Thursday, August 26, 2010

Doing the mime thing again


I really really really hate myself.

I keep succumbing to the same illness all over again. It's not the usual URI but the flu virus instead. The symptoms however are more or less the same.

Lost my voice again... doing the same mime thing again... using a total of 8 boxes of tissue at home and in the office. There's so much to do yet all I can do is sleep.

I've always been getting such illnesses in the course of this job that I'm really upset and frustrated about it.

Maybe it's a sign...

A sign.


  1. Oh Jo, I'm so sorry this won't leave you alone. Maybe you're allergic to something in the office and it weakens your immune system. Allergies can trigger other problems. Maybe?

    Hope you feel better soon.

  2. oh no. Take care and have lots of water and rest. HUGS

  3. Dear all,

    Thanx so much for your concern. Voice not fully back. Still coughing and blowing nose but feeling a lot better.


    Hey do I know you? Remember to leave your name ya?


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