I haven't been to USS since I was little and I have no idea it's changed so so so much!!! (or is it just Singapore?) I LOVE Shrek >_<

    RE: lol I have no idea... originally I was planning to be a gyaru since I don't get to wear crazy lashes at all XD but I kind of want to do something scary too :P I don't think I will be putting up any look... for one thing I'm really busy this month, for another there are just wayyy too many gurus out there who make amazing tutorials and I'm nowhere as good or creative :P

  3. what a long awesome post! gosh I wish I got to go to Universal Studios, oh it looks like so much fun!

  4. Thanks gal, for such a wonderful summary, 不愧是英文老师!~chocho

  5. Hello Jolene,
    So many photos ah but I will never get tired looking at them. I like to look at your updates full of photos. Very fun and cute photos from you and your friends. Good to hear that you are enjoying yourself.


  6. Mila,

    Thanx for your comment! I visited your link just now. Loving your style and all the models' and have saved your link under my fashion favourites!



    Haha... I dunno how much Universal Studios has changed coz it's new here in Singapore.

    You could be a dead gyaru! So you can still have that sweet sweet big doll eyes, fluttery lashes look but have bruises, cuts and blood too. Can save up on costume coz that's easy to dress and you would have no problem with the make up!



    Thanx for your comment! Love your unique fashion style!


    ¶ Michelle,

    It is fun! Do go there if you have it where you are.



    Haha... thank u dear! I was wondering if I should call you by chocho on this post or the short form name I used fo you in the end. Nice summary huh? The writing style nothing to do with 英文老师 what. In fact I spotted so many errors from falling asleep and typo due to insensitive keyboard. Hehe...



    *LoLz* Glad you haven't gotten tired with the image heavy entry. I hope the computer doesn't hang due to an overload of photos! I also love to look at websites and blogs with lots of photos but they usually take a bit more to load.


  7. RE:
    Yes I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm not kidding cuz seriously who checks my blog before they go to work >_< lol XD
    OMG I don't even know why it didn't even occur to me being a dead gyaru?!?!?!?!?! I think I want to do that =D now if I can get my hands on white foundation to make myself extra scary :D maybe a beaten up gyaru I don't know... heehee. Thanks for the advice! <3 How did heavy eyeliner/lashes turn out for you? :)

  8. You guys look like you had a great time! The picture quality is fantastic, thanks for sharing them with us^^

  9. Looks like a wonderful day. Will have to visit there someday. Great photos. :-)

  10. Frances,

    Haha... coz i was curious to see if you got halloween inspiration not. Let me know how your dead gyaru look goes. I took photo of my look but too amateurish to be posted. hee~




    Thank u! My pleasure. =)


    Sakie and Thomas Gantz,

    Thank you and thanks for following! =)

  11. Looked like so much fun! That reminds me how much I need a vacation! sigh....and i just went to florida like 3 months ago!

  12. hey you!!

    thanks for visiting my blog and actually leaving quite a long comment. I really appreciate your time hehe... to read through every word I wrote wow I owe you one <3 It's funny cuz I saw Girl Interrupted on sale at HMV later on and I was like "hey I met Winona last week!" LOL.

    Is this the singapore universal studios? Oh man I went to the one in Florida before... that and disneyworld was the craziest vacation I ever had. I'll never forget that week ever ever ever! You're gonna have to give me some time to sift through your posts but I've already flipped through a few pages. I can tell you careful edit everything before posting (like me)~~ Your life is so eventful O.O

    Actually many of my friends during university were from Singapore. Had a lot of good times hanging out with them and nice ppl overall :)

    I'm following. Keep updating and I hope to correspond with you again soon? Also you're absolutely gorgeous (just a compliment). Congratulations to you and the boy on wedding and everything wow. Take care now~

  13. wow you have sooo many photos. Must have spent a lot of time editing and compiling the photos. Kudos for the effort.

    thanks for sharing. you guys look great :)

  14. FashionableAsians,

    Everyone needs a good break every now and then. Hope you manage to go for your vacay soon!



    Thanx for leaving a long long sincere comment too. Absolutely love reading long comments. Haha... I love the way you write and express your thoughts with a dash of humour.

    Yup, this is in Singapore. I would love to visit the ones overseas to make a comparison. Heh... It's relatively small here since our land is so small but it's sg very first huge theme park so we're all pretty proud of it.

    My life SEEMS eventful probably due to the influx of photos. *LoLz* It's deceiving. I'm in fact an overworked soul who knows how to enjoy at every given opportunity. *Heh* And yes, I spent quite some time editing them. Gotta put them in collages if not, I would have too many individual photos to upload. After that, I experimented with some tools like tweaking the colour contrasts and adding certain effects that I got quite hooked to editing my pics since then.

    Glad to hear that you've got Singaporean frenz and that you like them. Have you been to Singapore before?

    Thanx for your compliments and I'll definitely check out your blog every now and then too.



    Thank u! Yup yup, I spent quite a lot of time editing but I can't quite quantify how much time coz I do it whenever I feel like it. It has since become a hobby. *LoLz* Such a waste of time right?

  15. Hello,

    There's a fashion style contest that my site is opening and was wondering if you are interested in joining or knowing any friends that would love to be a part of the contest.

    The contest will be held over our facebook page
    For contestants who gets the most votes will win our grand prize on receiving $100USD WM Style Coupon to shop on any items that they like in our store.

    For more information go to our website

    Thanks for reading!

    Best of luck,

  16. Hi may I know what is the thing around your waist? It it a belt? Look quite interesting.

  17. WM style/ Kitty,

    Is this contest international? I'll go have a look at your site now. =)



    I jjust replied you in detail on the other post that you left a comment so do check out that post.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)