Wednesday, October 13, 2010

外套 動力火車

I love songs when people other than the original singers could sing them well.

My company organized a singing compeition à la taiwan's 超級星光大道 and last night was the finals.

One of my colleagues manoeuvred his way around all the falsetto and sang a song which was meant to be a duet all on his own. He delivered it with such emotions that he got full marks and was crowned the winner of 2010.

I'm listening to this song over and over again while leaving my laptop on.

If a happily married person could listen to this song with such emotions, I wonder about all the singles and broken-hearteds in the world.


  1. Oh, I wish I could sing without croaking like a frog!

  2. Haha... it's ok. You could be the frog prince to your wife!

  3. Haha, yes, my wife's frog! LOL

    About my dad, he believed he carried the tv by himself. His memory was funny that way--always in his favor. =)


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