Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Pact

Before the hubby flew off for his detachment, I made a pact with him.

Both of us would have 3 weeks to regain our abs.

Don't look at us in mock shock just like our friends who would scream, "You are not fat lor!" or "[kh] is not fat at all!"

Yes, both of us look nowhere near fat. In fact, I've always been chided for being too skinny when deep down I know I'm NOT. Recently, we have become quite flabby and it started after marriage. We manage to conceal our flabs quite well underneath those clothes. ;P

This was how we looked in 2006 which was taken during our Bintan trip...

We used to look like that w/o hitting the gym. He achieved those washboard abs by doing his usual basketball, soccer and a little bit of running while I did crunches once in a blue moon. That explains why I looked more bloated than him but not too bad for someone who ate normally w/o much exercise except running around from work to various tuition venues, don't you agree?

At least I've still got a bit of abs after eating ok?

Right now?

He has got this beer belly due to his frequent drinking and his tummy never fails to look like a 3-month preggy tummy after eating a good meal. As for me, my flabs are always hanging out my used to be fitting but now insanely tight pants and jeans.

This was us in July this year after sucking in like mad, with our last full buffet meal a few hours before and after a ten-lap swim for him. The agony to achieve this!

(I made a mistake in the date. It's supposed to be July. I'm not quite sure what got into my head.)

The hubby's "divided nations" have since become "united nations" and after sucking in, he managed to redue the size of his 3-month preggy tummy while my look up there isn't quite the depiction of the real me.

Taken in June this year, here's how my actual tummy look like recently.

I'm not afraid to show my flabs as what xtina said was right -- A woman's round belly shows off her femininity and that itself is beautiful.

Um... I hope a woman's roundness in every part of her body shows off her femininity too. Those thighs and legs I'm always proud of are getting stumpier as well.

Check out how greedy and flabby I look in the photos below also taken in July this year.

Epitome of gluttony!

My bestie best frenz who knew me from skinny bitch days commented that I had chicken wings arms now. I kept wearing loose dresses that people thought I was pregnant. *LoLz*

We laughed over it of course. It's a refreshing change from the usual derogatory comments I get from people who dunno me well saying in such condescending tones that I'm too skinny and that I should eat more.

tsk tsk... If only they could see my sorry flabby state now.

Well... even though a real woman’s belly is one with all it’s glorious bends and curves, I really think I should work towards how I used to look.

I hope the hubby is working towards how he used to look too.

Wish us luck!


  1. Hi silviasiantar,

    Thank you dear. =)

  2. Hi Jo,

    I hope the virus passes quickly--I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. Medicine and sack time are both good.

    It's amazing that you read all of "mikey"!!! Thank you. He's not very popular, but I decided I should finish what I started anyway.

    It's nice for people to be supportive (and honest) saying that you and your hubby both look great, but I don't understand people who go the other way--telling people they are too skinny or calling them fat. I don't understand the need to criticize. Of course, if a friend's weight changes and they start to look sick, then it's good to ask if they're okay...but it shouldn't be criticism.

    Anyway, thank you again. Oh, and I go by Rick. Ricademus is a long story. =)

  3. Hi Rick,

    I've been sleeping so much that I'm much better, even went back to work for a while today but voice hasn't returned 100% yet. Thanx for your concern.

    Please be kind to Mikey and his mum. I can't help feeling worried for him. It seems like as he grows, he's getting angsty. =) I wonder if the plot is already set or would your plot actually change in view of readers' comments. LoLz

  4. you're so funny, dug up pics from 2006 for comparison. but anyway, you're still looking pretty good so no worries. :)

    though i guess, for most ladies, we always like to compare! i used to think i look more toned too, when i used to exercise. now, procrastination gets the better of me :(

  5. Thank you dear!

    Yes! We tend to compare especially if we know that we used to be able to achieve that in the past. =)


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